"Lu Yanxiu?"

"Lu Yanxiu?"

She called him and patted Lu Yanxiu's face. He just frowned painfully, but he didn't wake up.

She quickly got up and pressed the pager over the head of the bed.

Soon, doctors and nurses rushed to the ward.

"Doctor, he has a fever. Please show him."

"He fell into the river last night. It must be frozen."

The doctor took Lu Yanxiu's temperature and found that he had a fever of 39.7 degrees. He had a high fever and everyone was a little unconscious.

The doctor quickly prescribed him medicine and infusion.

When the body temperature slowly dropped behind, Lu tingwan began to apply a wet towel to his forehead.

At more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yanxiu woke up.

He looked at Lu tingwan, who was holding a towel with two hands by the bed and his small mouth pouted so high. He raised his hand and gently scraped the tip of her nose, opened his eyes powerlessly, smiled and asked, "what's the matter? Who makes you unhappy again?"

Lu listened to him late and asked unhappily, "how are you feeling?"

"It's all right." Lu Yanxiu answered, holding her small hand in his hand and clasping her palm with her fingertips.

"You're really old. You can't do it if you don't admit it. You fell into the river. I didn't catch a cold, but you have a fever. You're more hypocritical than me." Lu tingwan said.

"I'm not my age, but I was raised by you." Lu Yanxiu said unhappily.

"Hum." Lu tingwan took back his hand, changed the towel on his forehead, and then went to pour him a glass of water.

She wanted to pick him up and feed him, but Lu Yanxiu sat up and blocked her with his arm after receiving the water.

"Stay away from me so as not to infect you."

Lu Yanxiu finished saying that as soon as he was about to drink water, the water cup was robbed by Lu tingwan.

He didn't know, so he looked at Lu and listened to the evening. He saw that she had drunk a full mouthful and her cheeks were bulging.

Before she knew what she meant, Lu tingwan put the water cup down, put his hands around his face and put his mouth together.

With two grunts, the sweet water slid down his throat, and Lu Yanxiu's dry mouth immediately wetted.

He stretched out his hand to push her away, but Lu tingwan held him and continued to feed him the water in his mouth.

Finally, when she finished feeding, she raised her hand and wiped her mouth, and sat down in the chair with a successful face.

Lu Yanxiu looked at her and made a half noise. He said angrily, "you'll really catch a cold at that time. Don't cry with me."

"Hum." Lu listened to Wan hum.

Lu tingwan's health is not seriously affected. Lu Yanxiu has returned from his fever and will not continue to stay in the hospital. In the afternoon, Lu tingwan went through the discharge formalities and returned to Jingyuan.

After two days, Lu Yanxiu had a better cold. Lu tingwan followed him to the hospital to have a check-up.

The reexamination went well. The doctor said that Lu Yanxiu's injury and right ear recovered well, but after all, he had been rescued on the operating table twice and had to stay for another two or three months to recover completely.

Lu tingwan happily left the hospital with Lu Yanxiu, but he didn't know that two days later, Lu Yanxiu secretly went to the hospital again

For the time being, no coping medicine has been developed. Lu Yanxiu can only cooperate with the treatment and take drugs for muscle relaxation to slowly alleviate it.


Suddenly receiving a call, Chao Jiu hurried through the corridor and came to Lu Yanxiu's office. He knocked on the office door. Before Lu Yanxiu responded, he couldn't wait to open the door directly.

After locking the door, he took his mobile phone and walked quickly to Lu Yanxiu, with an excited look on his face.


Lu Yanxiu looked up at him.

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