"Why are you so nervous? I just said I saw you just came here. I didn't say what you did, let alone that you poured the water." Bai Feifei lifted her hair and looked at the man.

That was a photographer. He was very easy to get along with the crew of Chen feiyuan for the first time. At least it seems so.

But at the moment, people don't think so. Just now producer Xu asked if anyone had been here. He clearly had been here. No matter what he came to do, he didn't say a word.

That film is the painstaking efforts of everyone for several days. At present, everyone is very angry. Even if it is a suspect, they will be spit in a circle.

"What do you mean by that? Don't doubt what I am?" Lin Yonghao asked.

"It can be big or small, you can think about it." Lu Sangyu's agent reminded Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei looked at her and could not feel that she was warning her, but she was fearless.

"Bai Feifei never tells lies, not to mention why I tell lies? I don't know Lu tingwan very well. I need to wronged people for her. I did see you here. I didn't see what you were doing at that time, but your behavior... Doesn't seem to be adjusting the camera."

"Don't spit out blood just because you are a star." the man was excited, and the look on his face couldn't tell whether it was a sign of guilt or wronged anger.

Lu listens to the night and says, "is she talking about people? Check and see if she knows."

She finished and looked at Chen feiyuan: "Director Chen, no matter whether the water bottle was knocked over unintentionally or maliciously, the loss is not small. Now this situation is not just about the size of the loss. I suggest calling the police. Lin photography said that he came here to adjust the camera. Since he adjusted the camera, it must leave fingerprints. There are several cameras here. No one will move except a few photographers. Lin photography has just adjusted it, There must be his fingerprints on it. Let the police check which cameras Lin's photography adjusted. "

Lu listens to Wan's mouth and doesn't know whether it's unintentional or malicious. In fact, she already feels, or even affirms that someone is deliberately targeting her. After all, the water bottle has no feet and it won't move.

If the photographer accidentally knocked it over, why didn't he help her up? And even if she was sleepy, she wouldn't sleep until she couldn't hear the water bottle overturned, unless it wasn't accidentally knocked over at all, but was put down.

She just didn't understand that she had no enemies with the photographer, and even didn't know each other. Why did he frame her like this?

Lu tingwan spoke. Chen feiyuan couldn't disagree, and it really needs to be found out. If he doesn't find out, Lu tingwan will carry the pot. Lu tingwan will carry the pot, and he will be finished.

Chen feiyuan immediately took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the police.

"You can't do this to me." the photographer panicked.

"Lin photography, no one wronged you. I'm also suspected. No one wants to carry this pot. Whether it's the fault caused by carelessness or not, it should be found out, give everyone an explanation, and also clear ourselves." Lu tingwan noticed his flustered look and took the opportunity to ask, "you just said you adjusted the camera. I don't know which one you adjusted?"

Lin photography was wronged and excited: "aren't you checking the fingerprints on the camera just checking me? You're just doubting me! You just think I'm a photography bully."

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