Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1700

Emperor Shengming was ready to talk about the conditions with yingmen. He even thought about how many things he could give. Today, he invited yingmen to talk about them. To be exact, the presupposition in his heart has given him the most things he can give.

But he never thought that the people of the shadow gate didn't talk according to his meaning, and even repeatedly emphasized in front of him what he didn't intend to do at all.

Then look at the master of the shadow gate, and his men, who are so arrogant in front of him. How can he not be angry.

Wearing the so-called mask is not giving him the imperial face at all.

Today, he will tear down the mask to see what the so-called shadow master is!

The idea of emperor Shengming was very simple, and his hand was strong. When he touched the mask, he tried to pull it off.

Just when he thought that he could pull it down in the next second, Zhou Huaijin turned her body lightly and left Shengming emperor for a distance. The Holy Ghost emperor looked at his hand in surprise. Just now his hand had touched the mask, which could be pulled off almost completely. How could it be.

The emperor was full of anger: "come on!"

"Somebody The right emissary of the shadow gate called people at the same time as the Holy Ghost emperor called people. And he looked at the emperor without expression: "emperor, if our sect leader has any damage in the palace today, we shadow gate so many dark guards, will mercilessly break into the palace, I believe this is something you don't want to see?"

The emperor of Hades was biting his teeth.

He was burning with anger.

Is this threatening him?

Yes, there are a large number of shadow gate nowadays. They want to entangle with themselves. It's really difficult for him to deal with them.

If it had been in the past, he would have cleaned up the existence of evil cults such as shadow gate. But now, the most important thing is jinjuan and his elixir. He can't spend extra energy and manpower to deal with a shadow gate.

As an emperor, he can endure a lot of things.

Emperor Shengming waved his hand, indicating that the imperial army would go down for a while.

Then he said with sincerity: "in this case, we will discuss the matter well. What do you want? Do you have a place in the court? Gold and silver? All these are OK and easy to discuss. Even if you don't want to be at the foot of the prince, I will give you the fiefdom you want. "


"since you are all in the palace, there is no need to carry it. Just say what you want. I don't have the time and energy to waste words with you. "

Wearing a silver mask, Zhou Huaijin took a look at the emperor Shengming.

Sure enough.

He didn't think about solving the demons.

People in his eyes, I'm afraid has been blackmail Feng female chips.

He wanted to give him a chance.

It seems to be redundant.

Zhou Huaijin turned around and went straight out to the Qianqing palace.

The right envoy followed him.

Leaving behind a face of mystical Saint Hades.

He has lowered his posture and said it for his own sake, but he still doesn't want to talk about it?

The emperor returned to his dragon chair and sat with a gloomy face. The whole person was emitting a terrible haze.

The Emperor didn't ask anyone to stop him, and the imperial guards didn't dare to act rashly, so they left.

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