Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1768

If so, doesn't it mean that soon he will get the gold scroll from Lingyun?

And all that before, is the foreshadowing of Lingyun's feeling that he is not sure of the time, just to give him a huge surprise now. Otherwise, how could it be that no one appeared and disappeared in those days, and now there is no hidden one to find him?

The confusion on Wuxing's face is gradually replaced by smile, and the happiness on his face can't be hidden.

"Well, Lingyun, don't let me worry about the surprise any more. Tell me the result quickly. Have you finished the golden scroll? Have you talked to Feng Nu? " Wuxing asked directly, looking at Lingyun with bright eyes, and his face was very happy.

It's a real smile and a real joy.

Lingyun can see it.

And Wuxing, who is really happy, will only show that side in front of her when she knows that she has done things well.

From beginning to end, it has always been.

I don't know if it's good or bad.

Lingyun looked at him. There was no impurity in his eyes. He said, "No."


"I didn't talk about the golden scroll, and I didn't talk about it."


" I didn't do anything you said or asked me to do. " Lingyun said frankly.


What does that mean?

He told Lingyun so many things that he didn't do them all?

But Lingyun agreed before.

How could it not be done.


"Is it because it's not easy, or dare not, or because you're worried, so fengnv won't trust you?" Wu Xing asked carefully. He was not too angry subconsciously, but puzzled and confused, and even worried about Ling Yun.

Such a reaction would not have happened before.

If it had been before, there would have been only anger and displeasure.

Of course.

Such a change, Wuxing himself did not find that all his concerns are in Lingyun things.

Lingyun's eyes are fixed on Wuxing.

She saw it. She saw the worry in his eyes.

It's true.

I'm really worried about her.

It's a pity.

It's too late.

Before the no star, if there is a little such a heart, she is more than that.

Lingyun put his eyes away.

"I didn't do it because I didn't want to," he said coldly. What are you? What do you want me to do for Lingyun? I have to do for Lingyun? "


"what are you? If you want to marry me Lingyun, I must marry you? Have you ever asked me what I mean? Have you ever thought that I would not like to? "


"Wuxing, how did you cheat me these years, and how cold you treated me, I'm looking at it. In the past, I loved you deeply and didn't put all this in my heart. What I could see was just your little bit of good. Now, I've been sober for a long time. Do you think I'll be used by you like before? Do you think Lingyun will be fooled by you? "


"I will not."


" even, I want you to have a good taste of being cheated, so that you can understand my pain. "


"now, what do you feel when you know the truth?"


"I won't help you at all, even all your greed, the first lady knows. Even if you don't have a star, you don't deserve to marry me

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