Song Dun stabbed the knife into the back of the chair. She bit her teeth hard. She immediately stabbed Lu tingwan with the knife and went straight to her face, which was about to scratch her face.

Lu tingwan had nowhere to hide this time. She saw that the tip of the knife was about to be stabbed. At the critical moment, she finally untied the thick rope in her hand, grabbed song pengpeng's hand holding the knife, and forced the tip of the knife to stop in front of her.

Song Dun's face was ferocious. He used both hands and kept pressing the knife down hard.

Lu tingwan is lying on the car chair, one arm is still supported by the back of the chair, and he can't exert any force at all. Not to mention that song Pang is like a mad dog, with terrible strength.

The sharp tip of the knife was getting closer and closer to her.

"Song Pang, you really want to die!"

"If I dare to do this today, I don't think I can go back alive. Even if I die, I will take you on my back. What are you? You deserve to fight with me. I won't let you fix it with Lu Yan."

The scolding of his parents, the ridicule of outsiders, and the psychological pressure of being heavier day by day. Under all kinds of oppression, song has been crazy for a long time.

She has never lost. She suddenly fell from the altar to the bottom of the valley. How could she accept the huge drop? She is a big miss of the Song family. She was calculated to be a joke in Beicheng.

She can't even get out of the door now. Lu Yanxiu and Lu tingwan have hurt her so badly that she can't make them feel better.

The tip of the knife touched Lu tingwan's eyebrows, and she felt the cold touch.

The tip of the knife pierced the skin and blood spots came out.

Song Pang smiled ferociously.

Just as the tip of the knife was about to sink into the land, the car suddenly braked.

Standing on one leg and kneeling on the chair, song Pang was tilted by this huge inertia and hit the back of the chair.

The driver's man looked at the dozens of black cars in front of him, immediately turned the steering wheel and turned around.

Song Pang, who could not stand stably because of inertia, turned around quickly, then took a step backward and fell directly under the car.

Because the door was not closed, half of song's head was exposed outside the car, and his long hair was blown into chaos.

I don't know where the short knife fell.

Lu tingwan almost fell from the car chair. Fortunately, she stepped on the front car chair in time to avoid falling.

She quickly got up, and song Zhuo also grabbed the door and was ready to get up.

Without saying a word, Lu listens to the night and pours on song. With one hand, he pinches song's neck and arrives outside the car. With the other hand, he slaps song's face.

"What am I and what are you TM? I'm a hundred times more expensive than you. If you TM dare to hit my aunt in the face, I have to peel your skin."

Lu tingwan was very angry. He pressed song Shuan, pinched song Shuan's neck with one hand, and slapped her face with the other.

Song Shuan's head was half exposed outside the window. The wind blew her eyes closed. She only heard the whistling wind. She was so frightened that she had the energy to resist. She only knew that her hands clung to the door for fear of falling out.

Because they were under the car and the car chair was blocked, the driver couldn't see the situation behind him. He only heard song Pang shouting all the time, but now there are all cars behind him. He couldn't stop to save song Pang at all.

Watching more and more cars around them approach them, the driver calmed down and shouted, "Miss, we've been found."

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