"I can't get up," whispered Xiao Jinsheng, kissing her cheek with his lips. "I'm drunk and tired."


Zhong Banxia almost broke a small white eye.

I'm tired and hold her so tight?

This rascal, big bastard.

Seeing that she was angry and didn't speak, Xiao Jinsheng took his lips away from her face and looked at her with low eyes. "Daughter-in-law, I did what I promised you. When will you marry me?"

"Don't yell..."

"I once promised you that I would work hard and give you the best. I won't let you suffer any injustice. Now I have done it. Although I don't have enough wealth, it's enough to feed you."

Zhong Banxia looked at him with a calm face. "Xiao Jinsheng, I could be with you six years ago. You should know that what I want has never been your wealth."

Xiao Jinsheng looked at her without making a sound.

"If I remember correctly, we didn't even say a word to break up."

"Didn't break up..."

"Really? Has my boyfriend disappeared in the past six years?"

"Daughter in law..."

"Don't call me daughter-in-law," said Zhong Banxia, with a sour heart and red eyes, "I'm not your daughter-in-law, and I won't marry you“

With that, she pushed him hard and tried to push him away.

Facing her excitement, Xiao Jinsheng was at a loss. The only way he could think of was to bow his head and seal his lips.

At the beginning, Zhong Banxia struggled hard. Xiao Jinsheng fixed her two small hands with one hand, and held her tightly with the other hand, so that she had no power to fight back.

Angry, Zhong Banxia began to fight back.

He kissed her on the lip and she bit him with her teeth.

But the result was that he took advantage of the loophole, directly attacked the city into the ground, wrapped around the tip of her tongue and never let go.

In this way, after several rounds of attack and defense, Zhong Banxia completely fell. She not only gave up resistance, but also took the initiative to meet her.

Feeling her initiative, Xiao Jinsheng breathed heavily.

He loosened the big hand that held her hand, hugged her and kissed her deeper.

On New Year's Eve, it snowed again.

Outside the window, snowflakes fluttered and fell silent.

In the house, men and women are inseparable, breathing and getting thicker.

I don't know when, Zhong Banxia's pajamas were lifted up, the man's big hand rubbed up all the way, and finally stopped between her peaks.

The moment he touched his hand, Zhong Banxia trembled all over.

She struggled and tried to escape her lips from his mouth, but how could Xiao Jinsheng let her escape and entangled her all the time, so that she didn't even have a chance to resist.

A moment later, Xiao Jinsheng loosened her lips and fell all the way down the mountains.

"Don't......" Zhong Banxia shouted, "Xiao Jinsheng, don't......"

Xiao Jinsheng seemed not to hear her protest, and he became more and more affectionate.

Facing his potential, Zhong Banxia was soft all over.

She raised her hand and hugged his head. She gasped and said intermittently, "let's... Go to the bedroom..."

For the first time, she hasn't opened directly in the living room

Xiao Jinsheng made a move. He raised his head from her. His dark eyes were burning frighteningly.

He looked straight for a moment, suddenly got up, picked up Zhong Banxia and strode into the bedroom.

After entering the bedroom, he put her gently on the bed, and then pressed her up again.

Both of them are for the first time. It's inevitable that they are a little clumsy and can't find entry skills.

After groping for a long time, he finally found it. Unexpectedly, not long after he went in, Zhong Banxia was in pain. Before he felt any pleasure, Xiao Jinsheng suddenly stopped working.

Pinellia ternata, "..."

After a few seconds, she couldn't help laughing.

Her smile annoyed Xiao Jinsheng, who was pressed on her, so he reorganized and attacked again.

Pinellia ternata, "..."

He's not human!

That's not what's on TV.

That night, Xiao Jinsheng was like tossing Zhong Banxia upside down in order to prove that he was strong. Zhong Banxia, who had first tasted this, couldn't bear it. Finally, he had to cry for mercy. The other party let her go.

This sleep, Zhong Banxia slept very heavily.

When she woke up, light came through the gap in the curtain. Zhong Banxia was sore all over. She wanted to turn over, but she found that she was surrounded by Xiao Jinsheng and held tightly.

There was his breath between his neck, steady and hot.

Zhong Banxia couldn't help remembering that last night, while gasping, he called his daughter-in-law's emotional appearance again and again in her ear.

This smelly man

At this moment, Zhong Banxia could not deny the joy and satisfaction hidden in his heart.

For six years, she has been waiting for this moment. Now this moment has come, and she feels very complete in her heart.

The cell phone rang suddenly. It was her cell phone.

Xiao Jinsheng was awakened. He opened his eyes and looked at the bell Pinellia in his arms.

Zhong Banxia got up from his arms and wanted to reach for his mobile phone, but Xiao Jinsheng dragged him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Zhong Banxia smiled bitterly, "I answer the phone."

"No," Xiao Jinsheng put his lips on her neck and kissed a little, "I'm not going anywhere today."

