This happened yesterday. If it hadn't been too serious to control, Liao Fan tried to hide it from Zhong Nanyu.

The car sped all the way to the construction site.

Meng Nan, sitting next to Zhong Nanyu, looked at the man around him with some worry, "Mr. Zhong, do you want to contact the bodyguard company..."

"No," said Zhong nangui, who had been looking at the background information of the child who had been in the accident since she got on the bus.

The good-looking sword eyebrows are always locked. The more information you read, the deeper the wrinkles in the center of the eyebrows.

The child's name is Li Mingyang. He comes from a remote mountain village in a remote county below Jiangcheng. His parents are all farmers.

In addition to him, there are two brothers and a sister at home. The youngest sister is only three years old.

Li Mingyang is the eldest. He is 15 years old. He dropped out of school halfway through his freshman year.

This is the first time to go to the construction site. According to the survey results

I had a cold and fever a few days ago. Yesterday, I was forced to go to the tower crane by the foreman.

The tower crane is safe, but the bad thing is that he didn't get well with a cold. After he went up, he probably had vertigo and fell directly from it.

The following is a random pile of stones. If you fall down like this, people will disappear on the spot.

Li Mingyang's parents rushed from their hometown immediately after receiving the letter. As soon as they saw the tragedy of their son, they fainted on the spot.

When I woke up, I began to cry.

After Liao Fan came forward, he didn't know what to say. Li Mingyang's parents were annoyed on the spot.

Directly called all the relatives at home. A large number of people in Ukraine directly surrounded the construction site.

Seeing that he was about to disturb the media, Liao Fan had no choice but to call Yan Qingming for help

Close the folder in her hand and Zhong Nanyu hands it to the public relations manager sitting in front.

Zhong's public relations manager is a famous public relations expert.

Her name is Qin Jiadi. She is 29 years old. She looks amazing and unforgettable.

She has a good voice, speaks sweetly, and has a good ability to speak the dead alive

Qin Jiadi took the information from Zhong Nange and read it carefully. Then she looked up at Zhong Nange and said, "it's not too bad to disturb the media now. President Zhong, you'll get off with me later." she then looked at Liao Fan Driving aside, "Manager Liao didn't show up for the time being, but he ordered people to invite Li Mingyang's parents to a quiet place in advance. His attitude was better."

Liao Fan nodded immediately, "OK, OK."


As soon as the car stopped in front of the construction site, someone immediately surrounded it.

"Mr. Zhong, I'll go down first..." Meng Nan looked at the people outside the car and felt a little uneasy.

She was about to push the door to get out of the car. Zhong Nanyu made a noise and stopped her. "I'll come first and you two will get off later."


Zhong Nanyu's voice could not be refused, "listen to my arrangement."


Meng Nan and Qin Jiadi were moved.

This is why over the years, so many companies have dug them with better conditions, and they have been following him.

Zhong nangui has these subordinates in her heart.

They are his subordinates, good, but they are also respected and protected by him.

Zhong Nanyu pushes the door and gets out of the car. Meng Nan and Jin Jiadi also get out of the car.

As soon as they got off the bus, the three people were immediately surrounded, and even the security guards were pushed aside, helpless.

Standing in front of the crowd, the big and thick man looked up and down at Zhong Nanyu, and then asked him in a thick voice, "who are you?"

Zhong Nanyu looked up at him with deep and calm eyes.

He spoke in a deep, powerful voice. "I'm the man you're looking for."

The other party was stunned, and then asked him, "are you the head of Liao Fanna's grandson?"


"Hum, you finally come. If you don't come out, my nephew will rot on your construction site."

Zhong Nanji ignored him, opened his eyes and looked up at the crowd.

His eyes were calm, and there was a daunting chill in them.

In addition, he has been in a high position all the year round, and his inherent dignity and deterrence

The people he swept could not help but have the impulse to step back.

The originally agitated crowd calmed down for a moment.

Even the ferocious man kept silent.

Everyone is looking at Zhong Nanyu

In front of this man, he still wears suits and shoes in hot weather. His pure white shirt and pure black suit coat give people the first feeling that he is very serious.

Let them believe that he solved the problem with sincerity.

Someone in the crowd couldn't help making a noise, "what are you going to do? We've been waiting for you here since last night, and we haven't even drunk a mouthful of water..."

Zhong Nanyu didn't look at the man, but gave orders to Meng Nan, "book a hotel and take them to dinner first."


Meng Nan just promised to come down. Someone in the crowd immediately said, "that's no good. If we leave, will it be all right? My nephew's bones are not cold. If we don't give an explanation, we won't go anywhere."

Someone in the crowd immediately agreed, "yes, yes, we won't go anywhere without giving an explanation“

Everyone's mood suddenly became excited.

