Although Xu Baodai loves cleanliness, she has no cleanliness habit. She learned this strange habit from her mother.

When she laid the sheets, put on the quilt cover and pillowcase, Huang Li and Hong Yingying had enough fighting, so they cleaned up a little and went downstairs.

In the restaurant on the first floor, the others arrived and waited for them.

Everyone thought about taking a bath in the hot spring. They simply ate something for lunch and filled their stomachs. Eight people set out for the hot spring city.

To the hot spring city, they went to change their clothes, and then went to the soup pool.

At noon, probably all the tourists went to dinner. There were not many people in the soup pool.

Li Qian and Wu Tong stick together and are not with them.

Huang Li and Hong Yingying like to be lively. Just as the boy over there called them over, they passed.

Xu Baodai didn't like too many people, so she found a small soup pool without anyone.

The fog around the soup pool was swirling. She was soaking in it alone. Her whole body was soaked in the steaming hot spring water. Every pore on her body seemed to be opened. She felt very comfortable.

Xu Baodai was lying by the pool, squinting and pretending to sleep.

After a while, she heard footsteps coming. She thought it was a tourist. She didn't care.

But the other party stopped in front of her.

Startled, Xu Baodai opened her eyes and looked up.

Through the fog, Xu Baodai recognized each other at a glance.

"You..." her heart beat faster unconsciously. "Why are you here?"

Lin Erbai looked at her, ignored her and went straight down the soup pool.

Seeing that he went down the soup pool, Xu Baodai unconsciously shrunk herself to the edge of the soup pool. Her eyes stared at Lin Erbai. Seeing that he went down the soup pool, she raised her legs and walked towards her. She was so frightened that she immediately covered her chest with her hands and asked him, "what do you want to do?"

Lin Erbai walked towards her. His dark eyes swept over the position covered by her death. The corners of his lips were slightly hooked up, "what do you say?"

He smiled angrily, and Xu Baodai was very nervous. "Lin Erbai, if you dare to bully me, I will..."

Facing her threat, Lin Erbai raised his eyebrows and smiled more and more evil, "just what?"

Xu Baodai blushed. "I'll call someone."

"Oh, you shout."


Looking at Lin Erbai approaching, Xu Baodai thought she'd better run away.

Just as soon as she turned around, Lin Er Bai grabbed her arm from behind. She was so frightened that she trembled and cried, "let go of me."

The person holding her turned a deaf ear, directly pasted it, loosened her arm and directly circled her whole person with her arm.

He has no clothes on his upper body, only a pair of swimming trunks under him.

Xu Baodai's clothes are also thin. They stick together. I don't know if it's the reason why the water temperature rises again. Xu Baodai feels that his close back is like a soldering iron, burning her whole body like a fire.

His face turned red, his ears turned red, and his whole body turned red.

Lin Erbai encircled her from behind, his chin gently against her neck nest, his breath burning, "have you missed me in the three months I've been away?"

"What do I want you to do?"

Xu Baodai's tone was a little low, "what's the relationship between us..."

"It doesn't matter. You can't think about it?"

Xu Baodai angrily replied to him, "I won't be as casual as you."

Do you still have a principle of being a man when you say give up and then give up, and when you say provoke and then run to provoke?

What a thick skinned rascal.

Facing her accusation, Lin Erbai not only didn't get angry, but laughed.

He had a good voice and was unable to resist when he laughed, which made Xu Baodai's heart run around, and he was immediately ashamed and annoyed.

She pushed her elbow back hard, just against Lin Erbai's waist. She heard a stuffy hum. She had loosened her arms tightly around her.

Xu Baodai quickly hid aside until she hid far away.

Turning back, he found that Lin Erbai bowed and covered the position just pushed by her with his hands. The expression on his face looked very painful.

When you're nervous, you won't have an accident, will you?

So he asked him anxiously, "are you okay?"

Lin Erbai looked up and clenched his teeth. "Do you know a man's waist can't be touched?"

Xu Baodai shook her head, "why can't you touch it?"

