Bai Yi'an looked at him, reached out and took it, and then drank it one mouthful at a time.

She's really thirsty on a hot day.

In a short time, she drank all the water in the glass.

When returning the water cup to Lin Qingyuan, she smiled at him and said, "thank you."

Lin Qingyuan took the water cup and held it in his hand.

He looked up at her and asked directly, "why come again?"

Bai Yi'an generously met his sight and answered him seriously, "because of you."

"Because of what?"

"Because I like you!"

In a word, let Lin Qingyuan's eyes become deep.

He lowered his eyes and looked straight into her eyes. "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know," Bai Yi'an looked at him with a serious look on his face, "Lin Qingyuan, I like you. I want to be your wife."

Before coming, Bai Yi'an thought that since Lin Qingyuan had her in mind, as long as she said what she wanted to say, he would be moved to a mess, and then they would be together naturally.

So, at the moment, she looked at him expectantly.

Expect him to give her the answer she wants.

But the result is

"I won't marry you!" Lin Qingyuan refused without hesitation. "Drink the water and go!"


Bai Yian is completely stupid.

Shouldn't the plot develop like this?

Seeing that he turned to go, Bai Yi'an was in a hurry. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his big hand. His voice was a little urgent, "Lin Qingyuan, you can't do this..."

Lin Qingyuan stopped, turned and looked at her with deep eyes, "why can't I do this?"

"When you wanted me for the first time, you should be responsible for me."

When she blurted out this sentence, it seemed that the whole world was quiet.

Lin Qingyuan looked at her, and his calm eyes fluctuated for the first time.

His lips moved and his voice was a little hoarse. "Do you remember?"

"Of course I remember," Bai Yi'an said with a sad face. "I've been looking for you for so long. I finally found you. You don't want to be responsible? You scum man, bad man."

As she spoke, she beat Lin Qingyuan with her hand.

Lin Qingyuan has not recovered from the shock and accident.

He let Bai Yi'an beat him without hiding or flashing.

Until Bai Yi'an was tired and saw him standing here like a fool without moving or talking, he raised his hand and pushed him, "are you stupid?"

Lin Qingyuan just recovered.

He looked at her with complicated eyes, "you... Did you really look for me?"

"Otherwise?" Bai Yian said boldly, "how could I know you live here? I'm looking for you."

"The last time you..."

"I'm not sure what you think of me, so I don't dare to say it rashly. I thought, if you don't like me, I won't pester you."


"But now I can be sure of one thing."


"You like me!"

The expression on Lin Qingyuan's face was a little uncomfortable. He denied, "you think too much..."

Bai Yi'an immediately asked him, "so you don't like me?"

"... have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet. I set out early in the morning. I fell down several times before I arrived. I'm so tired." Bai Yi'an, who was suddenly taken off, looked up at Aunt Dong's room and asked softly, "aunt is taking a lunch break?"

"My grandmother is not feeling well these two days. My mother went to take care of her."


"What would you like to eat?"



Lin Qingyuan is cooking. Bai Yi'an consciously carries her backpack into the room she used to live in.

The room was clean, just like she left.

She arranged her things, left the room and went into the kitchen.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. After the meal, Lin Qingyuan gave her a bowl of green vegetable and egg noodles.

He brought her the noodles to the table under the grape rack and left.

Bai Yi'an was hungry and didn't care about him. He ate with chopsticks and a bowl.

When she was full, she looked up and saw Lin Qingyuan coming out of the bathroom. He was carrying a wrench and his clothes were a little wet.

Seeing her look up, he said faintly, "the shower in the bathroom is broken. I'll go to town."


Lin Qingyuan put the wrench in his hand aside and raised his feet into his room.

When he came out again, he had changed his clothes.

He took the car key out of the door. Bai Yi'an took the rest of the empty bowl and went into the kitchen.

After washing the dishes and chopsticks and putting them away, she washed her face with water first, and then entered the room.

The slippers she wore last time were neatly placed by the bed. She changed her sports shoes and went out of the house in slippers.

When she first washed her face, she saw that there were plums in the basket beside the well, so she walked over, washed some with water, and then sat under the grape rack and ate.

While eating, she took one side of the Pu fan to fan.

Now it is the beginning of June. The noon sun is like a big stove, burning everything in the world. I wish I could bake it.

Bai Yi'an was gnawing at the plum, and the sweat on his face was flowing down.

When I came all the way, I didn't feel hot. Now I stopped, but I felt too hot.

Bai Yian stood up and wanted to take a bath. As soon as she raised her feet, she remembered that the shower in the bathroom was broken, so she sat back again.

