Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1733

At the beginning, he had an engagement with Gu Chaoyan when he was young, but he was Lu Jiming, the eldest son of Changning.

If it is said that the one who gets the Phoenix girl gets the world, then if he didn't leave his family and married Gu Chaoyan directly at the beginning, doesn't it mean that the person who can be in the top position today is Lu Jiming, not Huai Wang?

After all, he was the first person. Later, King Huai was able to get married to her, but that's because he gave up.

Lu Jiming's mind suddenly appeared these things, he frowned, felt headache, the whole person is a bit depressed.

Now, let's see what kind of life he's living now. People are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts. It's been a year or two since no one came to Changning Bofu. The old friends who used to play well don't communicate with him at all. He didn't dare to go out of Changning Bo mansion. Even the servants in Changning Bo mansion were obviously servants and were serving him. But he didn't fear him at all in his eyes. Even there was a sense of irony in his eyes.

This is where people live. What else does his mother say? Let him go to other provinces to find a suitable young lady to marry. When will he live such a miserable life?

If he is the master, Gu Chaoyan's appearance can be said to be good-looking now. He even has outstanding temperament and is no worse than those young ladies in the capital. Otherwise, he can accept concubines again for 3000 yuan in the harem. Which family is not his choice?

How could that be?

He's so regretful. He's so regretful.

Lu Jiming squatted down, holding his head tightly, trying to ease his pain.

He doesn't know. He doesn't know any Phoenix girl at all.

If he knew, how could he do so, and how could he try his best to leave his family.

Gu Ruxue!

It's Gu Ruxue. At the beginning, Gu Ruxue said in his ears that Gu Chaoyan was not the one who seduced him to marry her.

He's going to settle with her!

Lu Jiming turned around and wanted to run away. She was caught by Mrs. changningbo. Her face was full of regret and unwillingness: "it's clear that we were wrong. At the beginning, we were wrong. We shouldn't take a short-sighted look at the second lady. Even if it was later righted and her daughter was there, she was a commoner after all. What was she? "


"did you hear that Gu Chaoyan is a phoenix girl, who gets the Phoenix girl gets the world. According to heaven's will, this world, should be you... "Mrs. Chang Ning Bo sobbed, out of breath.

Lu Jiming is upset when he looks at it.

At the beginning, in addition to Gu Ruxue's encouragement, his mother said in his ear, if not, how could he have been so determined.

Later, Gu Chaoyan became more beautiful. He wanted to take her home, but it wasn't because she stopped him.

Now I know how to cry.

"If you cry, you know how to cry. What's the use of crying here?" Lu Jiming asked with dissatisfaction.

Because of this, the family made a lot of noise.

Originally, onlookers thought they were from other places and didn't know anything about it. They forgave them and kindly told them about the Phoenix girl, so that they could remember to fear her.

Now it's reminiscent of this family's quarrel.

Some of the older people in the crowd had seen their family.

Immediately pointed to them and said: "this is not Changning Bofu people, and Miss Gu retired Pro also everywhere bully Miss Gu."

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