Worried and agitated, he took a cigarette out of his cigarette box and took a few puffs on the spot.

Until a cigarette burned out, he looked coldly at Ah Wei in the driver's seat, "why didn't you tell me what happened to her?"

Ah Wei was stared at by Jin Zichen. He was cold on his back and lowered his head. But he seemed to think of something. He raised his eyes and met Jin Zichen's cold eyes from the rearview mirror. "President Jin, you and Shao... Miss Qiao have divorced."

Ah Wei has witnessed the beginning and end of Jin Zichen's marriage with Qiao Siyu. He can't judge who is right or wrong in this marriage, but now they have come to this point. Miss Qiao has her own beloved, and president Jin has also married Chu Keke and has his own new family. He knows that president Jin still loves Miss Qiao in his heart, But he really didn't want to see president Jin suffer when he saw Miss Qiao's love with Li mochuan every time, so he didn't tell president Jin about it when he learned that Miss Qiao was injured this time, but it was no big deal.

Ah Wei's words made Jin Zichen stiff. His heart hurt as if he had been dug out and rolled twice in the ice and snow. Even his breathing became difficult. He pulled out another cigarette and lit it. A tired Jun's face was full of sadness.

Suddenly, the villa door was opened and two figures came out.

The man was wearing a black windbreaker and hugged the woman's shoulder with a spoiled face. The woman was wearing a pure white down jacket and snuggled up in the man's arms. The happy smile on her face was revealed without concealment.

The sweet and happy smile hurt Jin Zichen's heart. She never smiled like that in front of him.

The two people in the distance walked hand in hand. Haohao and white snow became their background. The warm and romantic scene made him extremely envious and jealous. It seemed that there was a time when they were still in college. When he pulled down his face and chased her, he would forcibly hold her hand on such a day. She would resist with a red face at first, but then she couldn't break away and accepted it reluctantly.

Those days were the most precious existence for him. He had been happy, sweet and romantic, but then they finally got married and couldn't go back to the past.

Looking at the two people moving away, Jin Zichen's eyes blurred

"Mr. Jin..." Ah Wei shouted worried.

Jin Zichen closed his eyes, collected his emotions, and forced back the tears that were about to burst into tears. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes. Just about to open his mouth, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was Chu Keke's call, Jin Zichen didn't know why. He directly pressed the hang up button, and then said to Ah Wei, "drive..."

Ah Wei nodded his hair and moved the car, but Chu Keke's phone called again and kept calling!

Jin Zichen frowned and connected the phone. Before he could speak, Chu Keke's panic voice came, "Zichen, where are you? Something big happened at home!"

The heart shrank suddenly, "what's the matter?"

"There are two policemen at home who say that mom is suspected of plotting to kill or hiring someone to kill. I want to arrest mom!"

"What!? coco, don't worry, stabilize them, I'll be there in a minute!"

"Well, well, you should come back quickly!"

Hanging up the phone, Jin Zichen looked a little ugly, "Ah Wei, speed up Jingtian community."


When Jin Zichen got home, the house was in a mess. The little preserved egg was crying in Chu Keke's arms. Wang Xiangling had been handcuffed, and Jin Yuandong kept explaining, "Comrade police, did you catch the wrong person? My wife is just a weak woman. She has no grievances with others. How can she plan to kill?"

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