Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1792

Now he wants to go against the present holy underworld, which can be said to be a good thing.

At the right time, he was also needed by these sects.

Zheng Chenyi takes a confident and proud look at Gu Ruxue. He wants to tell her that it's completely right to choose himself. Now the owners of the snow city come to visit her in person.

Gu Ruxue is really surprised now.

She placed her hope on Zheng Chenyi, but she didn't have the confidence that she had to get when she married the prince. After all, the man in front of her was just a marquis. Her heart was just a fight. After all, she's in a better position to do this than not to do it.

But now.

It's totally different.

She felt that their hegemony was very likely.

Now, he is the one who has to come to the snow field in person except for the misty Pavilion.

Before she knew a little bit, she knew that the snow area was more powerful than the ethereal Pavilion, and she could hear the words of the ethereal Pavilion occasionally.

She said with a smile in front of Zheng Chenyi: "Congratulations, I'm afraid it's not far from what you want!"

Zheng Chenyi's face, which had never been smiling, was full of smiles: "ha ha ha, you are very sensible. You can rest assured that when you get what you want, you can also get the position you dream of

Gu Ruxue's face was full of smiles, as if the back seat was right in front of her eyes.

"Go ahead and bring the Lord of snow city in. I'll have a good talk with him." Zheng Chenyi's face is full of complacency.

Now that the Lord of Xueyu city came to meet him, there is no need for him to meet him. Just wait here.

If he had come to the door in person, he would not have such an attitude.

When Zheng Chenyi grew up in the Houfu in the north of the town, he had some worldly things that he naturally understood thoroughly. Sometimes, the most important thing for some people is to be calm and not condescend. Only when he looks down upon himself can he be looked down upon by others.

Ouyang Ming mirror a crescent white clothes, expressionless follow Zhenbei Houfu steward came.

Zheng Chenyi, the head of the city of snowy land, said with the host's expression, "sit down. What's the matter with me?"

At the end of the speech, he began to ask the servants here to start pouring tea. Although he was arrogant and wanted to be asked by others, the man in front of him was the Lord of the snow city after all. He still wanted to be considerate, and he still needed the help of snow.

Ouyang Mingjing didn't care about the tea and other entertainments at all.

With some anger in his eyes, he looked at Zheng Chenyi and asked: "yesterday, fengnv came to your town, right?"

Zheng Chenyi was slightly surprised, and then he came down.

Is the motive for him to come here because fengnv came to his northern residence?

That's true.

Whatever the reason, it's good for him to see these useful points.

"That's right." Zheng Chenyi responded directly.

"And what did you do? At the instigation of the people in the ethereal Pavilion, did you poison fengnv? Because she trusted you, she never doubted you, but you did such a thing? " Ouyang Mingjing asked.

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