Zhong nangui stayed in Jiangcheng for a week. This week, he stayed in the branch office except sleeping.

He didn't relax until the eighth day when the head of the new branch took office.

In the evening, in order to welcome the new leader to take office, the branch booked a table in a famous restaurant in Beicheng.

Zhong Nanyu was naturally the first to be invited. In order to give face to the new person in charge, he answered.

Everyone heard that the big boss would have dinner with them, especially those single girls. They were happy and excited one by one. Some even secretly ran out to make their hair and make-up, looking forward to leaving a good impression on the president in the evening.

After work at 6:30 p.m., a group of people went to the restaurant in advance.

Zhong nangui left late. He took a bus with the new person in charge Ke Xiao, along with Meng Nan and Qin Jiadi.

The restaurant is located in the city center, just near the hotel where Zhong Nange stayed.

The box booked in advance is the largest box in the restaurant, which can accommodate 50 people.

The dinner party began at 7:30. At first, everyone was still very reserved and restrained because of the presence of Zhong Nanyu and the new person in charge, but as soon as they drank the wine, they immediately showed their original appearance.

Many girls even came to find Zhong Nanyu with wine glasses.

Zhong Nanyu seems to be in a good mood tonight. She doesn't refuse any toasts from the girls.

I was a little drunk after a night.

He left early. Xiao Ke wanted to see him off, but he refused.

"I drank a lot tonight. The hotel is opposite. I walked back and just dispersed the smell of wine."

"Then slow down."

"Well, it's your show tonight. Have fun."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong."

Zhong Nanyu got out of the box, didn't take the elevator, and walked slowly down the stairs.

Halfway through, he heard a familiar voice

He thought he was drunk and had auditory hallucinations, but when he continued down to the first floor, he saw the man.

She was on the phone. She didn't know who she was talking to. Her lips were slightly raised and her pretty face was smiling.

That smile made Zhong Nanyu stop in an instant.

He was afraid to disturb her.

In this way, will she laugh longer?


Today is the birthday of a colleague who came to Jiangcheng with Su Mian.

My colleague booked the birthday meal in the restaurant near the hotel. After work, the three came together.

Halfway through the meal, Su Mian received a call from Yu Miao.

The dining hall is crowded and noisy.

She walked all the way to the fire tunnel with her mobile phone

It's very quiet here. She listened to Yu Miao complain to her, "after you left for half a month, my stomach was abused by me for half a month, and finally succeeded in losing five kilograms."

Su Mian couldn't help laughing. "It seems that I really can't cook delicious food for you in the future, otherwise I will become the biggest stumbling block on your way to lose weight."

Yu Miao wailed at the other end, "no, I'd rather be fat than eat takeout."

During the period when Su Mian left, except for occasionally going home or eating and drinking in her restaurant, she ordered takeout.

She almost ate the takeout in Beicheng.

Almost eat and vomit.

Su Mian said, "you should always learn to do something by yourself, or you won't be despised by your husband if you get married in the future?"

"Who dislikes me? Captain Gu? He won't dislike me."

Su Mian was intrigued by her words, "Hey, you tell me honestly. That night, you and your captain Gu“

"Oh, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to bed. Bye."

"Hey, I..."

Su Mian hung up at the other end before he finished talking.

She listened to the busy beep in the microphone and smiled helplessly.

He put away his cell phone and was about to leave. Suddenly he seemed to feel something. He suddenly looked up and looked aside at the stairs leading to the second floor.

The corridor was brightly lit, and Zhong Nanyu stood on the steps not far from her.

Su Mian saw clearly that it was him, and the whole person was stupid in an instant.

Zhong Nanyu

Why is he here?

Su Mian thought he had something wrong with his eyes. He raised his hand and rubbed it gently.

As soon as she rubbed her eyes, she heard a low sneer before she could take her hands back.

Then she heard the man say, "stupid."

Su Mian suddenly withdrew her hand and looked at the man in front of her again. At the moment, she had recovered from the initial accident and surprise.

Xiumei frowned slightly. She stared at him with some dissatisfaction, "who do you say is stupid?"

Zhong Nanyu raised her feet and stopped just one step away from her.

The height difference between the two is too big.

Every time he stood in front of her, he had to bow his head and droop his eyes.

He looked at her, his eyes slid all the way from her forehead to her lips, paused, and finally looked at her again.

He asked, "what eyes?"

The voice is low and magnetic, which may be the reason why I have just drunk wine. The magnetism is also mixed with some unspeakable hoarseness.

Su Mian's cheek burned when he asked.

She looked away from him and said, "I'm surprised to see you here."

"I've been here for a week."

Su Mian turned his eyes back and looked at him, "business trip?"

"There's something wrong with the branch. It's a little tricky."

Su Mian, "what's the matter? Is it serious?"

