"It's all right. I fell." Lu listened to the dean's words and naturally looked at him.

At this time, Han's mother shook off her son's hand, and then rushed forward to Lu tingwan. Raising her hand was a slap on Lu tingwan's face.

The crisp slap sounded, and the dean of the Department panicked. He had to stand too far to stop it.

Han Yumeng, who couldn't respond, was in place.

Lu tingwan, whose attention was all on the head of the Department, was unprepared and slapped by Han's mother.

The office door, which was not completely closed, was pushed open at this time. The person who appeared at the door just saw Lu tingwan beaten

Lu listened to him for a second. He didn't want to. He raised his hand and was about to slap back. However, he stopped after seeing Han Yu panicking behind Han's mother.

The next second, Lu tingwan heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Son of a bitch!"

The visitor gnawed his teeth and scolded with anger.

Then Lu tingwan felt a gust of wind blowing beside him. Then he saw a figure rush to Han Yu and knock Han Yu to the ground without saying a word.

"Yu'er." when Han's mother saw that her son was beaten, she immediately screamed. She saw the man kneel down, grab his son's collar and raise her fist. Han's mother rushed over and grabbed the man's arm while calling his son's name.

"Go away." Lu Chi Bai waved his hand and threw Han's mother away. If Han's mother wasn't a woman, he would have hit her directly in the face.

Han's mother in high heels was thrown by Lu Chibai and accidentally fell to the ground.

"Mom!" when Han Yu saw his mother fall, he got up and pushed Lu Chi Bai away from him. He scolded the bastard, raised his fist and waved to Lu Chi Bai.

Han Yu, who has always regarded Lu Chi Bai as his rival in love, naturally won't be soft.

He also seems to have found an outlet to vent. At this moment, he broke out and vented all his pressure and emotions accumulated in the past two days to Lu Chibai,

So they fought in the office.

Seeing that Lu Chi Bai was punched by Han Yu, Lu tingwan forgot the pain on his feet and rushed up with a limp.

"Han Yu, stop."

"Xiaobai, stop fighting."

Lu tingwan, whose legs and feet are inconvenient, can't hold the crazy two at all. He was almost injured by mistake in the process of pulling.

The head of the Department, who was a little slower, also came to fight.

Han's mother endured the pain and quickly asked her specially found assistant to take her mobile phone and record the scene.

Han Yu was defeated by Lu Chi Bai. After a while, he was pressed on the ground by Lu Chi Bai and hit his face with blood.

Han's mother couldn't protect the calf. She was so anxious that she ran out to find someone, but she was found by the sharp eyed Dean of the Department and stopped in time.

"If this matter becomes serious, your son's qualification for postgraduate protection will be lost. Lu tingwan's family has more power than yours. I'm not bluffing you." the Dean quickly said to Han's mother.

Han's mother is mainly responsible for this until now. Let her beat someone first.

As for the latter sentence, he really bluffed Han's mother, because he didn't know Lu tingwan's family background at all.

I only know that Lu tingwan is not short of money. Her grandfather's name is Lu Zhan. I don't know anything else. On the Internet, she says that she is the second generation of rich and rich, but I don't know whether she has potential or not.

Han's mother was held here, and the dean of the Department hurried back to fight, but he was unlucky to be beaten.

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