When Cheng shaozhao came out, he saw a quiet and obedient sitting by the bed waiting for his small payment. The warm yellow light in the small hotel hit Fu Xiaoxiao and dyed her eyebrows and eyes a little gentle.

The bed also changed from a piece of white to a warm little broken flower, which made Cheng shaozhao feel that this seemed to be his own home. And Fu Xiaoxiao is the wife quietly waiting for her to go home, which is a dream scene.

I don't know why, I was suddenly moved. The hand wiping his wet hair was slightly stiff in the air. He looked at Fu Xiaoxiao with determination. He only felt that the years were quiet and stable in this world.

Cheng shaozhao obediently put on Fu Xiaoxiao's carefully selected short sleeves and flower underpants. His strong and slender legs were exposed outside, and his face was handsome and natural. The body exudes a faint fragrance of gardenia, and Fu Xiaoxiao is used to the smell on the shower gel.

It's really a demon. Wearing it like this can also charm all sentient beings. Pay for a little uncertainty, in the heart silently scolded a sentence.

Cheng shaozhao is not only a monster in appearance, but also a monster in care. He quietly glanced at Fu, and naturally he saw that she was restless and her spring heart was rippling.

Suddenly, there was a smile on the motionless face of the iceberg. It's rare to see Fu Xiaoxiao confused by his appearance. Of course, he should make good use of it. Cheng shaozhao thinks in his heart.

He walked in with his face as usual. "What you think is very comprehensive." Cheng shaozhao said such a sentence not lightly but not seriously, looking pale, as if it was just a normal greeting.

Fu Xiaoxiao heard another meaning from inside, and the whole person's face suddenly turned red. Is this about underwear?

Originally, Fu Xiaoxiao, who was in turmoil, was shaken by this specious remark and was about to lose his principle.

After Fu Xiaoxiao blushed for a while, Cheng shaozhao seemed to inadvertently say, "the bed sheet is good."

Like thunder, he blew up Fu Xiaoxiao from beginning to end. Just now I was ashamed for a long time. It turned out that I was just talking about sheets!

Then why did he say it in that tone? Fu Xiaoxiao was angry, but he didn't know where to go. He had to bite his lips like anger. There was a bit of sadness in his face.

Cheng shaozhao was still motionless, just like the old man's calmness. He just wiped his hands with wet hair and couldn't help shaking a little. Approached the bed and sat down beside Fu Xiaoxiao.

The soft bed around me fell into a piece, as if it were a small heart, and a large piece fell into it in a moment. She didn't speak, but her heart suddenly tightened.

Cheng shaozhao is very bad. He is not in a hurry. He just narrows his eyes and wipes his hair slowly. The room was quiet. Fu Xiaoxiao didn't know why. He didn't dare to say a word. He just looked down at his hands on his knees.

Feeling the girl's shyness and restraint, Cheng shaozhao sighed. For so long, he thought his heart could see clearly.

But the girl seems to be particularly slow in emotion. The misunderstanding during this period makes Cheng shaozhao a little tired physically and mentally. He glanced at Fu's small soft eyebrows and eyes, moved in his heart, and suddenly decided not to keep silent like this.

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