After asking, she regretted.

It didn't seem right for her to ask.

She looked away uneasily, but heard him say, "a child worker died on the construction site. Now his family wants to sue me."

"Ah..." Su Mian didn't expect it to be so serious. She looked at Zhong Nange with concern, "what's the matter now?"

"Not yet."

"What about that?" Su Mian got worried for him. "Can't you lose money?"

Zhong Nanyu frowned tightly, raised his hand and stroked his forehead. He seemed to have a headache. "Just losing money won't work. His family is difficult to deal with."

"What does his family want to do?"

"Pay for your life."

Su Mian, "..."

She looked at the man in front of her and kept staring at the expression on his face.

He seemed to be in pain and looked tired and haggard

It seems that he didn't lie. It's really difficult this time.

It's just, she can't help.

As if she had seen through her mind, Zhong Nanyu raised her hand and rubbed the center of her eyebrows while whispering, "Miss Su, can you have a drink with me tonight?"

I don't know if there is auditory hallucination.

In that always low and cold voice, there was a trace of request.

Su Mian, "I..."

She wanted to say she couldn't drink.

Moreover, he gave her a bath after she was drunk.

She swore that she would never drink in front of him again.

Zhong Nange saw her hesitation and didn't force it any more.

It seemed that he didn't even want to say goodbye, so he raised his feet and left.

Seeing that he was leaving, Su Mian looked embarrassed.

Do you want to have a drink with him?

If you don't accompany him, will something happen to him?

After all, he encountered such a big thing, and everyone familiar with him comforted him.

Is she the only person he knows in the whole Jiangcheng?

But if you're with her, her drinking capacity

Seeing that Zhong Nanyu was about to go out, Su Mian shouted to him in a hurry, "Hey, wait."

Zhong Nanyu stopped.

But without turning around, he stood at the door, as if waiting for her to speak.

Su Mian chased up and stood beside him.

She looked up at him. On his angular but tight face, the wrinkles between the sword eyebrows were very deep, and the corners of her lips were tightly pursed

It seems that I'm really in a bad mood.

Su Mian's mind moved, "wait for me here. I'll talk to my two colleagues and come to you."

Zhong Nanyu looked at her, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, "are you sure?"

Su Mian was stunned and didn't understand why he asked.

"Don't you want to drink?"

"Not afraid?"

"I......" Su Mian looked away uneasily and said softly, "I'm with you. I don't have to drink......"

With that, she took her eyes to steal the reaction of Zhong Nanyu.

I thought Zhong nangui would be a little unhappy after hearing her.

Who knows, she saw his originally tight lips rising slowly, bringing out a beautiful radian.

Then she heard him say, "OK, you stay with me."

The voice is low, magnetic, and even rare with a trace of tenderness.

Su Mian, "..."

She felt crazy.

Zhong Nanyu also has a gentle side?

Su Mian raised her eyes incredulously and wanted to have a closer look.

But I was disappointed to find that what had just happened was just my own illusion.

The man in front of him still looked light, and his whole body exuded indifference and alienation thousands of miles away.


She did have auditory hallucinations.


Su Mian returned to the hall, said to two colleagues and left.

Back to the stairway, Zhong Nanyu was still waiting there.

Hearing the news, he glanced at her faintly and then raised his feet towards the exit.

Su Mian followed him and they went out of the restaurant one after the other.

When she came to the roadside, Su Mian wanted to stop the car. She was stopped by Zhong Nanyu, "not far, let's go over."


They walked one after the other.

Zhong Nanyu was still in front, and Su Mian followed.

He walked very slowly, and Su Mian slowed down his steps. Following him was like walking, walking forward slowly.

Walking, Su Mian felt something was wrong.

Because Zhong Nanji wants to cross the road, and there is no pub or bar across the road except the hotel where she lives.

Su Mian was worried. Seeing that Zhong Nanji had raised her feet and walked across the road, she had no time to think about it. She directly stretched out her hand and grabbed his arm.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Zhong Nanyu not only didn't stop, but also directly wrapped her little hand holding his arm.

Without saying a word, he took her across the road.

Su Mian was his opponent, so he took him to the middle of the road.

When Su Mian reacts, he tries to get rid of his big hand, and his small face turns red.

His big hands were so hot that she was ashamed and annoyed.

"Mr. Zhong," Su Mian said coldly, "let me go."

Zhong Nanji didn't look at her and led her straight to the opposite side.

He has long legs, big feet and big steps.

Take Su Mian and stagger.

Seeing him silent, Su Mian struggled hard, regardless of whether he was in the middle of the road.

Seeing that the red light was about to turn on, Zhong Nange looked back at her and loosened her big hand that had been tightly wrapped around her

Su Mian was so happy that she turned around and wanted to run.

But the next second, he was held up by someone.

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