Winter in the north is always dry and cold. But I don't know why this year. It seems that there is a lot of rain. There has been a continuous rainstorm in the south for several days.

The news broadcast the flood every day. Fu Xiaoxiao occasionally turned on the TV and saw endless rain. Weather, like a plague, pervades and affects the surrounding areas.

Fu Xiaoxiao, who was driving at ease, suddenly heard several muffled thunder in the sky. Thinking of the weather forecast he saw today, Fu Xiaoxiao was inspired.

Wouldn't it be so unlucky? She thought.

However, when the idea just fell, God began to roll in good time. After the heavy thunder, several dark clouds pressed over and soon it rained again.

Until the rain crackled on the car glass, Fu Xiaoxiao had to admit that it really rained. And it's not just light rain, it's heavy rain.

The rain in the north is like the people here. Rough, crazy and atmospheric, he will never be stingy. If he wants to go down, he will be happy.

Because the weather here is relatively dry, Fu Xiaoxiao has been looking forward to rain before. After all, after the rain, not only the haze weather can be much better, but also the rare rainbow in Kyoto can be seen if you are lucky.

The air after the rain is especially comfortable and full of moisture. It's the best way to neutralize the dryness in the north.

However, the previous expectation has now become a nightmare. Fu Xiaoxiao looked at the rain curtain formed almost instantly on the window. He was confused and couldn't do anything with his hands.

Although she can drive, it doesn't mean she can sprint recklessly under such a heavy rain. People's hearts are always subconsciously afraid of things they have never experienced.

"Cheng shaozhao, it's raining heavily! What should I do? Oh, what should I do?" the rain curtain soon blocked my sight, and the road ahead became unclear. The rain was really sudden. Fu Xiaoxiao was very frightened and subconsciously shouted at Cheng shaozhao.

Cheng shaozhao looked at the helpless little woman beside him. His face was obviously flustered and a little distressed. But he was also paid. He looked like a worthless man. He was so angry that his temples jumped.

You can't park on the highway, so although Cheng shaozhao looks at Fu Xiaoxiao in such a panic, he can't replace it. He could only bear it and said to commander Fu, "it's just raining. Don't panic. It's the same as driving. You open the wiper. It's okay."

On such a cold highway, Cheng shaozhao's low and steady voice seemed to have reassuring power. Let Fu Xiaoxiao's anxious heart soon gradually calm down.

She looked at Cheng shaozhao deeply on her side. She seemed to have unlimited power. Then she drove calmly and tried not to panic in such a storm.

As a result, he was calm for a few seconds. Soon, Fu Xiaoxiao almost cried, "Cheng shaozhao, where did you open the wiper?"

Maybe it's because in this late night, I was frightened by the sudden heavy rain. Fu Xiaoxiao's heart is also very fragile and just wants comfort.

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