That night, Xu Baodai received a wechat friend addition request on her mobile phone.

Xu Baodai looked at it. There was nothing on it. The other party's addition request said... Acquaintance.

Xu Baodai didn't think too much, so she ordered to accept it.

After accepting it, she took a bath without taking care of it.

After taking a bath, Huang Li said to her, "Baodai, your cell phone has been ringing."

Xu Baodai put the dirty clothes she had changed aside and bent down to get her cell phone in bed.

When it was turned on, there were several messages on the mobile phone screen, all sent to her by the newly added person.

She glanced and understood everything in an instant.

This is the person named "one poor and two white" on wechat. It's Lin Erbai, not others.

Xu Baodai thought she should have thought of it.

Poor, "what are you doing?"

Poor, "sleeping?"

Poor, "daughter-in-law?"

Poor, "can you say anything?"

Xu Baodai didn't bother to pay attention to him. She turned off her mobile phone and muted it. Then she went out to wash her dirty clothes.

When she washed the clothes, hung them and went to bed, it was already 9:30 p.m.

Li Qian chatted with her, "Baodai, will you run tomorrow morning?"

Xu Baodai said to her as she combed her dry hair with her fingers, "well, do you want to come together?"

"I don't run. I want you to bring me a breakfast."

"OK, what would you like to eat?"

"Meat floss bread and soy milk in the bakery, and another tea egg." Li Qian took the meal card out of her wallet and put it on Xu Baodai's table. "I put the meal card on your table, thank you, honey."

As soon as she finished, Huang Li and Hong Yingying also called for breakfast.

Huang Li said, "I also want to eat hot bread, just like Qianqian's."

Hong Yingying, "me too."

Xu Baodai, "OK, no problem."

We talked for a while, turned off the lights and went to bed.

After lying down, Xu Baodai took out her mobile phone under her pillow, clicked on the screen, and found that she was poor and sent her many greetings.

There was also a missed video call.

Xu Baodai wanted to ignore him, but in the end, she gave him a reply.

Baodai, "are you?"

Yes, she just wants to ask.

Who remembers who he is.

At the other end, Lin Erbai, who had been waiting for her to return information, finally waited until she came back and opened it. He almost didn't get half angry.

Anyway, he didn't bother to give her a message about who he was, so he called her directly on a video phone.

Xu Baodai is having fun with her mobile phone, but she sees that the mobile phone screen is on. She thinks the other party has returned the information. Unexpectedly, the other party has made a video call directly.

At the moment, the dormitory is very quiet, and the other three are quietly playing with their mobile phones.

Without thinking, Xu Baodai directly refused to answer.

Then he hurriedly sent him a message, "everyone is asleep. You have something to send a message."

After a while, Lin Erbai sent a message, "why? Suddenly you know who I am?"

Baodai, "I don't care who you are."

Lin Erbai, "believe it or not, I'll go to your dormitory to find you early tomorrow morning?"

Xu Baodai almost got angry when she saw it.

This psycho, he's threatening her.

So, he didn't pretend to him, and directly knocked a paragraph over, "Lin Erbai, can you not go so far? Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Lin Erbai, "I sent you a message for a long time. You didn't return one. Dare you say you didn't mean it?"

Baodai, "I just don't want to talk to you!"

Lin Erbai, "do you want to go back on your word again?"

Xu Baodai wanted to say that she was going back on her word, but when she thought of Lin Erbai's bold nature, she immediately counseled.

She thought for a long time before returning to him, "I was taking a bath just now."

In a word, all the little unhappiness in Lin Erbai's heart disappeared immediately.

He asked her, "will you have a formal class tomorrow?"

Xu Baodai, "HMM."

"Do you study by yourself at night? I'll come to you."

"Yes, don't come."

"When do you have time?"

Xu Baodai wanted to say that she was busy and didn't have time to see him, but she finally counseled, "let's have a weekend."

Lin Erbai thought for a moment. It's Wednesday today, and there are only two days left. So, "I'll go to you on Saturday morning."


It was Saturday in the twinkling of an eye.

After Lin Erbai finished his morning exercise, he went back to the dormitory to take a shower, changed his clothes and left.

Riding a bicycle, he went all the way to the University and came to the path according to the last route. After stopping, he took out his mobile phone and sent her a message, "I'll wait for you there last time."

Xu Baodai was having breakfast when she received his message.

While drinking porridge, she thought to herself that he had come too early. It was only eight o'clock.

Although I think so, I still finish the porridge quickly.

Other people in the dormitory were still sleeping. She packed up her things lightly and went out with her bag on her back.

All the way, her forehead was sweating.

Lin Erbai rode on the car and saw a girl in a white skirt running towards him from a distance. The white skirt was like a flying butterfly, not to mention how beautiful it was.

When the "Butterfly" came to him, he didn't move on his bike, but his eyes were full of her.

After she took a few breaths, he got out of the car, his eyes fell on her slightly red face due to running, his thin lips slightly hooked, "what are you running for? So eager to see me?"

