Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1778

As soon as Lu Jiming heard Gu Chaoyan's words, he could still settle down there. He was scared to death. If my father didn't have the title of changningbo, wouldn't their family be worse off? Without the title, there would be no salary and servants from the imperial court. How could they stay in the capital?

It can't be like this. No matter what, it can't be like this. Lu Jiming was scared.

Struggling, he yelled: "queen, you can't do this to our Changning Bofu family. That's right. There was something wrong with you in Changning Bofu at the beginning. But you see, in the past, and in the past, we had a family relationship after all. Let us go of Changning Bofu and let us have a good life. "


"we don't ask for too much, we just want to have the old look in the capital!" Lu Jiming cried.

Lu Jiming's voice was so loud that the whole rosefinch gate could hear him. Later, the imperial guards covered his mouth directly, and he could not speak any more.

The imperial guards did not expect that this man would be so uncontrollable, saying the following offensive nonsense.

Gu Chaoyan waved his hand and motioned to the imperial army not to leave.

Then he said, "send people directly to Dali temple, describe the responsibility to Dali temple, and let the people in Dali temple be imprisoned."


" in addition, the Minister of Dali temple was arranged to go directly to Changning Bofu to take back the servants of Changning Bofu to the imperial court, while Changning Bofu took back the title, and he and his wife were exiled to other places. If they disturb like this again, they will be imprisoned in Dali temple as well. "


" in the kingdom of the Holy Ghost, no matter what the word is today, etiquette and integrity are the most important. Those who have no propriety, justice and shame, especially those who have no propriety, justice and shame and even make rumors about the queen, are guilty of felony. The royal majesty is not to be discredited. "

Gu Chao's face was expressionless and serious, and then he signaled to each other to do their own things.

And she returned to the carriage and went into the rosefinch door.

Lu Jiming never thought that his free hand would have such consequences.

Hurt yourself, hurt your family.

In the carriage.

Jianyi was still puzzled: "Miss, what happened to master Changning..."

before Jianyi said anything about himself, Gu Chaoyan directly took her words and said: "the people of Changning Bofu were reduced to this situation at the beginning, not because of me, but because he later withdrew from Gu Ruxue. Gu Ruxue was going to marry Zhou huailing. Zhou huailing can accommodate them there. "


" and now he's making friends with me all the time. I don't care what these villains say. But Huai Jin is now the emperor, these words let them long-term people of Changning Bo mansion, how should Huaijin from


" I don't want him to be troubled by this incident. "


" and the people of Changning Bofu can only say that they are bound in a cocoon. " Gu Chaoyan explained directly.

This time, she was really cruel.

But the reason is that people in Changning Bofu really don't know the truth. Whether it's unfair because of her high status or not, she doesn't regret doing it herself.

The sword immediately understood.

She didn't think the first lady was wrong. She just felt confused.

Miss, in my heart, I am always a gentle person.

"After a while, you can arrange for the Lin family to come into the palace."

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