Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1775

"Have a cup of tea. It's very good. There's nothing more to do these days, so I'm going to look for tea everywhere, which you should like. There are many cakes in the lobby, please try them. There are few people coming in and out of the Houfu in the north of the town. It's quiet all day. It's rare for someone to come, so they're not lazy. In the future of the province, they don't want to come again. " Zheng Chenyi did not stretch out his hand, but here calmly said these.

Gu Chaoyan took a look at the hall.

There are all kinds of cakes.

She looked at Zheng Chenyi again, he really changed a little.

Gu Chaoyan found an empty place to sit down, and then began to drink tea. She also took a piece of cake to eat at will. However, she did not drink tea here with cakes at Xinglin house and Fengxian hall at will. After eating the cakes, she said, "your face doesn't look good."

"I know. Don't worry, madam." Zheng Chenyi light said: "come here today, but what's the matter."

Gu Chaoyan hesitated and nodded.

Open your mouth and you want to say it.

Zheng Chenyi directly interrupted her with a gesture, and then got up and said, "go out for a walk. If there's anything, talk while walking."

Gu Chaoyan immediately got up and agreed to this matter.

She is not a stranger to Zhenbei Houfu, but there is no such thing as walking in Zhenbei Houfu.

In the garden of Houfu in the north of the town, as in the courtyard just came in, there is no vitality, although the landscape is still incomparably exquisite.

There are no flowers in Houfu, so there are only green and no other colors.

At the beginning, it was the same with Jiang's house, where no flowers were planted. However, there were green bamboo forests everywhere in Jiang's house, and the servants in the house were smiling. Instead of feeling lifeless, they felt detached and quiet.

"After the old lady left, a lot of servants were sent out by Zhenbei Houfu. Now Zhenbei Houfu is less noisy and quiet. You always like to be quiet. Do you like Zhenbei Houfu? " Zheng Chenyi asked as he walked.

Gu Chaoyan's eyes are a little complicated.

What does it have to do with her.

"You and Mrs. Hou like it." Gu Chaoyan replied faintly, and then said: "now the holy underworld has settled down. Zhenbei Hou has a military amulet in his hand. You haven't been to the early Dynasty, so the military amulet is only a token for the time being, but the military amulet hasn't been settled yet."


"the emperor means that if you want to return to the imperial court again, you can take the military talisman, which belongs to Zhenbei Hou. If you don't want to, the talisman will be given to others. "


" what do you think? " Gu Chaoyan asked seriously.

Zheng Chenyi's eyes suddenly have some tingling, it seems that only in Zhou Huaijin's things, she will have this serious strength, and what he just asked, he did not pay attention to it.

"What do you want me to do?" Zheng Chenyi looked at her and asked.

Gu Chaoyan directly frowned subconsciously: "you don't have to rush to give the answer now. You can go back to discuss with Mrs. Hou, or with the counselors of your residence. It's not too late to give the answer tomorrow morning."

"You don't care about me?" Zheng Chenyi asked unhappily.

Once upon a time, she always had so many instructions for herself, whether it was for the old lady or for him to go to the border.

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