The gangster was so frightened that he took it back immediately.

But he is also a small leader, and he is not frightened.

He looked around and shouted, "who?"

A chuckle, very light, very light. If it weren't for the silence around now, Zhong Banxia could hardly hear it.

Then she heard the man open his mouth again, "who am I in my territory?"

Before the voice fell, a small stone flew down from above and directly hit the gangster's forehead.

The little gangster's forehead was smashed and bled.

All of a sudden, he completely annoyed him. He shouted angrily, "who the fuck are you? Dare to hit grandpa..."

Before he finished speaking, the iron door of the small building on one side was opened with a "squeak". A man came out with a stick in his hand, and without saying a word, he drew on the gangster.

It made the other party cry for mercy, and finally the man stopped.

He stood in front of the gangster and kicked each other. His voice was still lazy. "I think you're tired of living."

The gangster looked up tremblingly and looked at the man. This one almost scared him to pee his pants, "Sheng... Sheng... Brother Sheng, i... I don't know this is yours..."

The other party glanced at the other party and asked him carelessly, "do you know me?"

"Recognize... Know."

"Go away."

"Yes, I'll go now..."

The man almost rolled away.

But he didn't run far. He was stopped by the brother again.

He slowly lit a cigarette, bit it on the corner of his lips, and looked at the gangster with cold eyes. "Next time I see you doing these things near this area, I'll cut off your hand."

"Brother Sheng, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..."

"Get out!"

"Yes, yes, yes."


Since the appearance of the man who was respected by the gangster as "brother Sheng", Zhong Banxia has been hiding in the corner and dare not say a word.

Obviously, the gangster knows this man and must be with this man.

Therefore, seeing the little gangster running away, Zhong Banxia was not happy, but became more and more afraid.

A small gangster came and a big gangster came.

So, is it worse for her?

After the little gangster ran away, Xiao Jinsheng slowly turned around and looked up. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the girl shrinking in a corner, staring at him with big rippling eyes, which made no secret of his fear.

There were many girls around him, but no girl dared to stare at him with such a straight look. Although the look was full of fear and uneasiness, Xiao Jinsheng was still hot.

He took a cigarette butt in his mouth and looked up at her. He still carried the stick in his hand. His voice was as lazy and casual as before, "afraid of me?"

Pinellia nodded honestly.

She's afraid!

Very afraid!

From small to large, she was raised to be more delicate than Jiaohua. When she met this kind of thing for the first time, she can still stand here straight now, all supported by the last breath.

She wants to go home!

Want to go home alive!

She doesn't want to die yet.

Seeing her so good, Xiao Jinsheng suddenly laughed.

His voice is very nice, deep and lazy. If it weren't for this special situation, Banxia thought, she might be able to appreciate one or two.

But now, she just wants to get out of here and go home quickly.

Xiao Jinsheng's lip angle tilted, which made his beautiful face a little more ruffian.

He took a cigarette butt in his mouth and played with the stick in his hand. He looked at Banxia angrily and whispered to her, "you look so good and dare to walk this alley alone. Are you too bold or lack of heart?"

His words are very humiliating.

The half summer, who was surprised and afraid, didn't know where to give birth to a touch of Gu Yong. He said, "I don't have the courage, but I'm not lack of heart."

"Hmm?" the other party lowered his head and leaned forward. The whole face was almost pasted on Banxia's face. She was so frightened that she didn't listen and shrank back.

But behind her was a wall. She couldn't retreat at all.

Xiao Jinsheng looked at her movements, like a little white rabbit chased to a dead corner by a wolf. He looked like a poor little rabbit, which made him move. He suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched her chin with his slender fingers, and forced her to look up at him with thin lips. "I think you lack a man."


"Look at me," Xiao Jinsheng said in a sexy voice. "What do you think of me?"

Pinellia ternata, "... What do you mean?"

"Want to be your man."

Pinellia was so angry that her face turned red, "you... You're sick!"

"No?" Xiao Jinsheng laughed. "If you don't promise me today, I won't let you go."


She had just seen his ferocity.

She hesitated. If she resisted, would the end be worse than the gangster just now.

After all, the gangster still knows him, and she

After thinking about it, she whispered to him, "I promised you to let me go?"

"I always keep my word."

"Well, I promise you!"

"Promise me what?"

"Just... Just what you just said..."

"I'll be your man?"

Pinellia eyelashes drooped gently and gave a sound.

Xiao Jinsheng was surprised to see that she agreed.

However, I just thought she was funny and wanted to tease her.

"From now on, I'm your man. Do you have to give me a gift for the first time?"

