I haven't had menstruation for two months. Is this the legendary amenorrhea?

Mom, she was younger and earlier. Will she not even have the qualification to be pregnant in the future?

At the thought that she might not be pregnant in the future, she almost didn't cry on the spot.

Seeing that she was so frightened that her face turned white, Dr. Li couldn't help laughing and said, "where's the incurable disease? You're pregnant."

Pang Tang, "..."

Zhong Yisu, "..."

Both were stunned.

After half a minute, Zhong Yisu took the lead in responding. He, who has always been calm and self-contained, began to be a little nervous, "what shall we do now?"

Forgive him for being a father for the first time. He was at a loss when he heard that his daughter-in-law was pregnant.

Dr. Li smiled again. "Don't be nervous, Mr. Zhong. I just looked at it for my wife. From the pulse, the fetus is about three months old."

When he heard this, he took a breath.

The baby in her belly is almost three months old, and she doesn't know at all.

And running around with her / him all day

Thinking of this, Pang Tang suddenly felt very sorry and panicked.

She was suddenly worried about her child's health. After all, in the past three months, she had taken advertisements, recorded programs and participated in sports programs. Her diet was also extremely irregular. She was worried about whether the child would

Her side is full of wishful thinking, and Dr. Li has given suggestions, "I can only confirm that my wife is pregnant, but I have to go to the hospital for a series of examinations."

As soon as he heard this, he immediately raised his eyes and looked at Zhong Yisu. His voice was eager, "shall we go now?"

Zhong Yisu nodded, "OK."


Forty minutes later, Zhong Yisu went into the gynecological color Doppler ultrasound room of "Zhong Mu's home" with Tan Tang in his arms.

The director of gynaecology personally examined zangtang. Zhong Yisu accompanied him, holding zangtang's hand and tightening it slowly.

Seeing that he was a little nervous, the director of gynecology comforted him, "Mr. Zhong, don't be nervous. Please loosen Miss Yu's hand first, so that it is convenient for me to have an examination."

Zhong Yisu nodded and released his hand.

Kuitang's clothes were lifted to reveal her white, tender and smooth belly.

Until this time, she found that her originally flat abdomen had a bulge.

The director smeared some cold liquid on her belly, and then gently wiped it for her. After wiping it, she took a probe, gently put it on her belly and began to slide slowly.

Pang Tang closed her eyes and felt the probe sliding on her stomach, but secretly prayed in her heart... Pray that all Buddhas and immortals must protect my child.

While Zhong Yisu, his eyes have been looking at pangtang, his thin lips pursed slightly, and his expression was focused.

About a minute later, the director was surprised and said, "it's still twins."

Pang Tang suddenly opened her eyes. She thought she had heard wrong, "what did you say...?"

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhong and Miss Yu. From the examination results, Miss Yu is pregnant in utero and has identical twins."

For a moment, the great surprise was like a hurricane, sweeping every nerve in kuitang's brain.

She repeated incredulously, "really? Is it true?"

"Really," said the director as he examined, "don't get excited, Miss Yi. Lie down and I'll examine you carefully again."

Pang Tang didn't dare to move, but her eyes looked at Zhong Yisu. The excitement and joy that couldn't be concealed came out from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, which made Zhong Yisu also remind the corners of her lips.

"Zhong Yisu."

"Well, I heard it."

"Are you happy?"


Zhong Yisu likes children very much.

There is a girl in the eldest brother's house and two boys in the younger sister's house.

Usually, as long as the children are at home, they like to play with him, and he is willing to play with them.

Sister-in-law Shen Yiyi once said, "if you have children after your second uncle, you must be a loving father."

At that time, he didn't even have a woman around him, let alone had children.

But now, I heard the doctor say that he was pregnant with twins

That feeling... He can't describe it, but he is extremely satisfied and proud.


B-ultrasound results came out soon.

He Tang has been pregnant for 12 weeks, intrauterine pregnancy, twins.

At present, the fetal development is very healthy, but the recent pregnancy reaction of Zantang is a little big and needs supplementary nutrition.

The director of gynecology prescribed folic acid to Zantang again and carefully instructed Zhong Yisu, "Miss Yu has obvious pregnancy reaction now. She's a little weak. She'd better take a vacation and have a good rest for a while. In addition, nutrition should keep up. If she has no appetite for meat food, she should eat more fruits and vegetables. Don't touch hot and cold food. It's the most important thing in the first three months. You're twins. You need to pay more attention to these aspects“

When she said this, she took a look at the high heels she was wearing on her feet. "After pregnancy, try to wear comfortable flat heels, preferably anti-skid ones."

He Tang looked down at the high-heeled shoes on his feet. He was a little embarrassed. "I came in a hurry and forgot to change them."

"Just pay attention later."


