Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1735

"If you don't leave the capital, do you want to die here?" Chang Ning Bo looked at Lu Jiming with his teeth and said, "now Gu Chaoyan is the queen of today. Today we make a little noise. If she hears the wind and thinks of our old grievances, if she pursues them, we will all die in Chang Ning Bo mansion!"


" now that my title of changningbo is dead, you can't inherit it. What's the use of staying in the capital? It's better to go to other provinces as soon as possible, do some business and get married and have children as soon as possible. " Chang Ning Bo stares at him and says.

Lu Jiming shook his head. For a moment, he couldn't accept it.

He was the one who had an engagement with Gu Chaoyan. He was just a little bit away from that position.

Now let him leave the capital, marry any girl, do some business and become a merchant?

He couldn't accept such a gap.

He can't go.

He can't leave the capital. If he leaves the capital, there will be nothing left.

Lu Jiming firmly shook his head: "I don't want to go, you should go by yourself."


"at the beginning, Gu Chaoyan treated me with affection. I don't believe that she doesn't have any old affection now. She has been engaged with King Huai for a long time, and she has not investigated our Changning Bofu. Isn't she still thinking about the old love? I'll try to find a way to meet her. " Lu Jiming said with hope in his eyes.

Changning Bo looked at him: "don't be paranoid!"

"How do you say that? Since there is nothing wrong with what is said, how can it be wishful thinking? " Mrs. changningbo stood up and said, "since there is nothing wrong with what you said, you can't leave the capital. If you leave the capital, there will be nothing left. Try again. Maybe our Changning Bofu will get up again. "

Chang Ning Bo shook his head and thought they were crazy.

The housekeeper looked at them and didn't even want to persuade them.

A little voice came out of Changning Bofu, which had been silent for a long time.

Mother and son are planning.

Outside, the ceremony is still going on, and the new emperor and empress are still greeting the people on Chang'an Street.

In the crowd.

Gu Ruxue and Gu Yunhe are also looking at each other.

Until Gu Yunhe's eyes saw Gu Chaoyan, his whole heart fell down. Looking at Gu Ruxue, he sighed: "really, it's really her."


"we are wrong, we are all wrong."


"when she was in the lobby, she said that she would marry someone with extraordinary status in the future. She didn't talk nonsense. The new emperor was really extraordinary. It's out of our reach. " Gu Yunhe said in Gu Ruxue's ear.

It's all settled.

That's it.

He also gave up.

"At the beginning, I made a mistake. I shouldn't be against Gu Chaoyan. If I had always regarded her as my sister, today, I would have become a royal relative and a noble uncle with her."


"confused, how can you be so confused!"


"destroyed, everything destroyed."


" mother died, father died, we have no future in the capital. " Gu Yunhe's mind flashed his incomparable scenery of those days, such days, can only be memories.

It's all their fault.

"Brother, what are you talking about here? She just became a queen Gu Ruxue said discontentedly.

"And can you be one?" Gu Yunhe roared discontentedly.

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