Lin Erbai looked at her, and his eyes fell on her confused face. He knew that she really didn't understand, so he slowly loosened his big hand covering his waist, straightened up, put his hands in front of his chest, and looked at her with an evil smile. "A man's waist is equal to his kidney, and a man's kidney is equal to..."

"Stop talking!"

Xu Baodai cried out suddenly. She covered her face with her hands and was so ashamed that she couldn't find a hole in the ground.

Lin Er Bai smiled, "understand?"


Xu Baodai really wanted to kick him out.

Seeing that she was ashamed to cover her face and dare not see anyone, Lin Erbai couldn't help laughing.

It's good that he doesn't laugh. As soon as he hears him laugh, Xu Baodai can't stay.

So he turned and thought of the soup pool.

Seeing that she was going out of the soup pool, Lin Erbai stopped laughing and shouted to her, "let's talk."

Xu Baodai stopped and looked back at him. "What are you talking about?"

Lin Erbai walked towards the soup pool, leaned on it casually, with a casual posture and a very lazy expression on his face, "talk about us."

Xu Baodai looked at him, turned and walked to the farthest place from him, leaned against the soup pool, and then waited for him to speak.

Lin Erbai didn't worry to open his mouth, so he stared at her with deep eyes, which made Xu Baodai uncomfortable.

She glared at him angrily. "Did you say it or not?"

Seeing her become angry with shame, Lin Erbai hooked up the corner of his lips, "I'm thin skinned and angry. Why do you think I like you?"

"Who made you like..."

Xu Baodai said, looking slightly stunned, and then looked at him, "what do you mean?"

"Young master, I still can't forget you," said Lin Erbai, with a rare look of seriousness. "What do you say to do?"



"I don't know."

"Why don't I chase you again."


"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise."

"You..." in the face of such a scoundrel, Xu Baodai really didn't move, but she still had no reason to complain, "it was you who said to give up..."

"That's not because you don't have me in your heart. I want to see you every day. I ask you ten times, and you say something nine times," said Lin Erbai, and his face sank. "If it's you, can you continue?"

Xu Baodai was speechless.

She knew she had gone too far before, but she didn't like him much at that time.

And he pestered her so tightly that she felt that falling in love was a very troublesome thing.


"Sorry, I was wrong before, but you said give up and give up. Are you still a man?"

In a word, Lin er's face changed.

Then he straightened up and walked towards her.

Seeing that he suddenly came, Xu Baodai immediately became vigilant, "what are you doing? If you have something to say, don't do it..."

Lin Erbai turned a deaf ear and walked up to her. He raised his hand and hooked her small waist, gently taking people into his arms.

Put the palm of her waist slightly hard to make her stick closer to him.

Xu Baodai was not used to this. She struggled hard, but as soon as she moved, she was stopped by Lin Erbai in a low voice, "don't move."

The voice was dark and a little hoarse.

Xu Baodai did not dare to move again. It was not that she was obedient, but that she suddenly felt that something hard on purpose was directly against the root of her thigh. The temperature of that thing was hotter than the water in the soup pool.

She's not stupid. Naturally, she knows what's against her.

Suddenly, his cheeks burned like fire. He had no time to take care of others. He buried his face in front of Lin Erbai's chest and didn't dare to look up.

Lin Erbai hugged her tightly and wanted to bubble with satisfaction.

He hung his eyes, his eyes fell on the root of her red ears, his eyes moved slightly, and kissed them with a bow of his head.

When he kissed, it was obvious that the girl in his arms was stiff, and then he wanted to struggle to push him away, but he moved faster than her. His lips quickly moved from her ear roots to her cheek, all the way down, covering her lip petals.


Before he could make a sound, he was swallowed by the other party. Lin Erbai gently bit her lip, forcibly pried open her shell teeth and entangled the tip of her tongue.

He kissed deeply and moved more and more enthusiastically. A big hand fell all the way down her slender waist and fell somewhere in front of her.

However, the next second, the tip of the reckless tongue was bitten.

After a slight tingling, there was a smell of blood in the mouth.

Lin Erbai slowly opened his eyes, his lips and tongue retreated out. He looked at her with his eyes. The color of his eyes was terrible, "what are you doing biting me?"

