"It's quite serious. It's making a lot of noise. I've been investigating it, but the media has been taking the rhythm. Now those people on the Internet blame miss wanwan for it. Now they all scold miss wanwan on the Internet, which is particularly ugly. They also shout to her to quit the entertainment circle. Some fans even go to school to expel miss wanwan. Miss wanwan's name is Su Li My friend was almost harassed by fans. Yesterday she came to Jingyuan to find Miss wanwan, not only Su Li, but also those people criticized the relationship between Mr. Xiao and miss wanwan. "

Chao Jiuyi told Lu Yanxiu the story and turned over the relevant reports to him.

"This is obviously a team operation and skillful technique. The other party obviously maliciously targeted miss wanwan, and suddenly burst out so many photos of miss wanwan and Tang on the set. It is obviously premeditated."

"I found out that these were related to a woman named Xue Lingling, the agent of the first woman who filmed with Miss Wan Wan. She anonymously disclosed those things on the Internet to the media, and she bought the water army with rhythm on the Internet. It's not sure whether the film has anything to do with her, but I don't think it's gone."

"It's too much trouble to deal with, and I can't get in touch with you all the time, so I can only keep things down as much as possible. If I directly find those media to put pressure on and completely cancel all reports, this will only lead to the fact that miss wanwan has a financial owner. Miss wanwan's identity and your relationship have been kept confidential, so I can't make up my mind, I'm afraid I can't deal with Miss wanwan well Will be angry, so...... "Chao Jiu looked at Lu Yanxiu's face with some guilt.

"So these things are still hanging on the Internet... What do you want to do? I'll do it right away."

"Did grandpa Sheng look for it late?" Lu Yanxiu asked.

"No, I've been to Jiang prison. Jiang prison told the old man that miss wanwan is busy working these days. The old man is just getting worse these days. I'm afraid miss wanwan is worried, so I didn't find Miss wanwan. I don't know what's on the Internet."

No wonder Lu Ting didn't go back three days late. The old man didn't come to find anyone and didn't call him.

Lu Yanxiu then returned the mobile phone to Chao Jiu, slightly raised his chin and motioned to Chao Jiu to look at the mobile phone screen.

"Find some media to re report this report to me several times, let them give full play and lead the attention to it." Lu Yanxiu ordered.

Chao Jiu looked at this report. Some didn't understand Lu Yanxiu's meaning and asked, "is it a direct disclosure of your identity and the relationship between miss wanwan?"

This report is the intimate photo of Lu tingwan and the mysterious man, and the rich man beside Lu tingwan.

That is Lu Yanxiu.

"No, just follow the report written on it," Lu Yanxiu said.

"Ah? That's not... It's really a matter for Miss wan to be near the childe?" Chao Jiu didn't understand the operation.

"Let you do it."

"Yes, I'll do it right away." Chao Jiu can only answer.

"Go and catch an executive director surnamed Huang in their crew first."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"That bastard's medicine, I'll kill him."

If Lu Yanxiu dares to listen to the idea of late, he will not be surnamed Lu if he doesn't die.

If he didn't go to the green killing banquet or left first, Lu would drink the wine later. Lu Yanxiu didn't dare to think about what happened later.

Chao Jiudu almost forgot that Lu tingwan was almost drugged.

"By the way, I can't get in touch with you at the old house. I called home." Chao Jiu thought of it.

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