Sheng Qingyuan was slightly stunned. He looked at Lu and listened to the fear and uneasiness in her eyes. He seemed to know what she meant by "don't go".

Sheng Qingyuan was silent for a moment, then smiled and reached out to touch Lu tingwan's head and said, "grandpa doesn't go. Where does grandpa go, silly boy, grandpa is here with you and won't go anywhere."

"Sleep." Sheng Qingyuan smiled and patted the back of her hand.

Sheng Qingyuan's words calmed Lu tingwan's heart. Just at that moment, she was suddenly very afraid.

I'm afraid Grandpa will leave her very early. He may arrive early one day soon.

Lu didn't want to sleep at night, so she looked at Sheng Qingyuan. Sheng Qingyuan asked her to close her eyes before she closed it.

During this time, she has not been able to have a good rest. She filmed all day yesterday and came back by plane all night. Her body can't stand it. She wants to rest and doesn't want to.

For a while, I didn't hear grandpa coughing again. Lu tingwan's heart relaxed slowly.

She didn't know how she fell asleep, and seemed to sleep for a long time until she was haunted by nightmares, and she was awakened from nightmares.

"Lu listens late?"

"Lu listens late."

Lu tingwan suddenly opened his eyes, sweating profusely. He stared at Lu Yanxiu, who was nervous by the bed. His eyes were frightened. Tears fell out of control from the corners of his eyes, mixed with sweat into his hair room.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yanxiu looked at the tears from the corners of her eyes. He was even more nervous and worried, and followed close to her.

She looked at Lu Yanxiu as if she had recovered from her panic, but she didn't. She just got up slightly and put her hand around Lu Yanxiu's neck. Her cold little face pasted on his side face.

Lu Yanxiu leaned down and let her hold her. One hand covered the back of her brain. The other hand touched her sweat soaked hair and asked her softly, "have you had a nightmare?"

"Well," she answered, still in panic.

"I dreamed that grandpa didn't come back. I couldn't find him."

As she spoke, her tears flowed out again, and her pale little face was covered with sweat.

"Fool, all dreams are reversed. Grandpa has come back well, just downstairs." Lu Yanxiu coaxed.

Lu tingwan: "HMM."

Lu Yanxiu: "not afraid."

After a while, Lu tingwan was relieved from the fear of the nightmare. She asked Lu Yanxiu, "Why are you here?"

"You also asked, why didn't you tell me when you came back? Grandpa called and told me." Lu Yanxiu complained.

Lu tingwan slightly let go of him and slept back on the pillow, but his arm was still around his neck.

Lu Yanxiu followed close, wiped the sweat on her forehead and asked her, "what's the matter?"

Lu tingwan looked at him, put his hand around his neck and made him closer to himself. Then he let go of his neck, put his hands on his face, and then kissed his face and lips.

Lu Yanxiu quickly turned passive into active, followed by kissing Lu, listened to his pale face and lips, and coaxed, "it's all right, it's just a nightmare."

"Lu Yanxiu, I don't like filming anymore." Lu tingwan suddenly told him.

"What's the matter? Don't you like it very much?" Lu Yanxiu felt that Lu tingnight's mood was wrong. Filming was something she had to insist on in the cold war with him for several days, but now she suddenly said she didn't like it. It hasn't been like this since childhood.

"Did someone bully you in the crew?" he asked.

Lu tingwan didn't speak, just looked into his eyes.

Not for this reason, Lu Yanxiu asked, "do you still feel too tired to do this?"

Before he went to see it, he hung up and down like that. He had to recite his lines and learn to play. He also knew that they had to get up and dress up before dawn in the morning. He was really tired.

"If you're tired, take a rest. You don't have to support your family. What are you busy with?"

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