Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1703

From the original plan to the present, yingmen has always been the way to capture the thief and the king first, in order to avoid other innocent people being implicated in this war and dying innocently.

Therefore, in addition to the dark guard who captured the ZhuQueMen, other people directly entered the palace through the tunnels already dug by yingmen. In addition to blocking the four palace gates in the East, West, North and south, they directly came to Qianqing palace to capture Shengming emperor.

Is emperor Shengming not in Qianqing palace?

It's impossible. The palace is already full of shadow guards. The four palace gates are also shadow guards. He has no chance to escape.

Zhou Huaijin calmed down for a moment.

If it's not in Qianqing palace, where will it be?

"Arrange people, search around the palace, it must still be in the palace. "In the palace where those people live in the ethereal Pavilion." Zhou Huaijin said.

The shadow gate's dark guard is just about to do it.

A familiar voice rang out: "no, go to Weiyang palace. The emperor should be there."

Zhou Huaijin turned her head and saw that she was in a mess.

As early as a few days ago, he was directly put into the heaven prison. According to the punishment of the Holy Ghost emperor, he was killed long after he entered the heaven prison. But Chaoyan has been taking care of him, so in addition to the hard days in Tianlong, he didn't get too much hurt. Today, the shadow gate attacked the palace, and at the same time arranged the dark guard to release him.

Defu's identity is embarrassed. Yingmen agrees to leave Chaoyan with his life, so he lets him go there by himself.

I didn't expect that.

The first place he came to was actually the Qianqing palace where emperor Shengming lived.

As a child, Zhou Huaijin hated him very much. He thought that he was the one who followed the emperor of the underworld to do evil. Later, she talked with Chao Yan about Defu. Chao Yan gave a completely different answer. She said that Defu was a rare person. In his position, he was a person who completely did what he should do. He was loyal and loyal to the emperor.

Therefore, he has been tolerant of De Fu for a long time.


Indeed, as Chao Yan said, this is a very sincere person. Even if the emperor Shengming treated him like this, he still couldn't let him go.

And he is the one who knows the God of the underworld best.

He would choose to tell them, I'm afraid, because he knew it was right.

Zhou Huaijin looked at him and nodded.

Take people to Weiyang palace.

He did not question that Delphi would lie.

On the way to Weiyang palace, Zhou Huaijin's Yu Guang can still clearly see the palace people who want to escape with the package, and the shadow gate and the imperial guards are fighting. But in his eyes, there was chaos.

The Holy Ghost emperor, probably also really loved his mother.

It's just that he is too selfish. His desire is stronger than all these things.

He didn't think that at this moment, Emperor Shengming would choose to go to Weiyang palace.

That's the last place he wants blood.

Zhou Huaijin walked quietly.

All the way to the familiar Weiyang palace.

Weiyang palace has been in a depression for a long time. After my mother left, there were no palace people to take care of here. Fortunately, the inner room often seems to be tidied up.

At the moment, the palace people of Weiyang Palace are still standing outside.

After seeing the shadow gate, he opened his eyes wide in horror and wanted to go in to report. He was stopped by the dark guard.

Zhou Huaijin stood in front of the door.

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