Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1714

There was so much activity in the Palace last night, and so many things happened. It's impossible that the people in the misty Pavilion didn't know it at all. They don't just know, they even know the result in the quickest time.


Last night, these people in the ethereal Pavilion stayed at home, because they didn't want to get involved in the dispute of seizing the right in the holy underworld.

The Holy Ghost emperor had no use for them for a long time. Naturally, they were not willing to spend a little energy to help him.

In the future, they just wait for the new emperor of the holy underworld to come to power, and it's not too late for them to make plans.

Even if it is the new emperor, the existence of the ethereal Pavilion also has a certain position, so the people of the ethereal pavilion have no worries at all.

Now hearing the people around the new emperor come, Qianji smiles with satisfaction: "sure enough, when is this, their new emperor will arrange people to come here in a hurry."


"since we are so sincere, let's all go out and give the new emperor some face." Thousand silent a face magnanimous say.

Wu Xing and Zhao Di'er went out with them.

Fubao is leading the people to stand in the center of the hall. When they see the people coming out of the ethereal Pavilion, they just give a Ping Li. Ping Li is what the people of Shengming kingdom will do when they see people of the same status.

The reason for this ceremony to the people of the ethereal Pavilion is that, first, they are not from the kingdom of the Holy Ghost, second, they are not the owners of the ethereal Pavilion, and third, although Fubao is only a guard, his status in the shadow gate is already very high, so there is no need to give them multiple rituals.

Just after the ceremony, Qianji frowned.

He had been in the palace of the holy underworld for so long. Although he didn't know the etiquette of the holy underworld, he almost knew the general situation from the salutation of those palace people.

This new emperor's people in front of them so casual salute, his heart is naturally dissatisfied.

He was dissatisfied, and his tone was not very good.

He sat down at will, and then said unhappily: "people of the new emperor? Come here. If you have anything to do, just say it. "

At first, he thought that the new emperor had just occupied the Imperial Palace, and many things could be arranged here so early. He was sincere enough and planned to have a good discussion. However, the ceremony made him unhappy. He didn't want to ask them to come to the ethereal Pavilion.

Fubao looks at Qianji.

Since Qianji is talking with him, he directly shows Qianji as the main person in charge of the ethereal Pavilion.

He said directly: "the meaning of the Lord is that the ethereal Pavilion should live in the post station, not the palace, according to the etiquette. Please get ready. I'll arrange for you to go to the post station. "

Fubao said without expression.

Qianji had been ready, and the new emperor of Shengming Kingdom asked them to come to show his kindness.

Suddenly heard the station, face immediately changed.

It's a good thing to put them in the post station. In fact, I'm afraid it's just to drive them out of the palace.

How bold!

No matter where they go, they are respected by everyone. Now they are good enough to drive them away.

Post station?

"Go and call your new emperor over. I have something to say to him personally. If he still insists that we go to the post station, we can go directly! Don't regret it then! " Qianji said angrily.

Fubao's eyes indicated that a dark guard around him went to report.

I'm still here.

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