Pinellia stared angrily, "you..."

"Why don't you kiss me."

Pinellia was so angry that her eyes were red. She had never encountered such a thing. Except for her brothers at home, she had never been in contact with another opposite sex.

Now, facing such a scoundrel in front of her, she was so angry and anxious that she almost didn't cry.

Seeing her biting her lips, reddening her eyes and being bullied to cry, Xiao Jinsheng suddenly felt that he might have teased too much.

So he gently released the big hand holding her chin and rubbed it on her head.

He took back his hand and copied it into his pants pocket. He laughed at her, "if you don't kiss, don't kiss. What are you crying for?"

Today is the worst day for Zhong Banxia since he was born.

First, she was almost destroyed by the little gangster, then forced to accept him as her man by the bastard in front of her, and now forced her to kiss him.

This series of events made Banxia's spirit collapse directly.

The tears she had been holding back came down at once. The big tears were like broken pearls, which fell down with a crackle. The girl in front of him was crying in front of him. Transparent tears fell down her white and tender cheeks. This was not the first time the girl cried in front of him, but Xiao Jinsheng was at a loss from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

He raised his hand and tried to wipe her tears, but Zhong Banxia slapped him away.

She looked at him while crying and shouted, "you stinky hooligan, you bastard!"


"Get out of here!"

Zhong Banxia pushed away Xiao Jinsheng, who was blocked in front of him, then lifted his legs and staggered away.

She's either running or running.

When a person has an emotional breakdown, the most thing he wants to do is to escape from the place where she has an emotional breakdown.

She rushed out of the alley in one breath and rushed to the entrance of the alley with a breath in her mouth.

There happened to be a taxi parked on the side of the road. She opened the door and sat in. She said to the driver who was preparing to take the order, "please go to Guiyuan."

The driver turned back and saw a little girl crying very sad. He didn't dare to ask her what was the matter. He immediately started the car and drove towards Guiyuan.

Xiao Jinsheng stood at the entrance of the alley and watched Zhong Banxia get into a taxi. After the car left, he turned around and walked slowly towards his home.


Until she got off the taxi, Zhong Banxia couldn't believe it, so she escaped.

Zhong Yinzhi had been waiting for her at the door of the community. As soon as she saw Banxia, she immediately raised her legs and ran towards her.

Before running to her, he asked anxiously, "Why are you so slow? I just called you a lot and you didn't answer“

But soon, she found the difference of Pinellia ternata.

Messy hair, red and swollen eyes, several pieces of dirt on the school uniform coat

Zhong Yinzhi panicked, "what's the matter with you?"

The moment I saw my sister, Pinellia ternata's heart was instantly put down.

She hugged her, just crying, crying desperately.

Zhong Yinzhi was more and more disturbed by her crying, but at the moment, she didn't force her to ask her all the time, but held her tightly until Zhong Banxia cried enough.

"Come on, let's go home first."



When she got home, aunt Luo saw that they were back. She just wanted to ask how they came back. Suddenly, she saw that Zhong Banxia was in a mess, so she hurriedly asked her, "Banxia, what's the matter?"

After a big cry, Zhong Banxia's mood also stabilized.

She said to Aunt Luo, "I fell on the road, aunt, help me bring the medicine box at home."

"Oh, my darling, how can I walk and fall?" aunt Luo said painfully as she went to the kitchen to get the medicine box.

Zhong Banxia injured his elbow and knee. Fortunately, it's not very serious.

After applying the ointment, aunt Luo heated the food for the two people. Zhong Banxia obviously had no appetite. After reluctantly drinking a small and half bowl of porridge, Ji went back to his bedroom.

Zhong Yinzhi, who has always been able to eat, couldn't eat any more when she saw her like this.

Hulu drank a bowl of porridge and ran in to find Pinellia ternata.

Banxia saw her come in, "wait a minute, I'll take a bath."

"But your injury..."

"It's all right. I'll be careful."

"Call me if you need me."


When Zhong Banxia entered the bathroom, Zhong Yinzhi sat by her bed and thought.

What happened to Pinellia ternata?

I'm sure she won't fall down on the road and cry like that.

Before holding her at the door of the community, she could obviously feel her trembling, like fear.

Zhong Yinzhi couldn't help guessing whether Pinellia ternata met something on the road?

Just when she was thinking, she came out of the bathroom after taking a bath in the middle of the summer.

Seeing her hair still ticking with water, Zhong Yinzhi immediately took a dry towel from one side, then sat on the sofa and said to Banxia, "come here, I'll wipe your hair."

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