After a while, those things piled up on a piece of land.

The little ear ran around excitedly, probably thinking that those things were bought for it.

"Yanxiu, are these?" Sheng Qingyuan asked Lu Yanxiu.

"Bride price, I'll propose marriage," said Lu Yanxiu. His eyes followed Lu tingwan, who came down the stairs and was standing at the entrance of the stairs.

Lu tingwan looked away, a little hiding from his eyes.

"It's really inappropriate to propose and get engaged without your consent. At that time, there was no preparation for any ceremony. She was wronged by a ring. You came to my Lu's house in person the other day. As a man, I can't afford less etiquette. It's necessary to propose and hire."

Hearing Lu Yanxiu's words, Sheng Qingyuan smiled and was very happy. He even said three good words.

He happily patted Lu Yanxiu on the arm: "Grandpa really didn't read you wrong. He's a good child."

"Now, grandpa is completely relieved."

Sheng Qingyuan turned to call Lu tingwan: "late, come here."

Lu listened late and looked at Lu Yanxiu. He hesitated for two steps before he walked over.

"I'll propose marriage, hire you and pay back the proposal ceremony that day." Lu Yanxiu held the flowers in his hand to her.

Lu tingwan reached out to pick it up.

Jiang prison, sitting on the sofa, took a look at them, put away his mobile phone, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Smelly boy, where are you going?" Sheng Qingyuan asked immediately.

"There is a cooperation." Jiang Gaotou did not return.

"What cooperation?! didn't you see such a big event and so many people? Come back." Sheng Qingyuan called.

The River prison is gone.

Lu tingwan raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yanxiu.

"You... Are preparing these these two days?"

On the first day, Lu Yanxiu sent her a message. She didn't return. She called her and she didn't want to answer.

The next day he didn't look for her again. There was nothing on the SMS phone.

She thought they were going to have a cold war again, which may be caused by emotions. In addition, she was worried about Grandpa's body. She even imagined that the contradiction between them would become more and more serious, and even imagined that they might quarrel for the first time in their life. As a result, she didn't expect him to bring these things today.

She has been worried these two days.

"I've been preparing for a long time," Lu Yanxiu said.

"Prepared for a long time?" Lu tingwan looked at him.

"A lot of things have been figured out for a long time. I just went to buy them back these days," he explained.

"If I hadn't been afraid of being too abrupt, I would have wanted to go with the bride price as early as Grandpa knew about us and asked me to go to Nancheng." Lu Yanxiu said.

Lu tingwan asked, "did you buy all these things?"

"Mostly, in addition to the three books and six rites, which are necessary for marriage promotion, I also bought some that you will like."

Lu tingwan looked at the roses in his arms and smiled without saying anything.

"Come and sit here. Don't take anything in your hands." Sheng Qingyuan happily asked them to sit down.

Lu listens to Su Li and whispers to her, "Why are you here?"

Su Li also whispered back to her: "Mr. Lu said to let me be a witness."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? I would have washed my face and put on lipstick."

"Mr. Lu said he would surprise you. Don't let me tell you."

"You're with him, with me?"

"Of course it's with you."

Sheng Qingyuan left several people for lunch. When he left the dining room, Lu Yanxiu found a chance to pull Lu tingwan away.

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