Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1729

Gu Chaoyan?

This name has not been heard for one or two years. A year or two ago, it was the most disliked person in Changning Bofu.

Although the original Changning Bofu was no better in the capital, it was also a family with titles. Many people were eager to marry to Changning Bofu.

But their Changning Bofu had made an engagement with Gu Chaoyan, the eldest lady of Gu's family.

Who is Gu Chaoyan?

Her biological mother is the daughter of a merchant. Her father doesn't like to see her at all. She doesn't have any position in Gu's house. She is ugly and stupid. Her reputation is in a mess. If they marry her back, Changning's house will become the biggest laughing stock in the capital.

Later, their Changning mansion finally designed to give up the marriage and marry Gu Ruxue, the second lady of Gu's family.

This is a wonderful thing. Both families benefit.

It occurred to me that later, Miss Gu turned around and married the prince, and their Changning mansion became a joke in the capital.

There is no place for Ming's marriage.

No one who is a little better in the family is willing to marry the young lady in. Naturally, those ordinary street girls are not worthy of being well-known.

In the past year or two, no matter where they go out of the capital, they will be given strange eyes, and even secretly laugh at them.


The people of Changning Bofu haven't been out of the mansion for more than a year, and they don't care about things outside the mansion. They just wait for the time to pass. After a long time, others forget and everything will come back. Fortunately, since he is a man, it doesn't matter much to get married later.

For more than a year, if you don't care about everything, you can live in Changning Bofu.

Now, when Ming suddenly mentioned Gu Chaoyan, who was ugly and said that she was the new queen of the holy underworld, Mrs. changningbo's face was distorted.

That ugly eight strange even if is later already long good-looking, also just married slightly better, she why.

"Just her? New post? You say that Mrs. Ben is more credible after she is new. " Changning Bo lady teeth sharp mouth said, to Gu Chaoyan full of disgust.

Changning Bofu will come to an end today because of this ugly monster. If it wasn't for her marriage, how could Changning Bofu have such a big change?

If it was not for her marriage, how could Changning Bofu come to such an end?

It's impossible for such a unlucky woman.

"No way." Mrs. changningbo said firmly again, completely disbelieving: "this ugly eight strange, she why. If the steward thinks that you have been wronged by being in charge of our Changning Bofu, you can say it directly. Naturally, my wife will go to the Ministry of rites and ask the imperial court to change people. Why do you answer us so much? " Changning Bo's wife looked at the steward unhappily and said.

There are not many servants in Changning Bofu. What Changning Bofu doesn't earn is the title of Changning Bofu. The servants given by the imperial court still have salaries to live on.

It was arranged by the imperial court.

Naturally, Mrs. changningbo would not treat him as a servant of her own residence. She felt that this man had a different heart, and even looked down upon their changningbo mansion like other people. However, even if their changningbo mansion is no longer working, a steward can still punish them.

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