"Late, you ask him to come back quickly. It's late. Let him come back with you, or grandpa won't rest assured."

"He'll be back later." afraid of Grandpa's cold heart, Lu didn't talk about Lu Yanxiu's business trip, and didn't realize that the old man suddenly asked Lu Yanxiu and said these words.

Hearing that Lu Yanxiu would be back later, Sheng Qingyuan was relieved.

He took them to dinner.

I don't know if I've been shopping all morning and all afternoon. Sheng Qingyuan, who was just in spirit, didn't have much spirit at dinner, and didn't eat much at noon and breakfast.

Lu tingwan became an old man at the beginning of his serious illness. He just didn't have a good rest today, so he lost his spirit.

So after dinner, Lu tingwan took the old man upstairs and gave him medicine.

She wanted him to go to bed and go to bed early, because she felt his hands were very cold, and the whole person should be cold, so she wanted him to go to bed and warm up, and turned up the air conditioner in the room.

However, Sheng Qingyuan refused to sleep. He said that Lu tingnight had never had a good rest in order to take care of him these days. Then he pulled her to her room and asked her to take a good bath and then have a good sleep.

But grandpa's Lu tingwan had to take a bath.

Because grandpa was well, Lu tingnight, who had been frightened for several days, cried and laughed while taking a bath.

When Lu tingwan came out after taking a bath, he saw Sheng Qingyuan sitting on the sofa, holding something in his hand and looking at it quietly with his head down.

She walked over and saw that it was a picture of her when she was a child.

That's the one Sheng Qingyuan chose from the pile of photos Lu Yanxiu took for her. She smiles the most. He always carries it close to her, every day.

Seeing Lu listening out late, Sheng Qingyuan immediately looked at her with a smile, and then put the picture back in the pocket on his chest.

Sheng Qingyuan took a hair dryer to blow Lu tingwan's hair. He remembered that he helped Lu tingwan blow her hair when she was a child.

He told Lu Wan to listen and asked her if she remembered.

After blowing her hair, Sheng Qingyuan asked Lu Ting to lie in bed at night and let her have a good rest. He took a chair with a back and sat by the bed with her.

Lu tingwan refused, but Sheng Qingyuan insisted.

"I fell asleep at that moment. Grandpa, you go back to your room." Lu tingwan hopes he can have a good rest.

Sheng Qingyuan promised her that Lu tingwan would lie down at ease.

Ye and sun looked at each other speechless, but they were full of smiles. Lu listened to the night with joy, but Sheng Qingyuan was sad alone.

Lu listens to the night and looks at it. He reaches out and grabs Sheng Qingyuan's hand. His hand is very cold and has no temperature.

"Grandpa, are you cold?" Lu tingwan asked.

The air conditioner has been turned up so high that she feels hot.

"Grandpa is not cold, grandpa is still hot, but his hands are cold."

"Go to sleep. Grandpa will tell you stories about the little prince he told you when he was a child."

She's really tired these days, not only physically, but also mentally. In addition, she has great joy and sorrow on this day, so Lu listens to the night. As soon as she lies down, her eyelids begin to fail.

But the fear of the past few days made her still have lingering palpitations and didn't dare to sleep. She held her eyelids and looked at Grandpa's smiling face. She thought of Grandpa and was still happy.

Lu tingwan, who couldn't bear it, slowly closed his eyes and listened to Grandpa's voice. Lu tingwan had a lot of good night.

She once again told Sheng Qingyuan to go back to her room to have a rest when she fell asleep.

Sheng Qingyuan promised her with a smile.

Grandpa's smiling face blurred little by little. Before Sheng Qingyuan finished the story, Lu listened to the night and fell asleep, holding Sheng Qingyuan's cold hand in one hand.

Outside the room, the figure of Jiang prison hovered uneasily.

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