Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1726

"I also understand that since I am so unworthy of Wuxing, since I am so useless, since I will only drag him down after I marry him. Maybe I shouldn't want to marry him. He should find a suitable girl for him. Elder Qianji, you think it's very suitable. I believe elder Qianji will give him the best marriage. " Lingyun looked at Qianji seriously: "if you can, Lingyun is willing to quit!"

What Lingyun said was straightforward, without a trace of nostalgia, and even a kind of determination.

Qianji had prepared a lot of other words to oppress Lingyun at this moment. She was so flustered that she was afraid of losing them that she immediately worked for them.


He didn't expect that he would be self defeating in this way. A few words made her want to quit.

Is he wrong?

He's not wrong.

It's been many years since Ling Yun wanted to marry Wu Xing. She was willing to do whatever she was asked to do.

How can now in the Phoenix female side stay of she, on the contrary more and more shrink back.

When things come to this, Qianji is in a bit of panic and is afraid of making things worse.

I dare not say any more harsh words.

He was a little closer to Lingyun. Looking at her, his voice softened a lot, and he said, "I didn't mean you shouldn't marry Wuxing. As long as you help the ethereal pavilion to get the gold scroll in fengnv's hand, you will make a great contribution in front of the pavilion leader. At that time, how can you not be qualified to marry him? On the contrary, you are the most suitable to marry him, and even you will have a beautiful wedding day. "


"there are not many things for you to do. You just try to say a few good words in front of fengnv these two days. After that, let Wuxing tell you what to say in fengnv's ear. After a long time, it will naturally influence her."


"it's just that simple. If you do it well, you can marry Wuxing. Isn't that good?" Qianji looks at Lingyun with a seductive tone and says.

"What if fengnv is dissatisfied with me, so she hates me?" Lingyun asked.

"No, it's OK. Even if the Phoenix girl is dissatisfied, it's nothing. The ethereal Pavilion will protect you." Qianji said impatiently.

If she doesn't even have the use value, what's her use?

"I'll go back and think about it." Lingyun said with some uncertainty.

Qianji rubbed his temple and felt that his whole head was aching.

This Lingyun, why is it more and more difficult to control now.

No star also gave him word of mouth guarantee, certainly can.

He motioned impatiently for no star to come back.

Seeing this, Wu Xing hurried over and looked at Qianji first, then at Lingyun: "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. I have to go back first. I've been out for a long time." Lingyun said with some frustration, listless, as if he had been hit hard.

Wu Xing looked at her and felt something was wrong.

Looking at Qianji with a puzzled face, Qianji motioned him to send people back first.

Wuxing was absent-minded and quickly sent Lingyun back to Xunyang palace. He didn't look up at him again until Lingyun went back to Xunyang palace. He didn't even say anything.

Wuxing thinks something's wrong. He goes back to the post station and goes to Qianji directly.

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