Xu Baodai was so ashamed and angry that she raised her fist and beat him hard, "you... Who let you kiss..."

Gently licked the tip of her tongue. Lin Er Bai looked at her with deep eyes, but his voice was so gentle that people were intoxicated, "good, shall we start again?"

He has always been fooling around, ruffian and ruffian. It is rare for him to be affectionate and gentle, which makes Xu Baodai a little overwhelmed.


She turned her face aside and said angrily, "I promised you today. Will you break up again in a few days?"

As soon as Lin Erbai heard this, he shouted, "you've been cold to me before. I thought you didn't have me in your heart. In addition, you were very upset about the game at that time, so..."

Speaking of this, he hugged the girl in his arms more tightly and begged her softly, "I'm sure you have me in your heart now. I won't mention those bastards in the future. I'll love you well and spoil you all my life."

A sweet word made Xu Baodai's body soft.

She turned her face. Her cheeks were crimson, like dyed with good rouge. Her apricot eyes were bright and serious. "Do you know why I've been cold before?"

Her tone was serious, and Lin Erbai slowly released her, "why?"

He also wants to know why.

"My mother died when I was very young. Before she died, my parents had a good relationship and loved each other. After my mother died, my father was very sad. My father loved my mother so much. I originally thought that his mother was the only woman in his life, but when another woman appeared in front of me with an almost big half sister, I knew how naive my previous idea was. That's why A woman is my stepmother now. She is my father's former secretary. They got together a long time ago and kept it from my mother that they had a daughter outside. Maybe later, my mother learned the truth of the matter. She was ill and left me soon. "

The girl told her story calmly, and there was not much sadness in her expression.

But Lin Erbai took her in his arms with heartache. Although he didn't speak, he made Xu Baodai feel at ease.

She smiled gently, "before I met you, I didn't want to fall in love, and I didn't hold any hope for the future marriage. I just want to live alone. I feel that's also good."

"Now I meet you, so I want to try to be loved."

"Lin Erbai, don't let me down."


After they were together, they also had quarrels and cold wars. Each time they lasted no more than one day. There were quarrels between the little couple, at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

As Xu Baodai's graduation approached, their relationship became better and better.

Lin Erbai took her back to her hometown once and met her family.

The family are particularly satisfied with Xu Baodai and like her very much. Xu Baodai feels the enthusiasm and sincerity of the Lin family and likes their family very much.

After graduating from University, Xu Baodai went to graduate school again. After graduation, she was directly admitted to our university as a college English teacher.

Lin Erbai's career has also developed smoothly in recent years. In August this year, he won the world men's singles badminton champion at the Olympic Games, and immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

After returning home from the competition, he proposed to Xu Baodai.

It was like this that day

When he returned home after the game, he had a celebration party that night

In fact, the celebration banquet is for the team members to get together and have fun. Of course, the coach will also be invited.

The two have been together for so many years, and everyone in Lin Erbai's team knows her. They have eaten many meals before, and everyone is cooked.

Even the coach, she knows.

Every time I go to the team to find him and meet the coach, the other party will tease her and ask when to eat their wedding candy.

So that night, Lin Erbai came to pick her up, and she followed without hesitation

The place to eat is in a hotel, which is quite famous in the capital. It opened early. It is said that the owner of this restaurant was a royal kitchen from the palace. He used to cook for the emperor.

This hotel is very distinctive. It still retains the oldest architectural style from inside to outside. There are red lanterns hanging at the door. The waiter is wearing a melon hat, a coat and a very authentic capital emphasis.

There is also a stage inside. Large screens separate each position. Ancient porcelain, flowers, thick wooden stairs carrying years and carved wooden doors are everywhere exquisite and classical.

Xu Baodai likes it here very much. She said it when she first came to Lin Erbai.

After that, Lin Erbai brought her several times, each time making her happy.

The celebration banquet was in the peony box on the second floor. When they arrived, it was full of people.

Lin Erbai took Xu Baodai's hand and went in. When the people inside saw them coming in, they all greeted her.