Lin Qingyuan came back just after eating the plum.

After he entered the door, he didn't bother to wipe his sweat. He directly carried his things into the bathroom.

Bai Yi'an followed. As soon as she entered, she saw Lin Qingyuan squatting on the floor of the bathroom. In front of him was a pile of disassembled parts.

She didn't say a word, so she stood and watched.

Lin Qingyuan skillfully installed all the parts, repaired the shower, turned on the switch and confirmed that it was repaired. He turned to Bai Yian, "OK."

Bai Yian, "can I use it now?"


"It's so hot. I want to take a bath."

With that, she ran out to get her clothes changed.

Lin Qingyuan looked at her back and stood there for a moment. Finally, he went out and took a broom to clean the floor of the bathroom.

When Bai Yi'an came, Lin Qingyuan had returned to his room.

She closed the door, took a shower and began to take a bath.

After taking a bath, it was really cool.

She took her clothes to the well and began to wash them.

There was no water in the bucket on one side. She stood aside, carrying the bucket to fetch water, ready to fetch a bucket of water.

At this time, Lin Qingyuan came over. Without saying a word, he reached out to carry the bucket in her hand and quickly fetched a bucket of water for her.

Bai Yian, "thank you."

Lin Qingyuan didn't speak. He poured the water into the basin for washing clothes. He brought up a bucket of water and poured it into the empty bucket.

Bai Yi'an stood aside, his eyes kept watching his water drawing action, and he couldn't help being crazy.

This man is full of hormones, bronze skin and strong arms. With the action of pumping water, the muscles on his arms bulge and shrink with his action. He looks very manly.

Bai Yi'an couldn't help thinking. He had a strong arm. If he held it in his arms, he should have a sense of security.

She secretly committed a flower mania. Lin Qingyuan has filled the bucket on one side.

He looked up at her and whispered, "call me when you run out of water."

Then he put down the bucket in his hand and raised his feet to go.

Bai Yi'an quickly called him, "don't you go out to work this afternoon?"

"Not much work."

"Watermelon sold?"


"Where's the melon?"

"Sold out."

"Oh," Bai Yian said. Unfortunately, he was late. "I haven't eaten yet."

Last time aunt Dong picked some for her, but Lin Qingyuan drove her away without waiting for her to eat.

Lin Qingyuan looked at her and pulled the corners of his lips without talking.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Bai Yi'an sat down on a small stool and began to wash clothes.

She looked up at him as she soaked her clothes in the basin. "Are you busy now?"


"Talk for a while."

"What are you talking about?"

Bai Yi'an sighed, "something happened to my family."

As soon as Lin Qingyuan listened, his eyes changed slightly, "what's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal, but I can only earn money by myself to support myself and my mother."

Lin Qingyuan frowned, "what happened?"

Bai Yi'an raised her eyes and looked straight at him, "Lin Qingyuan, did you look for me?"



Why didn't you find it?

If you haven't found it, how can you know that she is the adopted daughter of the Zhong family, lives a life of fine clothes and food, and is different from him.

He didn't say a word, and Bai Yi'an knew he had looked for it.

Because in his previous life, when he first came to visit her prison, he personally told her that he had looked for her after that night.

Looking back, Bai Yian opened his mouth while washing clothes, "In fact, I am a native of Beijing. Before I was three years old, I lived in the Bai family in Beijing. You know what? The current president of Bai's group is my uncle, and my biological father is Bai Ronghui. He ranks second in the Bai family. Now he is the vice president of Bai's group. He wants wind and rain in Beijing, and has raised more than a group of women outside."

"When my mother gave birth to me, she had dystocia and hurt her uterus. The doctor said that she might not have children in her life. The old lady of the Bai family, that is, my nominal grandmother, heard about this, she had been forcing my mother to leave the Bai family and Bai Ronghui. But Bai Ronghui had my mother in mind at that time. They were reluctant to separate until I was three years old..."

"In order to force my mother to leave the Bai family, the old lady of the Bai family sent me out secretly and sent me to the Beicheng orphanage. Then she told my mother that I lost myself when I went out to play. In those years, my mother almost went crazy."

"Without me, my mother wept all day. In addition, the old lady of the Bai family tortured my mother by various means all day, and forced Bai Ronghui to break up with my mother. Finally, Bai Ronghui couldn't bear the torture and proposed to break up with my mother."

Lin Qingyuan, "why break up?"

Not a divorce!

Bai Yi'an sneered, "because when my mother was pregnant with me, she had not graduated from college. After giving birth to me, the old lady of the Bai family did not allow them to get married for various reasons, so up to now, my mother and Bai Ronghui have been living together illegally."

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