After Zhong Banxia was happy, he asked him curiously, "how can the previous owner be willing to sell such a good house?"

"The owner used to be a professor at the University of science and technology. After retirement, he and his wife went abroad to provide for the elderly. The house was vacant. I happened to meet him. Maybe I paid the right price, so he sold it“

Zhong Banxia is so happy.

"Xiao Jinsheng," she smiled and jumped with his arm in her arms, "you really found a treasure."

"Just like it?"

"Love as like as two peas. Love this love. This yard is the same as my dream home."

Xiao Jinsheng reached out to hold her and asked in a low voice, "let's pack it up as soon as possible and move in together?"



The house has been completely completed and has entered the midsummer.

Zhong Banxia used her spare time to dress up her home while she was at work. With Su Mian's spare support, she had everything in her yard. In one small pond, she also planted lotus flowers. The pure white floating yarn she hit around the pavilion. In summer, she sat inside, drinking tea and eating snacks. The wind blew the gauze curtain gently, making people feel relaxed and happy cheerful.

The two-story building was also slightly transformed by her. The first floor was used as a living room, restaurant and kitchen. She changed the previous master bedroom into her painting room, and the other study was given to Xiao Jinsheng as a study.

The second floor is her bedroom and Xiao Jinsheng's bedroom, as well as two guest rooms and a children's room.

The backyard was turned into a gym and a teahouse by her. The teahouse is tatami style, with a rising sun in the room. It's also fun to sit inside and drink tea in winter.

After the house was completed, Pang Tang and Zhong Yisu also came to see it and expressed their satisfaction.

Zhong Yinzhi also came to see it. After reading it, she made it clear, "I think the tea room in the backyard is redundant. It's better to change it into my own room. I'll pay for the modification fee."

But Zhong Banxia ruthlessly refused, "the big star should live in a big villa. This small broken house doesn't meet your current status."

"Tut, this woman, once she has a man, her deep love for sisters is empty."

"You can keep one upstairs."

"Hum, living next door to you two, do I have nothing to do to find abuse?" Zhong Yinzhi said as she approached Zhong Banxia and stared at the purple mark on her neck. "This sport is fierce enough."

Zhong Banxia covered his neck and blushed into a tomato, "didn't you do the same last time..."

"It was just an accident," said the cheeky Zhong Yinzhi, a little shy. "OK, OK, I'll go."

Zhong Banxia smiled and asked her, "don't you mean to have dinner together?"

"No, there's something else."

"Drive slowly on the road."


In August, Xiao Jinsheng had several games.

The last final was in Beicheng. That day happened to be the weekend. Zhong Banxia went to the game without class.

When I got there, I found that my grandparents, parents came.

She looked surprised. "Why are you here?"

Su Mian said happily, "it's all right anyway. Come and see the ball with your grandpa."

Zhong Banxia asked kuitang again, "Mom, didn't you go out of town? When did you come back?"

"Just came back, nothing to accompany your father to see the ball."

Zhong Banxia not only didn't think much, but even stole music in his heart.

I think her family still cares about Xiao Jinsheng.

After the start of the game, Zhong Banxia kept her eyes on Xiao Jinsheng on the court. This was her first time to watch him play at the scene. She felt that he was handsome everywhere. She was full of hormones, which made people's heart beat like thunder.

Plus around, female fans shouted his name crazily

Zhong Banxia couldn't help humming in his heart. He has a lot of fans.

In the final, it was very fierce.

Even Zhong Yisu, who had always been unhappy with Xiao Jinsheng, couldn't help adding oil to him. After half-time, the score was still 0-0 and drew. Zhong Banxia couldn't help but sweat for Xiao Jinsheng's team.

Soon after the second half, Zhong Yinzhi suddenly came.

Her appearance surprised Zhong Banxia even more.

"Weren't you still in Singapore yesterday?"

Zhong Yinzhi sat down beside her. She didn't get enough sleep on her face. She yawned and answered her, "I came back in the middle of the night last night. The jet lag hasn't been reversed."

"I didn't work today. Why don't I sleep more?"

Zhong Yinzhi looked at her with a kind of deep resentment in her eyes. "It's boring to sleep. I want to watch the game."

"... when were you interested in basketball games?"

"Today." after that, she looked at Zhong Banxia from head to foot, and finally asked her with a disgusted face, "why don't you know to put on a good-looking makeup when you go out?"

Zhong Banxia looked inexplicably, "I usually do the same."

"... forget it."


At the end of the second half, the players of Xiao Jinsheng's team seemed to suddenly open up and attack and defend all the way, which made the other party confused. Many fans on the scene were boiling with blood, shouting the name of Xiao Jinsheng's team, and the whole audience was boiling.

Even the basketball idiot Zhong Yinzhi screamed several times, jumped up from his position and shouted Xiao Jinsheng's name.

