Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1786

When she fell asleep, she was all in a daze, so she was unconscious, so she didn't feel so cold. Now she woke up, and the whole person was very sober. Just because she was sober, the cold seemed to be particularly serious. She subconsciously wrapped herself in a quilt, instead of getting up, she said solemnly: "prepare thicker bedding in the inner room In addition, we also have some charcoal pots. It's too cold. Why was it so good yesterday and so cold today? "

Sword a listen to Gu Chao Yan frozen shiver said these, face is full of worry and worry expression.

What is the queen saying.

Today's weather is the same as yesterday's, although some cool, but not cold, they are also wearing thin clothes.

Only the queen suddenly seemed to be in winter.

In Jianyi's mind, Lingyun said that the most fundamental poison in the Queen's body is cold poison, and the so-called poison of acacia is to suppress the cold poison in her body.


Now that's the situation.

Is the queen suddenly cold poison attack?

My eyes are full of worry.

Gu Chaoyan saw that the sword didn't move for a long time, so he took a look at her.

At this glance, Gu Chaoyan saw the sword, just wearing thin clothes like yesterday.

She looked out of the window again. There was still some sunshine outside.

She suddenly realized something.

It's not that the sky has changed.

It's the feeling that her body can accept that has changed.

Jian Yi's face was a little unnatural. He said in a panic: "I'll call Miss Lingyun, and then I'll let someone prepare thick bedding and charcoal basin. Wait a moment, Queen."

Gu Chaoyan nodded calmly.

When I didn't see the sword, I was about to cry.

From the time she felt that her physical condition was not right, and from the time she knew the specific situation from Lingyun, she knew that sooner or later, it was just a matter of time.


Gu Chao Yan can only sigh a little.

Royal study.

Zhou Huaijin stayed up all night, and finally managed the affairs of the trial hall and the court hall well. In addition, she found someone to arrange the affairs of Lin Jiashu, which made her feel right.

At this moment, Chaoyan should wake up and find her to have breakfast.

Although Zhou Huaijin was tired, she still had a satisfied smile on her face.

Just as he was about to get up, the sword came in a hurry: "master, please go to Fengxian hall to have a look."

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " Zhou Huaijin asked with a worried face.

"When the queen got up today, she began to say that she was cold. I'm afraid that, as Lingyun said, the cold poison in her body became more and more uncontrollable. That's why..." when Zhou Huaijin heard the preceding words, she immediately got up and hurried to Fengxian hall.

What's going on.

It's not that I've said a lot in the past two days. Why did it happen all of a sudden.

Zhou Huaijin's whole heart is full of ups and downs.

He rushed to Fengxian hall in a hurry.

In Fengxian hall, many palace people are preparing charcoal pots, bedding, and closing the windows. It's cool these two days. It's very comfortable in the room with the windows open. But now the Queen's situation is not suitable for opening the windows.

Zhou Huaijin directly rushed inside, ignoring the salute of these people.

He put Gu Chaoyan in his arms: "how about it? Is it still cold? Is there anything else uncomfortable? "

He held it tightly for fear that Gu Chaoyan would be cold.

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