The crowd began to stir and the security guard was about to rush over with a baton.

Zhong Nanyu raised his hand and motioned for the security guard to stay aside.

He looked at the group of people in front of him. His thin lips opened slightly and made a slow voice, "who are Li Mingyang's parents?"

Someone in the crowd answered him, "they're not here..."

Zhong Nange's expression didn't change. "Please inform them and I'll come back tomorrow."

When he finished, he turned and left.

When they saw him, they turned around and left without hesitation.

"Hey, you can't go."

Someone blocked his way.

Zhong Nanyu stopped, lowered her eyes, looked at the man in front of her, her cold eyes half narrowed, and her face was a little heavy.

"The people I came to see today are Li Mingyang's parents," he said, his voice suddenly colder, "not you!"

The man was so looked at by him that the original ferocious expression on his face suddenly weakened.

When he spoke again, his mouth was not sharp, "I... my brother and my sister-in-law... They are right behind..."

Zhong Nanyu took back his sight, turned around, raised his feet and strode towards the backyard of the construction site.

Qin Jiadi followed him.

Those people wanted to follow, but Meng Nan stopped them in time.

She smiled and said to them, "As you can see, Zhong Zong brought us two women this time. He didn't even bring a male driver. He came with sincerity. If you wait here, you might as well follow me to the nearby hotel. I think you've been hungry and tired since you've been here for so long. We've had enough to eat and drink. If you're still willing to come back, you'll come back; if you want to rest, I'll give it to you Arrange a room. "

These people are all from the countryside.

I came over as soon as I got the call yesterday. I stayed up all night and stayed up all day.

Besides, the dead man is not their close relative after all

So, most people agreed to go to the hotel, and only a few stayed.

Without forcing them, Meng Nan immediately asked Liao Fan to call a car, invited everyone to the car and took them to the most upscale hotel nearby.

At the moment, a worker in the backyard lives in a shed.

Zhong Nanji casually finds a chair to sit down. Opposite him, there is a couple sitting.

Years of labor make them look much older than their actual age.

Plus the pain of losing a son.

The woman has been crying, her eyes are badly red and swollen, while the husband beside her stares at Zhong Nanyu fiercely, and his eyes can kill people.

Zhong Nanyu didn't speak, and Qin Jiadi made a sound.

Her voice was soft and soft.

She first handed a paper towel to the woman. The woman looked up at her, hesitated and reached for it.

"Brother and sister, this is Mr. Zhong of our company..."

Before she finished, she was severely interrupted by Li Mingyang's father, "I don't care who he is. Now my son died at your construction site, you have to give me a statement, or I'll call the media."

Qin Jiadi was not angry, but her smile was still gentle.

"President Zhong is here for this. You two should calm down and listen to us."

"Hum, tell me, what are you going to do about it?"

"Well," Qin Jiadi asked him gently, "brother Li, please tell me what you mean first. We give priority to respecting you."

Li Mingyang's father's eyes lit up, "seriously?"

"Yes, you say first."

"Well," Li Mingyang's father said impolitely, "my son's life is worth at least one million. If you give me one million, forget it."


Zhong Nanyu hung his eyes, his expression remained unchanged, his thin lips closed tightly and continued to be silent.

Qin Jiadi still smiled gently. "Human life is precious. Naturally, it can't be measured by the amount of money."

As soon as Li Mingyang's father heard this, he immediately changed his face. "What do you mean? Want to go back?"

"Of course not." Qin Jiadi continued. This time, the smile on her face was shallow. "As far as we know, Li Mingyang is still under the age of 16 this year."

"What does it matter to you how old he is?"

"Naturally," said Qin Jiadi very slowly, so slow that she tried to make the other party understand. "According to the relevant regulations of the law on the protection of minors and the labor law of the people's Republic of China, employers prohibit the use of child labor under the age of 16."

Li Mingyang's father sent her back easily, "yes, the law stipulates that child labor cannot be used. You not only have children, but also let my son die here. All this is your fault, and you should lose money."

Qin Jiadi ignored his words and went straight, "what does Li guopeng have to do with you?"

"He is my brother..."

"Did Li guopeng bring Li Mingyang?"

"Of course, he is my son's uncle. He takes his children out to work to earn money“

"As a contractor, Li guopeng knew that Li Mingyang was under the age of 16, but he still took him into the construction site. This is a violation of the law!" Qin Jiadi looked serious. "The construction team recruited by our real estate company, not child labor, did not know about the indiscriminate use of child labor on the construction site. All the consequences are Li guopeng's responsibility. What does it have to do with our group?"


"Li guopeng, we have controlled it. When the lawyer arrived, we called the police. When the police came, everything Li guopeng did was clear at a glance," Qin Jiadi lowered her voice. "Li Mingyang is not the only child labor. I heard that there are three children..."

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