Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1731

He admitted that when he saw Gu Chao's face changed a little bit later, he thought about marrying her back as a concubine, but it was impossible to take her as his wife. Anyway, he was also the eldest son of Changning Bofu. How could the eldest son's concubine be like this.

Seeing that he was not happy, Mrs. changningbo simply stopped talking. Anyway, these things have passed. It's no use regretting any more. She'd better think about how to arrange for Jiming next.

When it comes to regret, she does have some regrets.

It's better to marry that girl than it is now.

Mrs. changningbo pushed him to have a rest, but she went back to changningbo to discuss.


August, the 23rd year of Hades.

It's time for King Huai to become the new emperor and Gu Chaoyan to be canonized as the new emperor.

Different from the previous ceremony, Zhou Huaijin felt that even as an emperor, she should be close to the common people, after all, for the common people.

So before the ceremony, we will take a carriage and walk around Chang'an Street with the new empress, so that the people of the Holy Ghost kingdom can see what their future emperors and empresses will look like, not just fear.

On this day.

Almost all the people in the capital came out to see what the new emperor and the new empress looked like, and at the same time to feel happy, so that they could prosper in the future.

The manager of Changning mansion made arrangements early. He came out with Changning uncle, his wife and the eldest young master of Changning mansion. He was afraid that he would not see them in the auspicious time, so he arranged for them to come out earlier. Now in this position, he can not only see them, but also see them clearly.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, the people were all happy and came out. The streets of Chang'an were crowded. It was extremely difficult for them to walk around, so they had to be crowded here.

Lu Jiming was very unhappy and crowded here with these Dalits.

But there's no other way.

I can only wait here with a frown.

He was curious.

I wonder who the new queen is.

He didn't believe it was that ugly eight strange, must be Gu Ruxue, his eyes can't be wrong.

Although he didn't hear about foreign affairs, he knew something about it. She married King Ling, who later became the crown prince.

Now the new emperor ascends the throne, this person naturally is the prince, then the queen naturally is Gu Ruxue, isn't this a very logical thing?

It's like what this slave said about Gu Chaoyan.

Now Changning Bofu is not as good as before.

Not only do people outside see their jokes, but the servants in the mansion also look down on them in private. He knows it in his heart. Many people, usually called a reluctant, now just want to see a joke, just did not expect that they would personally come out to verify it.

Lu Jiming was in a crowd of people, thinking about these things secretly while being squeezed.

Mrs. Changning Bo and Mrs. Changning Bo had the same idea, waiting for the new emperor to come out.

I'm in charge. I'm very excited.

He can witness with his own eyes how happy it is for the new emperor and empress to ascend the throne and be canonized. Moreover, the empress is still a phoenix girl, which is rare in a hundred years!

All of a sudden.

The crowd began to crowd and get excited.

According to this situation, then people are coming.

In addition to the excitement of the steward, he also reminded: "the new emperor is coming."

Lu Jiming also stretched his head and looked forward to see what the new emperor and empress looked like.

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