Downstairs in the hall, the Jiang family and the Xiao family stood together.

They all wore black armbands on their arms and black clothes.

On weekdays, mother Xiao and mother Jiang, who are exquisitely dressed and wear gold and silver, took off all their jewelry and didn't wear anything.

At a glance, it was solemn, heavy and sad.

Sheng Qingyuan's body was carried into the coffin, and the sound of long nails sealing the coffin came to his ears.

It rang in the hall.

Lu tingwan's eyes were white. He couldn't see or hear anything except the harsh sound of nailing the coffin.

Across the distance of several people, Lu Yanxiu stared at the shaky Lu tingwan, but he didn't dare to come forward to help her.

Jiang prison looked at Lu tingwan beside him.

Jiang's eyes also fell on Lu tingwan.

The rain outside was heavy and the sound of nailing the coffin for a long time. Lu was dizzy and couldn't hold it. Finally, he stopped.

Her eyes focused for a long time. Lu Ting saw the sealed coffin late. Her legs softened and she almost fell.

She looked at the coffin containing her grandfather's body. Her brain was empty and couldn't think of anything.

I just feel flustered, weak and out of breath.

Jiang prison sent Sheng Qingyuan's portrait to her. Lu tingwan trembled and held the portrait in his arms.

Jiang prison: "let's go."

The coffin was lifted and the funeral procession set out.

Lu tingwan followed him blankly.

It rained heavily. Without waiting for others to give her an umbrella, Lu tingnight, who left the villa, walked directly into the rain.

Her eyes were so dull that she didn't notice the steps under her feet. She stepped on the air with her soft legs.

As soon as Lu Yanxiu's heart tightened, he was about to rush over. As soon as he made an action, he saw that the Jiang prison behind her held her in time.

Jiang prison took the black umbrella from ah Tang's hand, then took him on the shoulder and took her down the steps.

A Tang looked at Jiang prison's move. His first reaction was to turn around and see Lu Yanxiu who fell behind. Sure enough, Lu Yanxiu looked dignified. It seemed that he was about to spit blood.

Looking at Lu tingwan, who was taken by Jiang prison on his shoulder, Lu Yanxiu had bursts of dull pain in his heart, his back teeth hurt, and his pale face tightened tightly.

Lu Yanxiu, who was already ill, was even more difficult to walk.

Seeing this, Xiao let Lu Yanxiu go, immediately took the umbrella of the bodyguard next to him and ran to the two people under the umbrella.

As like as two peas, he saw two people in front of the umbrella. He responded exactly like the one in the Tang Dynasty.

Looking at the hand of Jiang prison on Lu tingwan's shoulder, Jiang couldn't help thinking that Jiang prison advised him not to like Lu tingwan last night so as not to ask for trouble.

Xiao Zhi came to Lu tingwan with an umbrella.

"Mr. Jiang, I want you to take charge of the overall situation later. I'd better take care of it later." he said directly to Jiang prison.


Jiang prison turned him down without stopping.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm engaged tonight. Is it bad for her reputation to let outsiders see your behavior?"

Jiang prison turned his head and looked at the Xiao holder, but said, "outsiders? Your Xiao family or my Jiang family?"

They are the only people on the scene. What outsiders are there?

Xiao Zhi choked. He couldn't make a mountain out of a molehill. Instead, he saw Lu tingwan lose his mind and turn a deaf ear to their conversation. Xiao Zhi had nothing to say.

The burial place is not far away. The Sheng family has its own cemetery, just behind the Sheng family manor.

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