"In addition, it is not suitable to have sex in the first four months. Mr. Zhong needs to pay attention."

Zhong Yisu's expression was faint and he nodded.


When he got out of the hospital, he was directly carried out by Zhong Yisu. Until he got on the bus, he looked at her uneasily and asked, "is there anything uncomfortable?"

Kuitang looked coquettish and angry, "I can't be so coquettish."

Zhong Yisu closed the door for her and got on the car.

After getting into the car, he leaned over again and fastened her seat belt with his own hands.

For fear of strangling her stomach, he adjusted his seat belt again and again, making him nervous.

"You're too nervous. The doctor said that the two little guys are not as weak as you think“

Zhong Yisu was embarrassed when she said, "who says I'm worried about them? I'm afraid you're uncomfortable."

He looked at him, suddenly came up to him, kissed him on the face, and then smiled and said to him, "Zhong Yisu, I'm so happy."

Zhong Yisu also looked at her, and suddenly the corners of his lips raised, bringing out a very pleasant arc.

"Me too."

After they left the hospital, they went straight back to Zhong's yard.

It was lunchtime when I went back. There were only Su Mian and Zhong Nanyu at home. They were eating in the pavilion in the yard.

They were surprised to see Zhong Yisu and dangtang coming back.

Su Mian got up and came out of the pavilion and walked in front of them, "when did Tangtang come back?"

Regardless of her last question, kuitang stretched out his hand and hugged Su Mian.

"Aunt," she cried happily, "congratulations on becoming a grandmother again."

Su Mian was stunned by the sudden good news.

It took her a full minute to react. She gently pushed away the crabapple holding her tightly, and asked incredulously, "are you pregnant?"

"Well," he nodded, "and there's more good news."

"What's the good news?"

"I have two babies in my stomach."

Su Mian suddenly widened his eyes and looked surprised, "really?"

"Well, you ask Zhong Yisu."

Su Mian immediately looked at Zhong Yisu. Zhong Yisu smiled and nodded, "we just came from the hospital. The doctor said the fetus is developing well."

"My God," Su Mian turned to call Zhong Nange, "husband, come on, Tangtang is pregnant, and she is still twins."

Zhong Nanyu raised her feet and came out of the pavilion to them.

He glanced at Pang Tang, then looked at Zhong Yisu, "what did the doctor say?"

"The fetus is developing well, but Tangtang has a great reaction to pregnancy. She is a little weak and needs a good rest."

Upon hearing this, Su Mian was distressed.

She found that after more than a month's absence, kuitang's face had lost a lot of weight, his face was pale, his lip color was also light, and the color of the whole popularity was very poor.

"My darling, did you vomit badly?"

Kuitang nodded, "I thought my stomach was broken. In the last week, I felt like vomiting when I smelled a slightly greasy meal. I could only eat some fruit and some porridge."

"My little pity," said Su Mian, holding kuitang to the house, "is there anything you want to eat now? Tell your aunt that she will cook it for you now."

"I especially want your dishes recently. I want some dishes with white porridge."

"Well, aunt, I'll cook porridge for you now. There are plenty of small dishes at home." Su Mian said, turning back and telling Zhong Yisu, "Tangtang is pregnant now. It's not appropriate to live in court in clear water. You two move back."

Zhong Yisu naturally has no problem.

Kuitang nodded, "that's going to trouble aunt."

"Silly child, there is no trouble in the family. As long as you and the child in your stomach are well, I'm happy to do anything."


Su Mian boiled white porridge for zangtang, made a few light dishes with less oil, and made his own pickles. Zangtang drank three bowls of porridge at one go.

Su Mian smiled and squinted. "Do you like it?"

Kuitang nodded, "delicious."

"After that, my aunt will do it for you in a different way. I'm sure she'll raise you in vain."

He Tang listened and kept on playing silly music.

After eating and drinking, he went back to Zhong Yisu's bedroom to have a rest.

Zhong Yisu was always with her. When she fell asleep, he quietly got up and went out of the bedroom.

In the living room, Su Mian already holds the dictionary and is discussing with Zhong Nanyu what kind of name to give the child.

Zhong Yisu came out and sat opposite them.

As soon as Su Mian saw him coming out, he asked, "asleep?"


"While Tangtang is asleep, you go over there and bring some things you need. Tomorrow I'll go out and buy some maternity clothes and shoes Tangtang wears, as well as the sheets and quilt covers in your room. You have to change the most comfortable fabrics, and move some pots of green plants in your bedroom, especially the clock that helps you sleep..."

Zhong Yisu listened and jokingly interrupted her, "was my grandmother so nervous when you were pregnant with me and late?"

"Of course I'm nervous. When I go out for a walk, she wants a servant to hold me."

Zhong Yisu smiled and didn't speak again.

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