Lu Yanxiu put down his mobile phone, looked at the computer screen and said, "let the hospital take my examination report and blood test report to negotiate with them. When there are results, send them back and tell them not to talk indiscriminately. Remember, 'tell them well'."

The last few words Lu Yanxiu bit heavily and nodded to Jiu: "I see. I know what to do."

"Send someone to keep an eye on each of them. Don't let Shen Nan know." Lu Yanxiu finally said.

In the end, we have to observe how many side effects his body will produce. Now there is no medicine to deal with, so we can only find a way to temporarily alleviate it.

Xiao Wu brought all the confiscated research materials to Lu Yanxiu.

Lu Yanxiu took over and looked at some of them.

"Sir, are there any questions about these?" little five asked curiously.

Except for those researchers, I'm afraid no one can understand these things. Even if you understand them, it's useless. Sir, why have you been reading them for so long.

Lu Yanxiu didn't speak. He just stared at the data and pondered.

Late at night, the research team was secretly sent out of the hospital and returned to their research institute unharmed. After reading the materials and data, Lu Yanxiu returned them all.

Lu Yanxiu began taking drugs for muscle relaxation. The situation remains to be observed.

Five days later

Lu Yanxiu, who had taken the medicine for five days, had a second comprehensive examination and blood test. After the examination report came out, the researchers were secretly taken to the hospital again.

"Judging from the two examination reports, the situation can't see much change for the time being. It will take a third examination in a week to see the effect. I don't know how the patient's current physical condition is?" the head of the research team asked the doctor who injected Lu Yanxiu with drugs.

The doctor told Lu Yanxiu about his physical condition: "after taking the drugs for muscle relaxation for five days, the patient's condition has temporarily been slightly relieved. The limb convulsions are slightly lighter than before, but there is no obvious change. I don't know if the effect will be obvious after taking it for some time."

"That can only wait for the third inspection result," said the team leader.

"How is the research on the medicine?" asked Xiao Wu coldly.

"There is no breakthrough. There are too many data in all aspects. It is not easy to break through a set of data. We have studied drugs for 23 months, so we can't research results in a short time." the team leader should say.

Xiao Wu communicated with Lu Yanxiu through the headset. In the closed conference room, everyone looked at Xiao Wu uncontrollably.

Probably want to know who the people on the headset are.

A moment later, Xiao Wu only warned the crowd, "don't talk nonsense when you go back."

"We understand."

That night, the research team was sent away secretly again.

At about five o'clock the next evening, Lu Yanxiu, who had been on a business trip for six days, came back.

The car drove out of Beicheng International Airport, then arrived at Jingyuan and stopped at the door of the villa.

There's no way. Lu Junce and the Lu family keep an eye on him. He has to do a full set of plays.

"Lu Yanxiu ~"

As soon as Lu Yanxiu got out of the car, he heard the cry of Lu tingwan coming from behind him. With a burst of running sound, he soon came behind him.

Lu Yanxiu turned back. Before he could see Chu Lu tingwan's face clearly, he was hugged by Lu tingwan.

Lu Yanxiu reached out his hand and ran to him. Lu tingwan, who jumped and ran to him, caught him. Lu tingwan knocked his feet back.

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