"Just because of a cold?"

Lu listens to the night and asks the man uneasily. Sheng Qingyuan has no bottom in her heart.

"Let's observe for two days. First help Grandpa Sheng up to rest and lie down. I'll fill him with medicine." the man said and stood up.

Lu tingwan looked at him and Sheng Qingyuan. He had no choice but to listen to him and let him give grandpa an infusion first.

A Tang helps Lu tingwan to help the old man upstairs, return to his room and put him in bed.

Before long, the man gave the old man liquid.

The man turned and winked at Jiang prison. Then Jiang prison went out of the room, and the man followed him out.

On the corridor outside the room, Jiang prison asked, "how's the old man?"

The man shook his head and looked dignified: "I'm afraid it's just these days. It's the limit."

Jiang prison was shocked and couldn't believe looking at the man.

There was a silence in the corridor. Jiang prison didn't make a sound for a long time, so he stood still.

Lu didn't come back until he appeared late.

When the man saw Lu coming out late, he pretended to be okay and went back to his room.

Lu tingwan looked at the man who had left, and then went to Jiang prison.

Jiang prison's bad look made her uneasy.

"What did the doctor tell you? Did he tell you about my grandpa's illness? What's the matter with my grandpa? It's really just a cold? Who is the doctor? Do you know him?"

Okay, why are you so familiar with the doctor? When did you meet the doctor? Why doesn't she know?

Jiang prison looked at worried Lu tingwan and thought that Sheng Qingyuan had just put his hand on the back of the doctor's hand and told him not to say.

If he tells Lu tingwan now, the old man will be here for a few days. Does she have to cry all these days?

When the old man saw her cry, did he have to suffer more in the next few days?

But if he doesn't let her prepare in advance, can she stand it all at once when the real day comes?

Seeing Jiang prison staring at him, but not talking, Lu tingwan thought he was hiding something from himself.

When she was about to ask him again, Jiang prison told her: "his name is John, a friend in Europe, doctor of medical school. He just returned home. He saw the old man's cold some time ago."

Jiang prison didn't say it was all. The old man fell ill more than three months ago. The cold was indeed the disease seen by Dr. John, but it was not such a coincidence that he returned home.

But soon after they returned home, Dr. John was called back by Jiang prison, but Lu tingwan didn't know.

He is Sheng Qingyuan's doctor. He has been taking care of Sheng Qingyuan's body in recent years. The old man was ill. During Lu tingwan's filming outside, he stayed here for some time to take care of the old man.

Later, Lu tingwan came back. In order not to let Lu tingwan know that Sheng Qingyuan had such a doctor, Jiang prison arranged another residence for him outside.

After receiving Lu tingwan's call, he went to pick up people.

"What's the matter with my grandpa? Is it serious? Would it be better to lose the liquid?" Lu tingwan asked again.

"John said, first lose the liquid for two days and observe the situation." Jiang prison did not comfort Lu as Sheng Qingyuan did, nor could he deceive him as Sheng Qingyuan did.

Because Sheng Qingyuan really can't make it this time.

Just these days, can he still say "nothing"?

Jiang prison's words sank Lu tingwan's heart.

After Lu Yanxiu learned about it, he rushed over immediately.

After Lu Yanxiu came, Jiang prison left. I don't know where he went.

John looked at Zheng'an, comforted Lu Yanxiu and prepared to leave the room.

Just about to leave, he noticed that Lu Yanxiu's hand hanging on his side was shaking uncontrollably.

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