Seemingly easy to get along with, it is actually a flower of kaolin, which no one dares to climb.

"Good morning, young master Shen." Lu Bo replied with a smile.

"Young master Shen is here to find the young master? Unfortunately, the young master left early in the morning."

"Really? Where have you been?" Shen Nan smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth and responded carelessly.

A pair of eyes that looked like the bright moon looked at the baby sitting quietly on the sofa not far away with a smile.

Lu Bo looked along his line of sight and calmly replied, "I should have gone to the company."

Then he shouted to the little baby on the sofa, "evening, aren't you hungry? Go to the kitchen to find your aunt Qiu."

"Late, late ~"

Without waiting for Lu tingwan to respond, Shen Nanzhi's soft voice sounded and read the title meaningfully.

It seems that I like it very much.

"Lubo, this child is..."

"Oh, it's my little granddaughter. She had been living in her hometown s city before. Her parents went abroad and asked me to take care of them. I picked them up and happened to go to school with Xiaobai." Lubo smiled.

"Oh, it's Lubo's granddaughter. I haven't heard of it before. I thought Lubo had a little grandson."

Shen Nanzhi smiled and looked at the baby on the sofa immersed in his world from beginning to end.

"The child has been in his hometown all the time. It's normal for young master Shen not to know." Lubo replied with a smile.

"No wonder the child is really cute."

He said, raised his steps and walked towards Lu tingwan.

A faint smell of sandalwood came, which made people feel very comfortable.

Shen Nanzhi sat down beside her, smiled and whispered, "are you late?"

Lu tingwan raised his head and looked at the gentle Shen Nanzhi beside him.

In fact, just when she heard the car ring, she looked up.

Just after seeing that the visitor was not Lu Yanxiu, she lowered her head and ignored it.

"Your eyes are really beautiful."

Clean, thorough and free from secular pollution.

"My name is Shen and my name is Nanzhi. Can you remember?" Shen Nanzhi tilted his head slightly and smiled at her.

When he said his name, he was afraid that she could not hear it clearly. He also accentuated his voice and enunciated clearly word by word.

This is a big brother who makes people feel comfortable in temperament, character and appearance, and wants to be close.

She looked at him and didn't respond.

He tentatively pulled her a small hand. She subconsciously resisted, but when she saw those smiling eyes, she relaxed again.

He gently held her small white hand in his palm and spread out her palm.

With the fingertips of temperature, she wrote carefully in her soft palm.

After the last stroke, he raised his eyes, smiled and asked, "do you remember now?"

Curled eyelashes flashed twice. She took back her little hand, looked at the palm of her hand, and then looked at him again.

"It seems to be remembered. It's really smart." he raised his hand and touched her little head.

"Master Shen, I'm afraid of strangers and don't like to talk at night. Don't mind." Lu Bo apologized.

"It's all right. I feel good."

Lubo smiled and nodded.

"Young master, I'm afraid I can't come back for a while. Young master Shen, if you have something important, I'll call and tell you."

"I don't have anything important. I just happened to pass by. Come in and have a seat. Uncle Lu, you don't need to greet me. Go and be busy if you have something. I'll sit with you later."

Shen Nan knew that the meaning in his words was obvious. He wanted to support him.

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