"That won't work. I have to pay a new year's call."

Xiao Jinsheng looked wronged, "what should I do?"

Zhong Banxia said angrily, "go home."

"No, I want to be with you."

"Xiao Jinsheng," Zhong Banxia just wanted to hurt him, but suddenly changed his mind, "come home with me."


Xiao Jinsheng was a little nervous when he went to his father-in-law's house for the first time.

He first drove home and changed his clothes. Then he didn't know where to go, prepared some gifts, and then drove to pick up Zhong Banxia.

Zhong Banxia couldn't help laughing when he saw him.

Xiao Jinsheng was already nervous. When she smiled like this, she became even more nervous.

He asked her, "is it okay?"

"Well," Zhong Banxia smiled and nodded, "very handsome."

Professional basketball men are very tall, nearly two meters tall. They wear tailor-made clothes. They are perfect in terms of fabric, line and version.

In addition, Xiao Jinsheng has a great figure, a white shirt, a black suit and a dark gray wool coat.

Such a simple combination of colors set off his maturity and steadiness, which made Zhong Banxia's heart move.

She came forward, looked up at him, smiled and said, "you lower your head."

The height difference between them is too big, one is 1.7 meters and the other is nearly 2 meters.

Xiao Jinsheng bent down and cooperated with her obediently.

Zhong Banxia raised his hand, hooked his neck, kissed him heavily on his lips, then loosened it, took a step back, looked at him and smiled, "my family will like you."


"Well, my grandfather, in particular, likes basketball players very much. I heard from my grandmother that he also liked playing basketball when he was young."


"And my uncle and father are basketball fans, so you don't have to be nervous."

Xiao Jinsheng nodded, took a deep breath, came forward and took her hand, "let's go."


When Xiao Jinsheng went back to change clothes, Zhong Banxia called his parents and said he would take his boyfriend home later.

He thought he had heard something wrong and couldn't help asking again, "who did you just say to bring back?"


The other end of the phone was quiet for a full minute. Just when Zhong Banxia thought she was going to scold her, there was a sudden burst of laughter, "my mother, my eldest daughter has found a boyfriend. It's a great wedding."


what do you mean?

Is it incredible that she has a boyfriend?

What kind of mother is this.

After being happy, kuitang said to her, "we are all here with your grandparents. Come directly."


"Oh, by the way, what's your boyfriend's name? How old? What kind of work do you do?" after asking, Pang Tang was a little angry. "You child, you've done a good job of confidentiality. There's no news at all. I think you don't have to be a teacher. You can just be a spy."

"Mom, dear mom," Zhong Banxia immediately coaxed her. "I'll tell you the reason later. As for the others, will you wait for him to tell you in person?"

"Still confidential?"

"It's not a secret. He's coming to pick me up. There's no time."

"All right, come back quickly."


In less than half an hour, everyone in the Zhong family knows a news... Zhong Banxia is going to bring his boyfriend back.

Su Mian was excited to make lunch and was stopped by Zhong Yisu in time. "You'd better rest and we'll eat out at noon."

"How about that? Xia Xia's boyfriend came to our house for the first time. How can we eat out for the first meal? Our Zhong family doesn't have this rule."

Finally, she insisted on cooking.

As a last resort, Zhong Yisu stopped her again and said, "I'll come and you'll have a rest."

Su Mian nodded with satisfaction, "let the third man give you a hand."

Zhong Yixuan sighed and followed his second brother into the kitchen.

He Tang sat in front of Su Mian and asked her excitedly, "Mom, what do you think of my makeup today?"

Su Mian looked carefully and nodded, "very good. Today's lipstick is a little dark. Why don't you change it to a lighter color? I'm afraid you're too angry and scare away my future grandson-in-law."

Kuitang nodded, "Mom, you're right. I'll change the color now."

Shen Yiyi smiled happily, "as your mother-in-law, you're so nervous. It's bad."

Kuitang answered her as she walked, "Xia Xia is not like Yinzhi. Yinzhi doesn't worry about her boyfriend, but Xia Xia can find a boyfriend. I'm really... Thank God."

At this time, Zhong Yinzhi came back.

She only heard the word "boyfriend" and asked curiously, "who has a boyfriend?"

Su Mian smiled and waved to her, "your sister, she just called and said she would bring her boyfriend later."

Zhong Yinzhi blinked. "Does she have a boyfriend“


"Don't be kidding. I asked her a few days ago, and she said she didn't want to find..." here, she suddenly stopped, as if she thought of something and suddenly opened her eyes, "I'll go, isn't it him?"

As soon as they heard of the play, Pang Tang rushed out of the room and looked at her eagerly, "who? Do you know? Have you seen it?"

"I've seen photos."

"How do you look?"

"I'm not sure if it's the man..."

As soon as everyone heard this, there was a story. Zhong Yinzhi was forced to tell the story. Zhong Yinzhi was afraid of what he had said. He covered his mouth and dared not say a word again.

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