After dinner, Lin Qingyuan went into the side room where the farm tools were put. When he came out again, he carried a machete in his hand.

Aunt Dong just came out to pour water. Seeing that he was walking out with a machete in his hand, she asked, "Qingyuan, what are you doing“

Lin Qingyuan didn't listen to his steps and didn't look back. "Go back to the back mountain and cut down a tree branch“

"What are you doing cutting tree branches?"

"Make her a crutch to save you from helping her back and forth."

With that, Lin Qingyuan strode out of the door.

Looking at her son who strode out, aunt Dong sighed silently in her heart. The bear child doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all. I don't think she's too tired to help. Why don't you take the initiative to help it?

No wonder I can't find a daughter-in-law when I'm 30. I'm afraid I'll be single in my life.

Behind the house is the mountain. After entering the mountain, Lin Qingyuan picked a branch that is not as thick as his forearm and cut it down. He skillfully cut off the redundant branches of the branch and dragged it home.

When he got home, he put the branch in the yard, then went into the side room, chose a small machete, polished the uneven part of the branch very smoothly, and finally asked his mother to wrap a circle of cotton cloth around the top of the crutch so that it wouldn't hurt his hand.

While he was doing this, Bai Yian was already asleep in the room.

After driving all morning, her feet hurt badly. Coupled with the fragrance of chrysanthemums between her pillows, she fell asleep in a short while.

When she woke up, outside the window blocked by the curtain, the sun had shifted to the West.

She was in a hurry to urinate. She immediately turned over and sat up. She forgot that she had a wound on her foot and bared her teeth on the spot.

After smelling God, she slowly raised her legs and got out of bed. She looked down and saw a pair of slippers beside the bed.

Slippers are handmade. They have ox tendon soles, cotton uppers and dense stitches. Aunt Dong made them herself.

Bai Yi'an slowly put her feet on and was about to jump out with one leg. As soon as she looked up, she saw a stick similar to a crutch placed at the door of the room. She quickly jumped over with one foot and tried it in her hand... Eh, it's still very useful.

So she walked out of the door slowly with a stick in one hand.

There seems to be no one at home. The gate is closed. Aunt Dong and Lin Qingyuan don't seem to be at home.

With memory, Bai Yian found the toilet.

The toilet was still clean. She solved her physiological needs and came out with a crutch.

At the moment, the sun is not as hot as noon. Anyway, it's all right. Bai Yi'an took her mobile phone out of the room, then sat on the small bench in the yard and sent a message to an Suya, saying that she has arrived here and everything is fine. Let her not worry.

Ansuya quickly sent her a message and told her to take good care of her body.

Bai Yian didn't reply to the information again, but deleted his wechat friends and cancelled several social software.

Now she just wants to jump out of the circle of her previous life and start over.

Looking at the time on the mobile phone, it's almost five o'clock.

She got up and went into the room on crutches.

The suitcase is still aside, and the contents haven't been packed yet.

Open the suitcase, tidy the clothes, take out his toiletries and skin care products and put them on the table. Finally, looking at the watch and jade bracelet in the corner of the box, Bai Yi'an hesitated to take them out?

Now take it out and give it to them. Lin Qingyuan and aunt Dong won't want it. It's estimated that they will doubt her.

Who gives away such valuable things for no reason?

Even if it's used as a thank-you gift, it's too expensive.

At this moment, Bai Yian suddenly regretted that she didn't have a brain when shopping. She should buy some small gifts so that they won't doubt it.

After thinking about it, Bai Yian stuffed the box containing the watch and the jade bracelet under the box, then closed the suitcase and put it aside.

After finishing these, it was already 5:30. Bai Yi'an was thinking that Lin Qingyuan and aunt Dong had not come back yet when they heard the sound of the courtyard door being opened.

She hurried out with a crutch. As soon as she went out, she saw aunt Dong coming in with a vegetable basket on her arm.

She called her, "aunt."

Aunt Dong looked up at her, smiled and asked, "Ann, are you awake?"

"Well," Bai Yi'an smiled shyly. She looked at the vegetable basket on Aunt Dong's arm and walked over with a crutch. "Have you gone to the vegetable garden?"

Aunt Dong, "the vegetables in the garden grow too fast. You have to pick some back every day, or you'll be old."

As she spoke, she walked to the well with a vegetable basket. First she put the vegetable basket aside, and then turned and entered the kitchen.

She drank a glass of water in the kitchen. When she came out, she saw that Bai Yi'an was already sitting on a small stool next to the well, with a crutch aside. She was helping her choose beans.

Aunt Dong looked happy and came up with a bench, "can you choose dishes?"

Bai Yi'an nodded while choosing beans, "HMM."

Aunt Dong sat down beside her and asked her, "what ring is your home in the city?"

"On the edge of the Fourth Ring Road."

"The house price of the Fourth Ring Road is not low. It must be several square meters?"

Bai Yi'an smiled. "Yes, the house price is ridiculously expensive now."

"No," said Aunt Dong with emotion on her face, "we ordinary people can't afford those houses in the city for a lifetime."

