The next day, Bai Yian drove back to Linjia village.

It was the end of July, and the sun was burning, as if to roast the ground.

Out of the car, there was a heat wave. Bai Yi'an felt so hot that she had to stop breathing.

Lin Qingyuan came out of the yard, took out the suitcase for her, and then led her to the yard.

He went to the house to put her suitcase. Bai Yi'an went to find aunt Dong, but she couldn't find it, so she asked Lin Qingyuan, "where's aunt?"

"Someone in the village married a daughter-in-law. She went to help."

At the moment, the two stood in Bai Yi's sleeping room. Lin Qingyuan saw sweat on her forehead, raised his hand to wipe her, and then asked her, "are you thirsty? I'll cut you watermelon."

"Thirsty," Bai Yi'an put his hand around his thin waist and looked up at him, "make a Bo Bo first and then eat watermelon."

Lin Qingyuan smiled, then bowed his head and kissed him.

The kiss was out of control. They didn't know when they rolled into bed.

Lin Qingyuan had been restraining himself and knew that her great aunt would not be able to come, but in the end, Bai Yi'an stripped off his clothes and took his hand to touch her

"Little liar," Lin Qingyuan punished her angrily, "I'll kill you today."

At noon that day, Bai Yian's voice was so charming that Lin Qingyuan almost paid his gun several times.


They spent the noon in bed and didn't even eat lunch.

After that, I was so tired that I went to sleep. It was almost night when I woke up.

Aunt Dong hasn't come back yet. Lin Qingyuan gets up to cook. Bai Yi'an lies lazily in bed. Her body is tired, but her heart is full.

She loves this small courtyard and the man in it.

Dinner, just the two of them.

Lin Qingyuan made three dishes and one soup, fried chicken with ginger, fried pork with pepper, braised eggplant and mung bean soup to relieve summer heat.

Bai Yi'an beat his sour and soft waist with his hand while eating. Looking at the bright man opposite, his eyes are full of resentment, "if you dare to do that to me again next time, I'll stop you!"

"Isn't it cool?"


Forget it, in terms of playing hooligans, she is no longer the opponent of the man in front of her.

Suddenly, Bai Yi misses the innocent old man before. He can blush for a long time if he touches him.

Nima, who changed him?


After dinner, Bai Yi'an took out the clothes and shoes that an Suya bought for Lin Qingyuan. Lin Qingyuan just wanted to say something in his hand. Bai Yi'an stopped him, "my mother said she bought it for you. If you dare not wear it, she won't let me marry."

"... I just want to say, thank my mother for me."

Bai Yi'an smiled and pointed at him, "shameless, that's my mother“

"Sooner or later."


At more than nine o'clock in the evening, aunt Dong came back.

Seeing Bai Yi'an coming, she was very happy. She took her hand and kept saying, "I heard Qingyuan say you were coming back this morning. I wanted to wait for you at home, but when your sixth aunt married her daughter-in-law, she asked me to help in the first few days. It's a busy day. I have to go tomorrow."

Bai Yi'an smiled and said, "aunt, it's all right. I'm not an outsider. Why are you polite to me?"

"That's right," aunt Dong pointed to the silk skirt Bai Yian bought for her. "Today, I wore this skirt. They all said it looked good and asked me where I bought it. I said it was sent by my future daughter-in-law. It's valuable."

Bai Yi'an was a little embarrassed. "Aunt, I brought you some clothes."

Aunt Dong was not happy when she heard it. "You child, didn't you say you couldn't buy it again last time? Why are you so disobedient."

"Listen to me first. I didn't buy this dress for you this time. My mother bought it for you. She said it was her little kindness to you. I hope you can take it."

"Oh, how funny! Your mother is so polite. You see, every time you go, I don't bring you anything back..."

"Aunt, you don't have to be embarrassed. My mother especially likes shopping. This is her pleasure. We should meet her."

Then she led aunt Dong into her house.

She took it out before and put it on the chair.

She first handed the set of skin care to Aunt Dong, "it's a facial cleanser. My mother bought it."

After living such a long time, aunt Dong saw such a high-end skin care product for the first time. She stretched out her hand to pick it up, looked at it again and again, and felt that what she was holding in her hand was not a dishonor, but a pile of money.

She asked Bai Yian, "is this very expensive?"

"It's not expensive. The box looks more upscale."

"You must have lied to me. It must be very expensive," but then I was happy again. "I never dreamed that I could use such a high-grade face wipe when I was old. It's nice."

Bai Yian looked at her face with a happy smile and suddenly felt that her mother knew her best.

Sure enough, that sentence is true. No matter what age women are, their pursuit of beauty is the same.

Finally, Bai Yi'an gives her clothes to Aunt Dong. Aunt Dong takes her clothes back to her house and shows Bai Yi'an all in one.

Bai Yian looked at it and couldn't help praising his mother's eyes. It was especially suitable.


