Chen feiyuan outside the operating room looked at the closed door of the operating room. He was so anxious that his brain was blank and turned around outside. He kept wiping sweat in the cold day, and his bloody hands were shaking slightly.

These days, Lu tingwan hung Weiya every time, but it was this time. This time, he didn't check, so there was an accident.

The thought of falling from such a high place, breaking his head and bleeding, made Chen feiyuan unconscious. Chen feiyuan was afraid for a while.


A cafe

"It's rare for you to buy me coffee when you're free." producer Xu Shaoyang laughed and joked.

"Uncle Xu, it's rare for a busy man to come and have coffee with me." Jiang said with a smile.

"This mouth is very poor." Xu Shaoyang was in a good mood. While drinking coffee, he asked, "are you ready to shoot again? Do you want to invite me to participate?"

"It depends on whether Uncle Xu has time."

"That's right. If you want to make a film, I have to push you even if I have a big job on hand."

"Thank you, Uncle Xu."

"Really? What kind of play?" Xu Shaoyang heard it, but he didn't expect Jiang Jilai to be true.

"No, no, I'm writing a new song recently. I don't shoot."

"If you don't have a script, just say it."

"It's not about the script. I came to Uncle Xu today. In fact, I want Uncle Xu's help."

"Ask me for help? It's rare. It's even more rare." Xu Shaoyang looked strange.

"Is Uncle Xu participating in the shooting of" ask questions "recently?"


"Well, the second female Ling Xiaxia's Lu listens late. Should Uncle Xu see her?"

"Lu listens late?" after Xu Shaoyang was stunned, he looked at Jiang clearly.

"Well, your boy, it was for this. I saw that you had a good relationship with her on your microblog. I was thinking that you could take care of an artist like this with your character. Your private relationship must be different. Sure enough, there was a situation."

"Don't make fun of me, Uncle Xu is a friend. I introduced her to this play. She made a film for the first time, so she wanted to ask Uncle Xu to take care of me more. After all, she is still a child and not in Beicheng. She is a little worried." Jiang said with a smile.

"Friend? Don't fool me. I've never seen you have any friends. Friend, you came to me and asked me to open the back door for her. You really think I'm old and easy to cheat?"

"What a friend."

"OK, what you say is what you say, but why didn't you tell me when you asked her to audition?"

"I believe she can."

"Yes, yes, but it was almost crowded by other people who went through the back door."

"Hmm? What happened?"

"It's nothing too big. In short, I thought the child was good at first sight. It didn't matter to you to leave her at that time. As you said, people entered by their own strength. Sure enough, the child didn't live up to my expectations. Even Chen feiyuan praised her. She was hard-working, easy to learn, modest and polite, and could do things. I'm glad you didn't ask me for help Will take care of her more. "

"Thank you very much, Uncle Xu."

"If you really want to thank me, go home and stay more when you are free. Your father has nagged me a lot. My ears are going to cocoon. Now I dare not answer his phone."

"Isn't there a big brother at home helping him..."

While they were chatting, Xu Shaoyang's phone suddenly rang.

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