Bai Yi'an looked at her. "Aunt, do you want to live in the city?"

Aunt Dong shook her head immediately. "I don't want to. I can't live comfortably in those big cities. The house outside is built like an iron box, and it's still so high. Will you feel dizzy living on it?"

"If you are afraid of heights, you will feel this way."

"And I heard that your neighbors across the street don't know each other?"

Bai Yian, "well, I don't know anyone."

"Then I don't say hello when I meet you?"

"After a long time, you will say hello when you are ripe."

"Usually don't come to talk or talk?"

"Generally not."

"Oh, how did you live that day? You're stuck in your house all day. You can't get sick?"

Bai Yi'an smiled and didn't speak.

Aunt Dong said to herself, "You say that no one in the city is as comfortable as the people in the countryside? Look at my house. I usually grow my own food and drink spring water from the mountain. I kill new year pigs every year for the new year. The pigs are fed by myself. The pork is delicious. It's different from what I sell outside. If I want to eat fish, I go to the river in front to get a fishing net, sprinkle it in the river, and then collect it. It's one Dish... "

Bai Yi'an's eyes lit up. "Are there any fish in the river?"

"Of course, there are many. Qingyuan liked to eat small fish in the river when he was a child. His father often called him to eat."

Although Bai Yi'an knew that Lin Qingyuan's father had died for many years, he pretended to ask, "aunt, where has my uncle gone?"

Aunt Dong sighed, "I've been gone for three years."

Bai Yi'an knows that "gone" means death.

"Sorry, madam..."

"It's all right," aunt Dong waved. "It's all over."

They didn't speak any more. They were silent for a moment. Aunt Dong asked Bai Yian, "do you want to eat fish? The day before yesterday, the pickle at home was almost ready. I made it for you for a while. You must have never eaten it."

Preserved fish, Bai Yian has eaten it.

Aunt Dong made it for her once in her previous life. It's delicious.

She nodded quickly, "OK, I like fish best."

"Like to eat fish?" aunt Dong said immediately, "that's easy to do. Let Qingyuan go to the river with a fishing net tomorrow to bring you small fish. Now the small fish in the river are delicious and fresh. They are wrapped in paste and fried with vegetables. They are crispy, one by one“

Bai Yi'an said, "aunt, you make my mouth water."

Aunt Dong smiled with joy.

After choosing the dishes and washing them, aunt Dong went to the kitchen to cook.

Bai Yian was bored and followed him into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there is an earthen stove with firewood for cooking. Behind the stove, there is a stool. Next to the stool, there are all kinds of dry firewood of different thickness and dry leaves for ignition.

Aunt Dong burns a fire to steam rice. Bai Yi'an looks at it and feels that everything in front of her is fresh.

After the fire was over, the rice was steamed, and aunt Dong began to cut vegetables.

Bai Yi'an sat on the bench behind the stove and looked at the fierce burning firewood in the earth stove. She felt itchy, so she took a dry firewood and put it in like aunt Dong just now.

As soon as the firewood went in, it was lit and burned.

Bai Yian was happy and took another firewood and put it in.

When Aunt Dong saw it, she smiled and said, "don't put too much. Be careful to cook the rice."

Bai Yi'an threw out his tongue in embarrassment, and then obediently sat behind the stove and watched aunt Dong cook.

One stove cooks rice and the other cooks vegetables.

After a while, the whole kitchen was filled with the smell of food.

When the cured fish was cooked, Bai Yi'an's mouth was watering. Aunt Dong turned and took a small bowl out of the cabinet, put a fish in the bowl, and then handed it to her with her chopsticks, "try it."

Bai Yi'an immediately reached out and took a bite with chopsticks. He immediately nodded while eating, "it's not delicious."

Aunt Dong smiled happily, "this fish has spines. Don't eat too fast. Don't let the spines get stuck in your throat."

"Uh huh."


When Lin Qingyuan came back, it was dark outside.

He simply cleaned the well and went into the kitchen.

Bai Yi'an sat behind the stove and burned the fire. Seeing him come in, he looked up and happened to see Lin Qingyuan look up at her. Their eyes collided. Bai Yi'an immediately grinned at him, but the other party glanced at her and quickly looked away.

When Aunt Dong saw him coming in, she said to him, "Qingyuan, move the dining table in the yard to the main room. It's a little cold tonight. I have to eat in the house."

Lin Qingyuan went aside and drank a cup of warm water. Without saying a word, he turned and walked out.

He first moved the table into the main room, then went into the kitchen, opened the cupboard, took out three pairs of dishes and chopsticks, and went out again.

Take out the last green vegetable tofu soup in the pot. Aunt Dong said to Bai Yian, "Ann, you go to the main house first."

Bai Yi'an answered, reached for his crutch, limped out of the kitchen and walked towards the main house.

To enter the main house, she had to go up the steps. She couldn't work hard on her left foot, so it was very difficult.

Lin Qingyuan came out of the main room, passed by her, looked at her, didn't care about her, and raised his feet to the kitchen.

Bai Yian, "..."

Should I be so cold?

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