Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1154

"Although she knew the current affairs very well yesterday, she left with the diagnosis money, but the beauty cream she gave you was not bait. Yesterday's thing is a seal, so this beauty cream is a hindhand. "


" the Min family can't go wrong now, so we should be careful. " Mrs. Min said, these are also what she thought on the way here. She is the master mother of Min mansion, so she has to think about many things. One thing has to think about at least three consequences.

Old lady min's face was full of smiles when she heard what Mrs. Min said.

She was extremely satisfied with Zheng's family since she came to min's family. She felt that she must be able to be the master mother of Min's family. Now, her ability has exceeded her expectation.

Even if it happens.

She likes these things very much, but she still doesn't confuse her mind because of these things, and she still keeps sober.

That's good.

With her, Minfu will always look like this.

"Zheng Shi, if you have such a cautious mind, we min Fu will not make a mistake." Old lady Min said with a smile on her face.

Mrs. min came from outside and heard them saying this.

The expression on the face is really complicated.

People of Min family always think that others will count them, but in fact, they are the most calculating people. A real hundred year old man has been counting like this all the time. She doesn't think that Min family will continue to be prosperous in the future. Without everyone's courage, one day they will no longer be everyone.

However, yesterday she had kindly reminded.

She thinks that the Min family should make friends with Gu Chaoyan in good faith. In the future, the Min family will surely benefit. But they can't listen to their own opinions. They still have to choose to calculate. This is something she can't change.

Mrs min went in calmly.

When Mrs. min saw that Mrs. min was coming, she said with a kind smile, "Zhu Xun, please come and sit down. Today I'll have a breakfast. You can stay. Zheng sent a post to ask Miss Gu to come and be a guest. You seem to have some friendship with Miss Gu, so you can stay and have a chat with Miss Gu before you leave. Today, I won't force you to stay in Minfu. You can rest assured. "

With that, she carefully looked at Mrs. min's face. She found that she also used Miss Gu's beauty cream. It didn't seem that there was much change on Zhu Xun's face.

Mrs min and Mrs min are chatting.

Mrs. min's face was heavy and ugly.

What she didn't like was my attitude towards Zhu Xun. First of all, listen to this address. The old lady called her Zheng. It's intimacy. It's Zhu Xun who called her.

And look at the kindness.

How could Zheng be happy.

The old lady said that zhuxun had no effect after using this beauty cream. Naturally, she didn't smile. That's because she was good-looking and hasn't changed a bit over the years.

Zhu Xun's face was also one of the reasons for Zheng's unhappiness.


Xinglin mansion.

It's time for Gu Chaoyan to have breakfast. She learned yesterday that Xiao Jing had finished her work. Now she is in Bingzhou, so that she can have time to see the specific situation.

So Gu Chaoyan simply prepared some breakfast for Jianyi and planned to go to Bingzhou later.

I'm having breakfast at the moment.

Xiujie then came over: "Miss, the servants of Min mansion come over and say they want to see you."

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