At dawn the next day, Bai Yi'an was lying in Lin Qingyuan's arms, sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard a knock at the door.

She opened her bleary eyes. Lin Qingyuan also woke up and got up to open the door.

Outside the door stood aunt Dong, with a kitchen knife in her hand. When she saw Lin Qingyuan coming out, she immediately said to him, "Qingyuan, you get up and go to the fish pond to catch some fatter crucian carp. I just killed a few hens and old ducks and picked up a basket of eggs and duck eggs. After a while, you and An'an go to the city and send them to An'an's mother."


"Don't sleep. I'll finish them quickly. I'll go to your sixth aunt's house in a minute. I'm waiting there."

"I see."

"If you don't come back that day, call me."


When the door closed, Lin Qingyuan turned and walked over.

Bai Yi'an lay on the bed, closed his eyes and asked him, "what did aunt say?"

Lin Qingyuan stood aside and dressed. "She killed a few chickens and ducks and asked me to get some crucian carp in the fish pond, as well as a basket of eggs and duck eggs for my mother to send."

Bai Yi'an suddenly opened his eyes, "ah!"


After she got up, aunt Dong had finished everything.

Two bags and a big basket. There are native eggs and duck eggs in the basket. They are arranged cleanly and well.

Bai Yian couldn't laugh or cry. "Aunt, there are so many things that the refrigerator at home can't fit."

"Just two hens and two old ducks. When you go back, let Qingyuan stew one for your mother. If she is not in good health, she has to keep up with her nutrition. It doesn't matter if she doesn't like meat. Let her drink more soup."

Bai Yi'an was so moved that he said, "well, I'll bring your kindness to my mother."

"Ann, you tell your mother that there are no good things in our countryside. Only these local things raised by yourself are not worth a few money. Let your mother never dislike them."

"How can she dislike it? She likes these best. Last time she said that the broilers sold outside were not delicious."

"How can the broiler compare with the local chicken raised in our own free range? The meat doesn't taste good, nor can it stew the smell of soup“

"Well, it doesn't smell at all."


After breakfast, Bai Yi'an followed Lin Qingyuan to the fish pond.

Seeing him fishing a large basin of crucian carp from the fish pond and watching those fat crucian carp, Bai Yi'an suddenly worried that her mother would be over nourished again?

Back to the city, Lin Qingyuan drove.

Bai Yian knew that his driving skills were first-class, fast and stable all the way.

When she got home, an Suya had just had breakfast and was watering the flowers on the balcony.

Hearing the knock on the door, she came to open the door. The door opened. She looked at Bai Yi'an and Lin Qingyuan outside the door. She was stunned, and then smiled, "Qingyuan is coming."

Lin Qingyuan carried two bags in one hand and a bucket with live crucian carp in the bucket in the other hand.

After greeting Ansuya, he took his things and went into the kitchen.

An Suya, "this is..."

Bai Yi'an came in with a basket of eggs and duck eggs, handed the basket to an Suya, and solemnly explained, "it's all prepared by Qingyuan's mother for you. I hope you can take it."

After that, she suddenly felt that this was very familiar. On second thought, didn't she just talk to Qingyuan's mother yesterday?

Hey, she's mixed into a microphone now. It's really tragic.

An Suya took the basket of eggs in her hand and couldn't help saying, "it's too much."

"Go and see the kitchen. It's a hen, an old duck and a bucket of crucian carp. They are all raised by Qingyuan family. They are pure green, pollution-free and absolutely nutritious."

An Suya carried the basket into the kitchen.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I saw that Lin Qingyuan had quickly taken out everything. On the kitchen table, there were two cleaned hens, two old ducks and more than half a barrel of crucian carp.

Seeing her come in, Lin Qingyuan said to her, "aunt, put your things here first and I'll clean up for you."

"Qingyuan, thank your mother for me. She bothered."


Ansuya put the eggs aside, turned out of the kitchen, and then took Bai Yian to the living room.

At the moment, the mother and daughter are sitting on the sofa. An Suya looks at her with a happy face. "The last time I heard you say Qingyuan is from the countryside, I was still very unhappy at that time, but now looking at the child is not only good-looking, good-looking, hardworking and capable, but also your future mother-in-law... I am really relieved."

Bai Yi'an said, "Mom, when it's cooler, I'll take you there to play."


"Go to Linjia village and show you."

"OK," Ansuya's eyes brightened, "I really haven't been to the countryside. I really want to see if it's the same as what's on TV."


They stayed in the city for a day and returned to Linjia village the next morning.

The day after returning to Linjia village, Meng Han came. She also brought a man with Bai Yian. Her cousin Shen Guannian is a designer.

On that day, they took Shen Guannian to the land in front of cherry. Several people stayed there all afternoon and had the initial idea of B & B.

The next day, Shen Guannian and Meng Han returned to the city. Before leaving, Shen Guannian said to Lin Qingyuan, "give me some time. Next time, I'll bring you the design drawings."


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