Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1513

Min Qing's eyes were firm and his heart was fierce. He stared at old lady min and said, "grandmother, am I right? He is mean to his second sister, and now he is also mean to our min family. Our min family has been a royal family for generations. She's just a phoenix girl. Do you want our min family to treat her like a snake? So when is the head? If she has done so, does a woman with such a kind heart not care about what happened before? "

Min Qing's face had the angry look of young people, which was a kind of dissatisfaction with these things and unwilling to hide.

Old lady min was shocked when she heard these remarks and min Qing's reaction.

Looking at Min Qing with some uncertainty in his eyes.

Min Qingnai is the young master of the Min family. In the capital, the Min family is really a hundred year old family with hairpin tassels. Later, Mrs. min married into the Min family.

The Min family is almost invincible in the capital, so when they teach min Qing, they teach him less about the calculation in the capital.

He also adheres to his own heart and principles, and doesn't know how to think of snakes.

In the past, such a young master of Min family did not have any problems, but now the situation in the holy underworld is not good.

Old lady min's eyes were worried and a little tired.

But still serious and min Qing said the truth: "Qing son, in the future, don't say Phoenix girl is not.". No matter how fengnu is not, we should not have the Min family to criticize her. The Min family is indeed a Zanying family, but the Min family can only do so now. "


" if you don't want to, you can't get through it. In the future, you should stop caring about these things and don't touch them. But as the young master of the Min family, your grandmother wants you to be sensible. "

Old lady min explained with reason and moved with emotion.

No matter how angry min Qing is in his heart or on his face, he can only swallow the anger back to his stomach.

Some unhappy, face is completely unwilling and unconvinced: "I'm a little tired, first go back to their own there to rest."

Seeing this, Mrs. min was a little worried, so she wanted to catch up with her. Mrs. min took a look at her, stopped her and said, "let him be quiet. Qing'er has been a man with his own ideas since she was a child, and has never worried us. Now he just hasn't adapted to the so-called legend of the underworld. When he thinks about it calmly, he will figure it out. "


" you can leave Qing'er alone for the time being. I'll try to talk to her these days. "


" now zhuxun is bound to find it, but it's you. Think about what you should do when zhuxun comes back these days. "

That's all.

Old lady min didn't look at her son. She looked very serious and said, "you are too. When zhuxun's affairs have something to do with her, you say she is not? Let Zhu Xun go. I meant it at the beginning. You don't want to mess around with strange people. The Min family is not as good as before. They are either fellow travelers or enemies with fengnv, so don't be busy fighting any more. "

That's all.

Old lady min is at ease.

Turn around and go back to your yard.

If you say worry, she is the most worried one, but now she can only pretend to be calm, otherwise min Fu will be in a mess.

Old lady min's eyes were worried and she walked on.

"No, old lady!" Not far away, Mammy came in a panic.

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