Xu Baodai responded one by one with a smile, and then Lin Er white-collar sat down in his position.

She sat down. Lin Erbai didn't sit down, but bowed his head and said in her ear, "the boss is over there. I'll say hello."

The boss is Lin Erbai's head coach. Usually, everyone respects him in the team.

Xu Baodai nodded softly, "go."

After Lin Erbai left, other people at the table talked to her from time to time. A moment later, Lin Erbai returned to his position and began to order the waiter to serve.

Not long after the waiter left, the meals were served one after another.

Everyone ate and drank, and the atmosphere was particularly warm.

Xu Baodai was also filled with several glasses of wine. Her white cheeks were tinged with delicate red, like a ripe peach, emitting an attractive fragrance.

Lin Erbai looked at it and was ready to move in his body. He couldn't control it.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Xu Baodai nodded and continued to drink the sweet soup in the bowl.

The sweet soup in this restaurant suits her very much. She drinks a bowl every time she comes.

She drank her sweet soup quietly, sipping it slowly, drinking it, she suddenly felt that the originally busy surroundings slowly became quiet.

So he looked up and saw Lin Erbai not far from her.

I don't know when, he has changed his previous sportswear. At the moment, he has changed into a white shirt and black trousers. His original tall and straight figure is more and more slender and stylish. He looks handsome and has outstanding temperament. Coupled with his deliberate dress, he is so handsome that people can't move their eyes.

He held a bunch of flowers in his hand, which were delicate and fragrant.

Lin Erbai looked at the girl who was still sitting in his position like a fool. He raised his feet and slowly walked towards her. His eyes were dark and gentle. The crystal lamp on his head was dazzling, which illuminated the deep feelings at the bottom of his eyes very clearly.

He walked up to Xu Baodai, suddenly knelt on one knee, put the flowers in his hand in front of her, opened his thin lips slightly, and his voice was as gentle as water. "Before the game, I asked you if you would marry me if I could win the gold medal? You were too much at that time, remember?"

Xu Baodai naturally remembers this.

But to her surprise, he proposed to her on the first day of the competition.

So she quickly stood up from her position. She was at a loss, but with a shy smile on her face, "remember."

Lin Erbai looked up at her with burning eyes. "Xu Baodai, I'm officially proposing to you now. I hope you can marry me!"

Xu Baodai looked at the man kneeling in front of her on one knee. The position of her heart was filled in an instant. In addition to happiness, she was moved.

Maybe she was too happy. Her eyes were red and she almost shed tears.

I don't know when everyone gathered around. Someone coaxed, "promise to marry him."

Then everyone followed the coax, "marry him, marry him, marry him!"

At this moment, too excited, too happy.

Xu Baodai couldn't help but nodded and wept.

The glittering and translucent tears rolled down, but the corners of the lips raised high. Then he stretched out his hand to take the bouquet of flowers and held it in his arms.

Lin Erbai took out the diamond ring he had already prepared, gently took Xu Baodai's white hand, and solemnly put the ring on her ring finger.

The huge diamond ring, set on her slender white and tender fingers, is particularly beautiful.

Lin Erbai stood up, directly picked up at the waist and held Xu Baodai in place for a good circle.

There were laughter, booing and whistling around. Xu Baodai was embarrassed and buried her face between Lin Erbai's neck, unwilling to look up.


Early in the morning, the apartment.

Dark room, messy big bed, men and women entangled.

Xu Baodai couldn't bear it and cried for mercy, "don't be tired..."

"The last time," said Lin Erbai, turning her body over and putting it in his favorite position. He attacked the city all the way to the end, making the girl laugh and cry.

It's almost dawn, and the clouds and rain stop.

Although Xu Baodai was too tired to lift her arms, she didn't know why, but her spirit was particularly good.

By his side, the man has fallen asleep.

By the light light of the night light on one side, she looked at him quietly, with gentle and affectionate eyes.

I'm glad to meet the best of him in my best years.

Thank you!

Thank you for meeting.

Thanksgiving is beautiful.

Thanksgiving, I know and love him all my life.

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