Shen Nan knew that he didn't respond to him, but looked at Lu tingwan in his arms and whispered: "I've put the phone number I gave you. Keep it as if it were something in your hand. In this way, you can find me."

Ignoring Lu Yanxiu's cold eyes, he continued with a smile: "next time I'll bring you sugar, I'll go first."

He finished and walked away.

After taking a few steps, I suddenly remembered something and stopped.

Turning around, he said to Lu Yan, "by the way, yesterday was your birthday. Happy birthday."

Lu Yanxiu didn't respond, and he didn't stay much.

It was not cold in October, but Lu tingwan was inexplicably embarrassed.

She took back her eyes from Shen Nanzhi's back and turned to Lu Yanxiu.

But I saw his gloomy face.

Lu Yanxiu was inexplicably annoyed when he saw that Lu tingwan twisted two small eyebrows and looked at him. He had two attitudes towards him and Shen Nanzhi.

Put Lu tingwan on a few tables. As soon as he sat down on the sofa, he reached out to look through the only decorative pocket on her small skirt.

Lu tingwan hurriedly put a lollipop into his mouth and emptied a small hand to stop him, but he turned it out.

Lu Yanxiu pinched a small note with Shen Nanzhi's private phone in his hand. Seeing that Lu tingwan still wanted to stop him, he was even more angry.

Directly when landing late, he tore it up and threw it into the dustbin.

Lu tingwan was so angry that his small shoulders trembled with anger.

"How dare you stare at me?! stupid thing that doesn't distinguish good from bad!"

If he wasn't afraid of affecting her physical and mental health, he should take off Shen Nanzhi's hypocritical sheepskin and let her have a good look at how scary his true face is.

As soon as he received Lubo's call, he directly left what he was doing and rushed back. He was afraid that Shen Nan knew it would be bad for her.

She's good!

Seeing the lollipop in her mouth, Lu Yanxiu became more angry. He pinched her cheek and forced her to open her mouth.

The next second, the lollipop also went into the trash can.

"Little thing, you dare to eat what he gives, and you are not afraid of poison!"

She didn't eat what he gave, but she ate happily when Shen Nan knew it!

Lu tingwan's two small fists clenched tightly. His small face turned red and stared at Lu Yanxiu hard. It was unbearable.

"You are so annoying!"

The crisp little milk sound suddenly sounded, soft and waxy. It was clearly a scolding mixed with anger, but I couldn't hear any momentum.

It's just cute.

Lu Yanxiu and Chao Jiu were stunned.

The doctor on one side pushed his glasses, but some didn't respond.

Didn't you say you were frightened and wouldn't speak?

Isn't that good?

It's not only good, but also swearing ~

It's Lu Yanxiu who scolds

"It's not dumb. He can talk." Lu Yanxiu's face was black and calm, and his tone was a little cold.

I brought it back yesterday and now, the first sentence is to scold him for being annoying.

Or because Shen Nan knows that guy.

Yes, I can.

"Hum ~"

Lu listened to the night with an emotional hum. He didn't want to talk to him. He moved his small ass and stretched out his small feet to get down from several cases.

But Lu Yanxiu scolded: "sit down!"

She trembled with fear and looked up at him with panicked eyes.

"Remember that face just now, and dare to let me know that you have dealings with him. I'll feed you to the wolf."

"He came to me, not me. You don't dare to bully him. You know bullying children." Lu tingwan stared at him angrily.

Lu Yanxiu is happy.

Angry and happy.

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