After a while, Lu tingwan came out with a big bowl of things and put it on several cases.

Lu Yanxiu sat up straight, looked at the bowl of things, and frowned slowly, indicating that it was not very good.

"What is this...?"

"Dumplings." Lu tingwan squatted down in front of the sofa and looked at the bowl with a sense of achievement. Then he looked at Lu Yanxiu and couldn't wait to let Lu Yanxiu taste it.

"Are you... Sure?"

Lu Yanxiu picked up the spoon in the bowl, stirred it, then looked at her and honestly questioned.

This bowl... A bowl of thick paste composed of white pasta, yellow scallion, and something similar to meat foam. Are they dumplings?

He thought she had saved swill for a few days.

"The variety you invented?"

If Lu tingwan studied it himself, there would be no doubt.

"What, when I wrapped it, it was one by one, but only after cooking."

Lu listened to the night, took the spoon from his hand, scooped up the "white pastry" and said, "this is the dumpling skin. Originally, each one was well wrapped. Who knows that it will be like this after cooking twice. This is the green onion, this is the pork, and the green onion pork dumpling I made."

She finished, shoved the spoon into Lu Yanxiu's hand, looked forward to it and said confidently, "try it, I didn't put pepper on purpose."

She paused and said with emotion, "it must be better than the cake made by your manager. She got fat. I ate it... To grow my body."

Lu Yanxiu listened to her confident words and looked at the incredible bowl of dumplings. He didn't move for a long time.

It seems that the lethality of this thing is stronger than that medicine. If you eat this bowl, you may have to break your heart directly?

And what does she mean by cooking twice?

"What are you looking at? Eat quickly. Although it doesn't look very good, it tastes really good. Aunt Qiu, uncle Lu and little ears ate it. They all said it was delicious, and I ate it myself."

"Er... Isn't your friend Su Li coming soon? Such a good thing should be used to entertain guests."

Lu Yanxiu put the hot spoon back into the bowl.

"I wrapped it for you." Lu tingwan pushed the spoon back into his hand and forced him to take it.

Seeing that he hesitated and hesitated, Lu tingwan was a little angry: "do you want to eat or do you want to eat the manager's cake?"

"How can you remember the cake..." Lu Yanxiu whispered, and then scooped up a little with a spoon.

Seeing him, he scooped a little. Lu tingwan grabbed his hand and scooped a full spoon again.

Lu Yanxiu looked at the things in the spoon and couldn't help feeling a tumult in his stomach. He had a desire to vomit before eating.

Seeing him dawdling, Lu tingwan got up, grabbed his spoon hand with both hands, controlled his hand, and sent the spoon to his mouth.

"Lu tingwan..."

Looking at the approaching spoon, Lu Yanxiu was a little flustered. He revealed resistance all over his body, and his head kept hiding.

"It's... it doesn't smell right. It smells bad."

"This little smell doesn't affect you. Eat quickly." Lu tingwan ignored him and just sent the spoon to his mouth.

No impact?

He smells sour. Doesn't it affect him?

The spoon touched his lips, and Lu Yanxiu couldn't open it.

Finally, there was no way. Under the coercion of Lu tingwan, Lu Yanxiu had to eat the things in the spoon.

Others eat dumplings with chopsticks, he uses a spoon.

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