Listening to Lu Yanxiu's words, Lu tingwan's eyes raised worship and pride, and his hope was ignited.

Grandpa is so good that he will be fine.

Lu tingwan recalled the blurred but still kind face and smiled slowly.

She had almost forgotten the years when she lived with Grandpa, but she always remembered that Grandpa hurt her very much.

She is the best and most painful person in the world who wants to give her all the good things.

Lu Yanxiu looked at the yearning and happiness in her eyes and the smile around her mouth, but his heart was in pain. The worry in his heart was a little deeper.

"Do you know any way to find him?"

Lu Yanxiu's eyes flashed slightly. He didn't respond for a moment, but just looked at her.

"Grandpa told me to wait for him. When I grow up, he will pick me up. But I've been waiting for so many years. When will he come back?"

"Just wait for him."

Seeing the light in Lu's eyes darkening, Lu Yanxiu said again, "I don't know where he is, but I can try to find him."

Lu listened to the speech and looked at him.

"Don't tell me anything. We have nothing to do now. If you don't need me, you know my temper. No one can control what I want to do, and no one can refuse. Those words will only make me angry and won't make me angry. While I consider your feelings from your perspective, you should also know what I am. Unless I die, no one can control me and you , including yourself. "

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lu Yanxiu continued: "your grandfather suddenly had no news in those years. No one can find it. There has been no news for so many years. If he was prepared to leave at that time, he would probably hide his name. In short, it's hard to find. You should be mentally prepared."

Luyanxiu dare not tell her bad words.

Lu tingwan looked at him. For a long time, she asked, "how did you know my grandpa? You were just 18 at that time. You were two generations away from my grandpa. How could you have such a deep friendship? How could grandpa give me to you?"

"Didn't I tell you when I was a child that I owed your grandfather kindness, dripping kindness, Yongquan reported, didn't the teacher teach you?"

In fact, there is no kindness, only human kindness.

Mr. Sheng was surprised that he would give his beloved granddaughter to him.

After all, he only met old Mr. Sheng a few times. At that time, he was young and energetic. He didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. He spoke proudly with old Mr. Sheng.

Mr. Sheng also taught him that young people should not be too arrogant. Although they met each other several times later, they would take the initiative to say hello, but they didn't have much friendship.

On the contrary, they also had different opinions and had an argument because of some business means.

Mr. Sheng also said that he was good at doing things, but he had to learn to be a man slowly.

More importantly, he and Shen Nanzhi, one of the culprits who secretly murdered the Sheng family at that time, are still cousins. Old Mr. Sheng is not afraid that he will give people to Shen Nanzhi?

So maybe only Mr. Sheng can answer Lu's question.

Anyway, as a party, he can't see how much old Mr. Sheng likes him and how much he deserves his trust. How can he entrust his baby granddaughter to him?

"Do you know what happened to the Sheng family?" Lu tingwan asked again.

"I don't know."

Lu tingwan looked back at the top and didn't make a sound again.

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