After a brief greeting, Lu tingwan ran to the theme and asked him if he could help find public relations and delete or suppress the controversial video on the Internet.

Originally, she thought the video would be disposed of by Lu Yanxiu, but after all, she was still an employee of Xingxing. It would be better not to let Lu Yanxiu intervene in this matter.

After all, she doesn't want her relationship with Lu Yanxiu to be exposed.

For such reports that will not have much negative impact on her and can obtain benefits, Lu tingwan thinks it should be difficult to discuss.

After all, the company must focus on interests. She has to do marketing and set up people for her. She can't completely decide such things herself.

In addition, looking for public relations also requires money, and it is big money. If you move casually, it will be millions. Therefore, Lu tingwan also asked Huo Jindong with a try mentality.

But I didn't expect that Huo Jindong didn't consider the interests at all, and didn't mean to take her as a marketing. Unexpectedly, he agreed and said to find someone to deal with it immediately.

Lu tingwan hung up and meditated with his mobile phone

Huo Jindong over there naturally called Lu Yanxiu to report the situation for the first time.

Lu Yanxiu said that Lu tingwan's every move had to be reported to him first. Even if Lu tingwan fell in the company, he had to report to him.

Lu Ting had an accident several times before, and once he was not responsible, so Huo Jindong now doesn't dare to neglect

Lu Yanxiu, who received Huo Jindong's call, looked at the video and said, "the video will be withdrawn later and let it hang up for a while."

After hanging up, Lu Yanxiu put down his mobile phone, sat in his office chair, touched the mouse with one hand, and was in a good mood to play the video over and over again.

To see the second half of Lu tingwan's final rejection of Han Yu.

I especially like to hear her sentence: "this is not an excuse. I mean it. I have a boyfriend. He treats me like treasure. I regard him as my life. I love him very much, so I can no longer accept the pursuit of others."

Every time, I frowned after reading Han Yu's affectionate confession in front, and then looked back with a smile and listened to Lu's affectionate confession to him in the evening

Looking at the video on the Internet, the heat is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more discussions about Han Yu. Even the school forum is noisy. Lu tingwan had to call Han Yu to send a message.

"Monitor, I'll find my company to deal with that video on the Internet. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and impact on you and your family."

Although she is also very innocent about this matter, after all, Han Yu was brought to public opinion because of her.

Han Yu didn't reply. Maybe he was in class.

Before the video was pressed down, another report about her appeared on the Internet, which said that she had a boyfriend.

She also took out evidence that she changed her microblog avatar and account name to lovers' money the day before yesterday, namely "Da Fu" and "Da GUI".

The media made another hype and in-depth description through this matter. Lu had to believe that he had a boyfriend late.

Oh, no, I almost forgot. She does have a boyfriend.

Looking at the report, Lu tingwan's first reaction was: in the next few days, she should become the focus of paparazzi's attention again. She can't go out well and have close contact with the opposite sex, so as not to be secretly photographed by paparazzi and take the opportunity to play.

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