Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1719

However, Lingyun had given him a pill before, and he wanted to give him an antidote on the day of marriage. Wuxing kept it secret in front of Qianji.

There is no other reason.

Lingyun will do this, and he must want to marry him.

In this case, there is no need to say these little things. If we say this thing, then his face will be lost.

Qianji looks at no star.

Although starless eyes are determined, they are no longer as natural as before.

Lingyun's affairs, in today's situation, become extremely important, no longer like before.

Therefore, he is still a little worried.

Wuxing is too young, confident and arrogant.

I believe that Lingyun will listen to him.

But people always change, especially women.

"Just in these two days, I'll meet her in person sometime. I'll tell her something in person. Do you understand? " Qian Ji said.

Wuxing hesitates, but is still reluctant.

Qian Ji's eyes glared at him deeply.

Wuxing nodded.

Now, he really feels that she has done something wrong with Lingyun.

I don't know if it's just that she's more flexible in making drugs, or she doesn't know how to do it.

It's OK for elder Qianji to see her.

First, give her some pressure, which he can't do at present. Secondly, we can teach her what to do next.

It has been more than half a month since they came out of the ethereal Pavilion, and the delay has been long enough.

The golden scroll must be obtained as soon as possible, otherwise everything will be a little late, and the ethereal Pavilion will be in a passive state, and their plan will be delayed.

Wu Xing thought of these, then nodded: "tomorrow I'll find time to have a good talk with her."

Qianji is satisfied.

He stood up and motioned to go out for a walk.

Besides Lingyun's affairs, their own plans should also be well planned.

Now it seems that in front of Feng Nu, it's not good to be soft or hard. Besides relying on Ling Yun, what else can they do?

This is a headache for Qianji.

Two people just came out of the room, then met just by shadow door dark Wei led in cangyan door and others.

See the person of Cang Yan door, thousand quiet nature is to have no what good facial expression, blow beard stare at them a few eyes.

The little master of cangyan gate had the same kind smile. He looked at Qianji and nodded his head. It was a salute: "elder Qianji, you misty pavilion have just been settled?"


" although the post station is not as quiet as the palace, it is much quieter. Our cangyan gate is just in front of us. If you have anything, you can come to us. " The little master of cangyan gate said with a smile.

Thousand silent face unchanged smile: "this is nature."

Cang Yan is going to go.

Right now.

People in the snow area are here.

When Qianji saw the people in the snow area here, his originally gloomy face was really a bit of a smile. When they were driven to this post station, they really lost face.


If the snow people are also driven here, they will not be so embarrassed.

Qianji stepped forward in a good mood, looked at these people in the snow area, and then said to Ouyang Mingjing, "the Lord of Ouyang city is also here?"

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