Zhong Banxia has been sitting quietly in his position, feeling the enthusiasm and madness of the on-site fans. At this moment, he really felt the strong charm of Xiao Jinsheng on the pitch.

Her sight has been following the familiar figure on the court. Every turn, jump and shooting of him makes her heart beat faster and obsessed.

The whistle at the end of the game sounded, and Xiao Jinsheng won the championship with a strong force of 2-0.

The next step is to announce the results and accept the award on the stage.

Xiao Jinsheng led his team members to the podium. After receiving the official award, he suddenly turned and said something to the host holding the microphone. The host smiled and nodded, and then handed him the microphone.

When Zhong Banxia saw that Xiao Jinsheng had taken the microphone, he suddenly looked up at the direction she was sitting. At this moment, he suddenly had a hunch that something related to her was going to happen.

Sure enough, Xiao Jinsheng's low voice came slowly through the microphone. "For me, there are two very important things today. One is to win today's final and live up to all the fans who like and support our team; in addition, I have another thing, which is also a private matter..."

Speaking of this, he handed the trophy to his teammates. Someone ran behind him and handed him a bunch of beautifully packaged roses.

Xiao Jinsheng took the bouquet of roses, held the bouquet in one hand and the microphone in the other, and raised his feet towards the seat where Zhong Banxia was sitting.

Zhong Banxia sat in her seat and didn't move. She looked at him foolishly. Her heart beat faster and the whole person was nervous.

Xiao Jinsheng strode to the bottom of the auditorium and stopped. He looked up at her with a smile on his sweaty face, his lips light up, and his dark eyes bright.

Zhong Banxia sat foolishly and forgot his reaction.

Zhong Yinzhi, who sat next to her, couldn't see any more. She pulled her up and personally sent Zhong Banxia to Xiao Jinsheng. Then she stepped aside and looked at them with a smile.

At this time, her fans recognized Zhong Yinzhi and shouted excitedly at her.

Zhong Yinzhi immediately made a silent movement with her fingers on her lips. Her fans were very qualified and immediately cooperated very well without saying a word.

The whole stadium was quiet in an instant.

Xiao Jinsheng was still wearing a shirt. He stood in front of Zhong Banxia, looked down at her, put the microphone to his mouth and opened his mouth, "you know, I'm a rough man and can't think of a good way to propose. Today's idea was given to me by my grandmother and my mother“

For a moment, Zhong Banxia suddenly realized.

No wonder the whole family came so together? She knew it, but she was still in the dark.

Xiao Jinsheng looked at her and said, "I actually wrote a lot of words I wanted to say last night, but after the game, I found that I had forgotten all my words..."

The fans in the audience laughed.

Someone shouted, "Captain Xiao, play on the spot, love and say whatever sounds good."

Xiao Jinsheng smiled, looked at Zhong Banxia and asked, "what do you want to hear?"

Zhong Banxia has a thin skin, especially on such public occasions. There are many media recording on one side.

A small face has turned red into a tomato. She looked at him with charming and angry eyes. "I'll give you five minutes. You can't wait until it expires."

Xiao Jinsheng was worried. He knelt directly in front of Zhong Banxia on one knee and didn't want the microphone. He directly handed the flowers to Zhong Banxia with both hands and said loudly, "daughter-in-law, marry me and I will love you well."

Zhong Yinzhi raised her hand to cover her face, "my God."

Without a word of sweet talk, just kneel down and beg?

The men who play football are really simple and rough.

Zhong Banxia was full of joy and shyness. She stretched out her hand to take the bouquet of flowers he handed over. Xiao Jinsheng was immediately happy when he saw that she took the flowers. He was about to get up from the ground. Zhong Yinzhi was anxious to remind him, "ring, where's your ring?"

Xiao Jinsheng remembered that the ring had not been taken out.

So he took out the ring box from his pocket, opened it, took out the glittering big diamond ring and stretched it in front of Zhong Banxia.

Zhong Banxia stretched out his hand very cooperatively. Xiao Jinsheng slowly put the ring on her, then got up, came forward and picked her up, and then rushed into the basketball court with her.

Zhong Yinzhi, "..."

God, what kind of coquettish operation is this?

But the fans in the audience were boiling, all kinds of crazy screams, and the atmosphere was directly raised to a boiling point.

Xiao Jinsheng held Zhong Banxia and ran around the basketball court for a big circle before putting her down. Then he kissed her in front of all the audience and media reporters.

His ears were the enthusiastic screams of the audience, and his lips were the familiar temperature. Zhong Banxia thought happily that this moment would probably be the deepest memory of her life.


After proposing marriage, kuitang specially asked Su Mian to find someone to see a good day, and then took this day to find Zhong Banxia.

She handed the piece of paper with the date to Zhong Banxia. "The master said that this day is especially suitable for getting the certificate. You two take the time to get the marriage certificate on this day."

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