One day today, Lu tingwan was too frightened and frightened. Looking at Lu tingwan at this moment, Qin Su can fully understand why Jiang prison kept it from her and dared not tell her.

In order to prevent Lu tingwan from going on like this, Qin Su can only arrange something for her to take good care of the feverish old man for fear that a stick will kill her.

Hearing Dr. Qin's words, Lu tingwan immediately cheered up and took good care of his grandfather.

Late at night, the old man who took the medicine fell asleep.

Lu tingwan held his hand and stayed by the bed. He refused to go away. From time to time, he twisted a towel to put his forehead on the old man to cool him down.

Lu Yanxiu asked Chao Jiu to bring the food.

"It's very late. You haven't eaten all day. I asked Chao Jiu to get the food. You can eat some." Lu Yanxiu asked Lu tingwan to have dinner.

"I'm not hungry." Lu tingwan didn't look up.

Lu Yanxiu squats down and wants to separate her hand from the old man's hand. He wants to pull her to dinner, but Lu tingwan doesn't let go.

"How can you take care of grandpa when you are so hungry? Grandpa just remembered that you didn't eat. He always said to let you eat. If you don't eat, Grandpa will know how painful it is tomorrow."

Lu didn't respond, so he stared at Sheng Qingyuan.

"Be obedient, go to eat, and take care of grandpa after eating, okay?" Lu Yanxiu patiently advised her.

Lu listened to the evening and returned to him with some annoyance: "I'm really not hungry and don't want to eat. I'm not in the mood. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

With that, she didn't want to talk anymore.

Lu Yanxiu had no choice but to accompany her.

The room was very quiet. Jiang prison came twice, each time with a smell of wine, which was particularly obvious.

Without speaking, he looked at Sheng Qingyuan. He stood far away and didn't come near. After reading it, he went away again.

This night, very quiet, but not calm.

At dawn, Lu tingwan leaned against the bed and fell asleep.

"Lu listens late?"

"Lu listens late?"

I don't know how long it took. I vaguely heard Lu Yanxiu call her. Lu tingwan woke up and found that it was already dawn.

"Go wash your face. I'll take breakfast and have a drink later. After drinking, I'll take care of Grandpa and be obedient." Lu Yanxiu whispered to her.

Lu tingwan saw his grandfather who was still asleep on the doctor's bed, finally let go of his hand and stood up from the chair. Lu Yanxiu got up and helped her up.

Lu tingwan went to brush his teeth, wash his face and have breakfast.

She has no appetite. Even if she is really hungry, she has no appetite and doesn't want to eat, but she has to take care of her grandfather and eat.

"I'll go to Dr. John." after breakfast, Lu tingwan will go to Dr. John to see Grandpa.

"I'll go." Lu Yanxiu stopped her and went by herself.

Qin Su came to check the old man. The old man was still burning. Although it was not high, it was also worrying.

For two days in a row, the old man lay in bed and gave some liquid every day. Dr. John said it was medicine. Lu tingwan had no doubt.

But in fact, it is not a medicine, but some nutrient solution and glucose, just to appease Lu tingwan.

These two days, Lu Ting stayed by his bed all night and refused to go anywhere. When he was sleepy, he slept by his bed. It's no use crying.

When Sheng Qingyuan woke up, he talked with him and fed him some porridge and water.

Sheng Qingyuan can only eat some liquid and semi liquid food now, but also eat very little, which makes Lu Ting on the verge of collapse at night.

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