The dinner atmosphere was very relaxed and happy, because the director Chen feiyuan was a gentleman, so even if others had thoughts, they didn't dare to mess around.

After a lot of verbal flirting by the partners, or malicious drinking, or suggesting hidden rules, it is rare to meet such a clean crew. Lu listened to the dinner and enjoyed it.

But she didn't know that Chen feiyuan was such a gentleman and controlled the rest of the crew because he was afraid of Lu Yanxiu.

In the past, this crew was not as clean as she saw now

Even if Chen feiyuan doesn't mess himself, he will turn a blind eye and indulge others.

In fact, Lu Yanxiu was furious about Lu tingwan's fall. Now the crew is restarted. Chen Fei thought not to let Lu tingwan's time bomb enter the crew again. After all, there are too many plays. He's really afraid that she will have another accident. He can't afford to entertain this person.

But Lu tingwan's identity didn't embolden him to change people, so he called first and asked Lu tingwan whether he would come to dinner. He also wanted to test whether Lu tingwan wanted to join the crew to continue filming.

I didn't expect her to come.

If you don't come, it's not necessarily a time bomb. If you're well served, Lu will be happy later. Maybe he'll be close to the big family of Shanglu family.

The dinner party started for an hour and had almost eaten. Lu Ting found that the female No. 1 who took over from Lin Xinger didn't come late.

Just thinking, a wavy woman with simple clothes but excellent temperament and very beautiful long hair appeared in front of the crowd under the leadership of the restaurant receptionist, followed by a little assistant.

As soon as the woman appeared, everyone greeted her one after another.

Women are also very polite, smiling and waving in response to everyone.

This person Lu tingwan met. Lu Sangyu, a leading flow star in the entertainment industry, is a powerful person with both appearance and acting skills. In recent years, the screen overlord has become a household name. Almost all the TV dramas starring are popular dramas, side by side with Lin Xinger, and even better than Lin Xinger in film and television works.

However, she speaks by her works, while Lin Xinger has more lacy news, and their fields are different.

After Lin Xinger blocked, the resources of lusangyu were softened all at once.

Unexpectedly, she also took the script of "ask".

Chen feiyuan stood up and introduced Lu Sangyu with a smile. Lu Sangyu also fined wine for his lateness.

The appearance of lusangyu naturally became the focus of the audience.

Lu tingwan bowed his head and sent a short message to Xiao Wu to confirm his safety.

Xiao Wu is a very rigid person in some aspects. He said that he will be safe every half a hour. If you are slow for a minute or two, others will come up to you.

Lu tingwan bowed his head and sent a text message to Xiao Wu. He didn't notice that Lu Sangyu, who was praised by the stars, looked at her.

After the dinner, everyone went out of the restaurant together.

"Last time I recorded the program, I said I invited you to dinner, but I didn't get it. It's rare to have a chance this time. There's a very good hot pot restaurant nearby. Why don't we go together? Anyway, it's still early."

At the door of the restaurant, Tang also invited Lu to listen to the evening alone.

Hearing this, Lu Yanwan blinked, subconsciously raised his face to look at him, opened his mouth and asked, "you haven't had enough just now?"

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Lu listened to such a straightforward question at the party. At that time, he smiled, nodded and said, "I'm really not full."

"But I just ate two bowls of rice and can't eat any more."

Lu Yanxiu asked her to eat, so she just ate two bowls at once.

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