Xu Baodai gave him a white eye and said angrily, "can you be thicker?"

"I'm not thick skinned," Lin Erhai bent slightly, put his face in front of Xu Baodai, hooked his eyes and smiled at her, "I don't believe you touch it."


Xu Baodai pushed him away, raised her feet and left.

Lin Erbai immediately pushed the car behind her, pushing the car with one hand and holding her hand with the other hand. Just as soon as he touched her fingertip, Xu Baodai dodged.

He knew it couldn't be urgent. He really annoyed the girl. He really ignored him at that time. He regretted that it was too late.

So he got on the car. Lin Erbai called Xu Baodai, "get on the car. I'll take you to a fun place today."

Xu Baodai stopped and looked back at him. "Where are you going?"

"You come up first and you'll know when you go."

"Is it far?"

Xu Baodai didn't want to go out with the opposite sex for the first time.

But when he came and refused again, she was afraid to annoy him.

Lin Erbai stopped, looked at her and said directly, "don't you want to go out with me?"

Xu Baodai wanted to nod, but as soon as she touched his frown, she immediately changed her mouth, "I didn't."

"Come up."

Xu Baodai glanced at his bike and suddenly said nothing, "where do I sit?"

He is not an ordinary bicycle at all. There is no seat in the back, only a front bar. He won't

Thinking of this, Xu Baodai shook her head, "I don't sit in front."

Lin Er Bai chuckled, "stop the ink, come up quickly."

"I don't want..."

Xu Baodai lifted her feet and left. She would rather walk than sit.

Sitting there is like sitting in his arms?

Although he forced him to be his girlfriend, in Xu Baodai's heart, Lin Erbai was still half a stranger. She didn't know anything except his name and gender.

The relationship between the two is far from close.

She was conservative and cautious about the relationship between men and women. Before Lin Erbai, she had never been alone with the opposite sex.

She walked in front, and Lin Erbai followed behind on his bike. He was not in a hurry. He whistled at her while riding slowly, which attracted the passing students to look at Xu Baodai.

Xu Baodai, who was as thin as a piece of paper, couldn't stand this. She immediately turned and walked to Lin Erbai, stared at him in shame, and then got on his car against everyone's strange eyes.

As soon as she sat down, Lin Erbai immediately rushed out by bike. She was so scared that Xu Baodai shrank her whole body in his arms, held his arms tightly with both hands, and her small face turned white and red for a while.

Along the way, neither of them spoke.

Xu Baodai was too ashamed to speak, while Lin Erbai enjoyed the warmth like jade all the way, full of fragrance, which made him feel a little excited.

In this way, I came all the way to Lihu.

Lihu lake is one of the scenic spots in Suzhou. It is full of tourists and picturesque in September and October.

When he got to the place, Lin Erbai went to put the car first, and then led Xu Baodai all the way along the lake.

Today is the weekend. Many people came to Lihu. Lin Erbai was worried about their separation, so he insisted on holding her hand regardless of Xu Baodai's opposition.

Xu Baodai thought, didn't get rid of it, and finally he just went.

The girl's little hand is white and tender. It is soft in the palm of her hand, which makes Lin Erbai love it.

They walked and stopped along with the tourists, and Xu Baodai's interest was slowly raised.

Although she grew up in Sucheng, Xu Baodai has never been to Lihu since her mother died.

After a long time, Lihu lake has become more beautiful.

Xu Baodai took out her mobile phone and took many photos of the picturesque scenery.

Seeing that she kept taking pictures with her mobile phone and didn't look at him, Lin Erbai was a little jealous.

So, deliberately walked into the scenery she took, Xu Baodai didn't expect him to suddenly come in and press the Photo button.

The picture came out. She looked at the man who smiled brightly at the camera and smiled helplessly, "what are you doing?"

Lin Erbai deliberately frowned, "you've been taking pictures all the way and don't talk to me."

"I haven't been here for a long time," Xu Baodai said as she looked down at the photos she had just taken. "I think every scenery is beautiful."

"How long haven't you been here?"

"Almost ten years."

Lin Erbai didn't understand, "isn't your family a native of Sucheng?"

Xu Baodai didn't want to explain too much. She handed Lin Erbai her mobile phone. "Take some photos for me."

Lin Erbai took out his own mobile phone. "I'll use my own and send it to you later."



The two played in Lihu all morning and had lunch in a seafood restaurant near Lihu at noon.

The seafood in that restaurant is very fresh. Xu Baodai likes to eat this and has to eat more.

Lin Erbai saw that she liked to eat. On the way back, he said to her, "I also know a restaurant. His seafood is also delicious. Let's continue to eat in the evening?"

Xu Baodai blushed and stared at him coyly. "Seafood is cool. If you eat too much, your intestines and stomach can't stand it."

"Let's have hot pot that night?"

"I want to go back," Xu Baodai looked at Lin Erbai. "I'm a little tired today."

Lin Erbai glanced at her and nodded without insisting.

Cycling, they went back to school.

Lin Erbai sent Xu Baodai to the bottom of their dormitory this time.

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