The president sitting high in the office is also thinking of paying Xiaoxiao. His long, bony fingers stroked the edge of the glass, thinking that the bright red lips had covered it.

There is no dislike in my heart, but a touch of joy.

Cheng shaozhao's obsession with cleanliness is natural. His mother said that if he didn't have business at home, he would inherit it. According to Cheng shaozhao's cleanliness, it's more than enough to be a doctor.

Everything he has is unique. Even if he eats together at home, he must use public chopsticks. Especially the cup, Cheng shaozhao can't tolerate using what others have used.

In this way, when he heard cherry say he used his own cup, his first reaction was not dislike but joy?

His fingers gently pressed on the glass. His eyes were like colored glass, and his eyebrows twisted slightly. It seemed that he was confused about what.

After that, he realized that he didn't dislike his abnormal performance at all? What's the matter

There is a word called "the best of times". Fu Xiaoxiao feels that now this word has been realized in himself. I thought it was a low point in the world to be plagiarized at the underwear exhibition, but it didn't feel so bad after the incident.

It seems to be to compensate for the plagiarism on the underwear exhibition. Fu Xiaoxiao always feels that the president's attitude towards himself has eased a lot. Even the food and drink are not as picky as before. It's really a gratifying change.

Fu Xiaozi is very pleasant. He has always been popular in the office. There is only one Danielle who always competes with him because of his competitors, and now their relationship has eased a lot.

Without intimacy, Danielle can communicate with his normal attitude. As a result, pay a small life can be said to be very carefree, every day is very pleasant.

If the day goes well, it will live very fast. It has been nearly two weeks since the underwear exhibition. At the beginning, the upsurge of angel wing has also decreased a lot, but Ji Mingli's name is completely famous in the design circle of Kyoto.

The devil like June is finally at the end, and the thriving July is within reach. Although Kyoto belongs to the north, it is quite dry and hot in summer. The highest temperature outside is 356 degrees. The sun shines on the floor, making people reluctant to leave the air conditioner.

Although hansend company is very atmospheric, central air conditioning is installed on the floors of the whole company. Even if the sun outside is warm, it is still cool in the company.

It's just hard to pay Xiaoxiao, who runs to and from work every day. Although the hot sun was staggered, it was half baked by the hot air on the asphalt road.

Fu Xiaoxiao has always been a person who is most afraid of heat. Once the temperature is a little higher, she will not be hot. But she didn't sweat. Her heat was stuffy in her heart, and she couldn't live with summer.

Mother said before that Fu Xiaoxiao was born at the winter solstice. So it's not right with summer. The sun shines on her more warmly.

It's the usual off-duty time again, because I'm busy with a document at hand.

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